The Witcher: Synthesize Everything

Chapter 272 Breakthrough Legendary Wizard! ! !

Chapter 272 Breakthrough Legendary Wizard! ! !


Rescuing Lin Suo's little waiter and Tifa can be regarded as fulfilling Lin Suo's regret after regaining his humanity.

The survival of the Mermaid Kingdom is purely a coincidence.

The Mermaid Kingdom is famous for its abundance of water-like beauties, as well as a large amount of water-based materials. Mermaids have the talent to act as underwater gardeners.

The wizard's talent is also good. According to legend, it was created by an ancient titan. Lin Suo has not explored it carefully, and the reality is not very clear.

After changing the timeline this time, Lin Suo has two completely different memories in his mind, both of which are about the mermaids, and ruled over the Kraken by the way, and the main body is on the Thorn Star.

The number is not much, only 10,000+, much less than the orcs. This is because Lin Suo did not have a starship when Padolon was destroyed, and there were not many mermaids rescued. After nearly 30 years of reproduction, they have the scale they are today.

It is another water wizard seed.

Works, but not much.

After all, he has a better choice of combat power, and exists purely as a means of purifying the ocean. Like the goblins, he belongs to the logistics race.

In the Kigard galaxy, there are only 20 planets belonging to Lin Suo, and all of them have been occupied by the orc legion. As time goes by, it will slowly reach the deadline of [-] years.

It will be transformed from being owned by the Truth Society to being owned by him personally.

And stole a lot of resources from neighbors, but have not been discovered yet...

The Thorn star is a planet that is not recorded in the star chart.

The Linsuo starship production room is also arranged here.

In recent years, nearly [-] resource stars have been developed outward, and the orc clan that has multiplied to tens of millions is in charge.

It's just that the distribution and aggregation are too scattered to form a "vortex condensed state". The so-called is not treated as a galaxy, but scattered stars, and many military facilities have been arranged.

Treat it as a lookout fort.

It can also be regarded as a new peripheral warning line.

After learning about the situation, Lin Suo arranged for the three new Titan avatars, followed Vulcan and other avatars to run a business, and continued to sell various resources.

Then purchase various materials needed for starship production and continue to strengthen the Rhine Fleet.

At present, his wealth is countless, and it is growing rapidly every year. The number of starships is close to ten thousand.

Mainly the third-class transport ships, there are many innovations in technology, and they are at the forefront of the current era.

The good news keeps on coming.

The only regret is that before leaving the wonders of the universe, Lin Suo arranged two countermeasures, one for Tifa and the mermaids, and the other for guarding the node he crossed.

However, the second follower woke up too early and dissipated before it played a role.

Because of the failure of the second means.

Only then did he have another kind of doubt about fate. This kind of thing cannot be pondered deeply. The more you think about it, the more terrifying it becomes. The most important thing is to focus on the future.

After getting acquainted again.

Lin Suo met the demigod Jila. This guy has limited growth and is still far from a legend. After chatting with him, he didn't care too much.

Sooner or later, he will become a real Aragami.

It's good to see it as a partner, and it's still very pleasant to cooperate so far.

Another busy few days.

Lin Suo went to the mermaid clan.

A seabed potion garden was established here. Without natural enemies, a large number of third-level and fourth-level potions were cultivated, many of which were used to improve the strength of orcs.

Lin Suo's eyes sparkled when he saw a large number of resources.

There are also relatively rare materials that can only be produced by mermaids. Mermaid tears, colorful scales, molted tails, mermaid blood...

All kinds of things are of great benefit to the long-term development of a force.

Since the first generation of mermaids are not yet dead, they are still very respectful to their saviors, but they cannot rely on self-consciousness for a long time.

Lin Suo issued a series of decrees to improve the system of the base camp.

The last orcs to meet.

The orcs known as cosmic ants are different today, and their upper limit of strength is constantly being raised.

Live with the Chimera clan.

He has completely regarded him as the master, and the domestication and changes in the ideological seal are extremely overbearing.

Thrall Talon, Chimera Beastmaster, Demigod Thornla, and Valya all have the potential to step into the legend.

His power is rapidly expanding.

Tina and Valya temporarily stayed on Thorn Star, and Lin Suo was extremely busy every day.

This went on for a whole year, inquiring about the news, and formulating a new development plan after sorting out the armaments, and finally finished it.

The landing calendar is January 44.

Lin Suo remained motionless in the dark, but the corpse ship Leviathan began to exert force.

Do something that is not good for him.

For example, in violation of the laws of the Truth Society, wreak havoc in the Luna Galaxy, kill moon stone beasts, collect their corpses, and try to drive the high elves out of the Luna Galaxy.

It's too dangerous here.

The dark side of the moon was missing, which made him dare not enter the reversed world for a short time, and reminded Thea that there were reversed creatures.

As a strange object comparable to the Philosopher's Stone, Moonstone is very attractive to Lin Suo.

By the way, let the death clone attract attention, cover up the traces of the wonders of the universe, and offset the doubts of a group of people.

Announced the killing of Lash Queen Mayness, Crazy Plant Vanderton, and Breath of Green Leaf Lanna.

In an instant, he became famous in the Truth Society.

Sure enough, they were marked as wanted criminals, and the three leaders were called [Evil Ship Rulers], because when they were separated, Lin Suo already possessed divine power, so they naturally also had this power.

It communicates with the main body, and uses the branches of the world tree as the skeleton, resulting in no loss of energy transmission between each other.

The three of them basically have quasi-legendary strength, and with the power of Leviathan, they are basically invincible.

Within a year, he was confirmed as the Dark Titan again by the Truth Society.

This has attracted the attention of more forces, such as the real Dark Titan Protoss, the creator of fel demons...

The star of ancient Rome.

The base camp of the Dark Titan Protoss, there is the only plant in the known universe on this planet.

Dark World Tree!
No one has seen it, but it definitely exists.

If the Titans of Order are the guardians of the elements, the Titans of Darkness are the destroyers of worlds.

In the dark temple.

The dark gods, who have been troubled by the evil god of dimension recently, are discussing the ruler of the evil ship.

"The newly emerging turbulent forces have been confirmed by the Truth Society as the Dark Titans. I propose to take the initiative to contact them."




"Wait, their appearance has nothing to do with us, they are probably coming from outside the known universe, how can the Dark Titans ensure that they are not malicious?"

"Bar, after being a Dark Titan for so many years, don't you have any points in your heart? There must be malice, but they are not strong enough, and the only result is that they were ripped off and eaten by us."

"Another Dark World Tree...Master Diablo must also want it very much."

"Then... second!"


"Very well, let Star Destroyer Castaga go. He was hit hard by a waste wizard back then, and he has consumed a lot of resources over the years."

"The strength has reached the pinnacle of the third legendary step. Only the power of the rules is needed to become the king of demons and the master of fel energy. If you fail this time after training for so many years, give it to Kil'jaeden as food."



The undercurrent surged, and it didn't affect Lin Suo's life rhythm at all.

Even if he knew that Leviathan was being targeted by the Dark Titan, he wouldn't care.

It doesn't matter if it dies, new ones can be created at any time.

Collecting dead is his task.

And the Leviathan Fleet is just a name. Once it is launched, anyone can be a Leviathan. After becoming famous, it doesn't matter much.

Simply loot around as a space pirate.

Occasionally cooperate with the invisible caravan of the four-element avatar, and it is very happy to deal with the existence that is eyeing them!

It can speed up his development speed too.

Of course, the most important thing is the strength of the body.

The breakthrough of the nine rings is imminent.

A new metamorphosis is coming soon!So everything can go backwards.

Wizards reach Legendary and will have the Elemental Realms.

This is why condensing the magic ring requires a certain degree of fit and linkage effect!

There are no restrictions for wizards to learn witchcraft. They can learn any attribute, but the magic ring represents the fundamental path.

From the moment of condensing the first ring, the future route is doomed.

For example, if you condense fire-type witchcraft and lava fireball, it is best for the second ring to also condense the same series of witchcraft, and reach a connection with the first ring.

For example: lava fire rain, magma giant summoning, volcanic land...etc.

Keep this rhythm and linkage effect until the ninth ring.

It constitutes a huge and incomparable lava field. If you start melting the ring at this time, not only will the difficulty of the level become smaller, but the strength after breaking through will also be very strong.

The stronger the integrity of the domain, the farther the legendary road can go.

Lin Suo's World Tree magic ring, because he used the bug feature of "synthetic power" from the very beginning, he has only had one magic ring all the time.

Completing it constantly becomes Lin Suo's wizard path.

The confluence of multiple elements constitutes the embryonic form of the world tree, so Lin Suo's domain can also be called the real domain!

Today, the world tree and elements are basically complete, and the real world tree branches are also integrated, basically reaching the limit at this stage.

Turn fictitiousness into reality, condense the real realm, the realm of the world tree!It is his way.

That's why he spent a lot of time and effort to continuously complete the entire ecological chain.

From induction to breakthrough opportunity.

Lin Suo prepared for another year, and was only ready to start a breakthrough when there was no way to advance.

The landing calendar is January 46, 1.

Thorn star.

With the characteristics of the divine power wishing machine, the best breakthrough environment is simulated.

Lin Suo sat cross-legged in the center, and a gust of wind carried him to the sky.

Various elements are constantly gathering towards him. At the same time, the Titan clones in various places are also in a state of panic, and the power of the corresponding elements is constantly rioting.


A huge golden divine ring rose from behind Lin Suo.

Under the faint golden twilight, he was set off like a god, a miniature world tree stretched its branches in the ring of the gods, full of vitality, but also contained the power of destruction.

The legendary wizard is close at hand!

Lin Suo suddenly opened his eyes, and there seemed to be the sound of shackles breaking in his body, and a mighty storm of elements began to set sail!
His body became the center of the storm.

No matter what kind of elements, they are frantically irrigated into his body. If you look at it from the outside, you can find that the energy of the entire planet is being swallowed by him.

A splendid storm of elements has swept across the entire planet, and it seems to be evacuating it!

You know, Thorn Star is a ninth-level planet, which is theoretically enough for a legendary wizard to break through.

This has been expected a long time ago, and to break through the legendary wizard, the assistance of cosmic energy is also needed.

Tina, Valya and the others led the elves to activate the compound auxiliary breakthrough wizard array arranged by Lin Suo.


There are nine astrolabes rising from the ground, each of which is 12 meters high. They produce a connection effect according to their orientation, and the star-spangled cosmic energy converges into nine beams of energy light.

Descending on the astrolabe building, after summarizing and purifying, multiple starlights were refracted, pouring fiercely into Lin Suo's body.

Get the blessing of this cosmic force.

Lin Suo officially began to transform.

His soul slowly separated from his body, floating above his body, and gradually began to solidify, gradually taking shape.

Compared with the death pool water, the effect of continuously increasing soul power.

A breakthrough brings about a qualitative change in the soul.

Form a physical soul!

The magic power is huge, vast and boundless!
The World Tree Dharma Ring also began to change, an unusual dividing line seemed to separate the two worlds.

With Lin Suo as the center, it continues to spread outward.

One foot, two feet, three mile, two miles, three miles...


Inside the dividing line, it shows a completely different world. The spring is bright and beautiful, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and there are vibrant places everywhere.

The inside and outside of the dividing line are like two tones, which are very abrupt, making one wonder if there is something wrong with the eyes.

But there are also unusual things.

What is unusual is the architecture!
Lin Suo's real domain is being formed, and the center of it is a world tree!

The pool of death under the tree looks very real.

The statue of the godhead weapon and alchemy equipment, Dusky Star Dragon sank to the bottom of the pool of death, blended into it and disappeared.

The pool of wisdom is a bit illusory, but it also has a bit of foundation, so it won't be fake.

The most unstable one is the Pool of Destiny. There is only a phantom at all, and there is no breath fluctuation at all.

This is a defect that Lin Suo still hasn't made up for, and it has little impact on breaking through the legendary wizard.

The fate in the dark, if you have to say it, may have a little relationship with the school of prophecy, but Lin Suo's attainments in this area are very low, almost none.

There must be ideas for complementing, and I have tried it.

He is sure that the so-called prophecy witchcraft is not an admission ticket for the power of fate at all, at most it is an observer, and it can only be temporarily empty.

Using the power of synthesis to solidify the phantom of the Pool of Destiny so that it cannot disappear, this is Lin Suo's real purpose.

Keep the shell and fill it with opportunities in the future.

At this point, the breakthrough is considered a success.

Lin Suo wanted to open his eyes.

But suddenly discovered that after the Dusky Star Dragon was thrown into the pool of death, according to its personality, it replaced the position of the world-destroying dragon "Nid Hogg".

The characteristic of the magic ring is that the wizard fully grasps the power in it.

The dharma ring, which imitated the world tree, is more than 90% complete, so it has another side.

"Double Domain!"

Lin Suo murmured to himself, he saw the darkness hidden under the brilliance.

"Reversal of the World Tree domain, is it the reversal of the World Tree domain... the real dead domain, so the addition of Dusky Star's power is the key to truly complementing the World Tree Dharma Ring!"

Lin Suo suddenly realized.

The source of Dusky Star's power reverses the world, the opposite of the Star God!

Apart from the Star God, the World Tree also has its own opposite, and the existence of Thea is proof.

Therefore, the power of time is only a part of the positive characteristics of World Tree, but the power of Dusky Star that he has always possessed is the real key!
"Then what is this..."

The joy brought by breaking through the legendary wizard was partly diluted by this discovery, and Lin Suo immediately calmed down.

Look at this breakthrough quite calmly.

outside world.

The moment the mind returned, all the anomalies subsided in the blink of an eye, and the energy concentration of Thorn Star dropped sharply, and it was only at the third level for a while.

It takes some time to recover.


【Ring of the Realm · Lin Suo】

【Age: 65 (30000↑)】

[Talent: Synthesis of Everything (983.1w/1000w)]

[Level: Titan God Lower Rank (8521/10000); Morning Star Legendary Wizard (1/10000)]

[Field: World Tree Realm/Death Reversal Realm]

[Divine power: 5w/5w]

[Extraordinary: Great Sun Furnace Breathing Method (Red Product); Eternal Truth Meditation Method (Red Product)]

[Godhead: Legendary Rank · Lower Rank · Dusky Star Dragon (↑)】

[Clerical Occupation: Sundial (Time Seal)]

[Bloodline Power: Titan Divine Body, Immortal Body (Advanced), Immortal Soul (Super-Order/True Soul), Titan Star Soul (Intermediate), God's Birth Fruit (Intermediate), Lord of Elements (Advanced), Divine Might (advanced).

<Red Product·Eternal> Heart Seal Eternal (↑), Bloodline Refining, Bloodline Evolution, Bloodline Sublimation, Soul Meditation, Soul Essence, and Soul Elevation. 】

This time the change is not big.

The most important thing is the change in lifespan. It seems that due to the joint effect, the divine power has increased a lot at the same time.

There is also the "soul of truth", which means that Lin Suo's soul has condensed into a real soul body, and can survive in the world even without the protection of the physical body.

At this point, ordinary wizards no longer attach as much importance to the body as before, but appreciate the elemental body more.

But there are also schools of wizarding that place more emphasis on the physical.

For example, demon wizards, dragon vein wizards, and wizards who have basically refined powerful bloodlines will continue to strengthen their physical strength.

The wizards who follow the elemental and astronomical genres will start to transform themselves into elements, and some of the pure human blood will still maintain the golden mean and develop on average.

It seems that the middle way is the most common and has no special features, but it turns out that they are the strongest. More than six of the twelve seats of the Holy Spirit in the Supreme Council are strong in this way.

Such as the Golden Speaker!

Even the fire bearers are loyal followers of this road.

"Double legends..."

Lin Suo could feel the power surge again, this time the transformation was no less than the transformation of the first awakening of the Titan's bloodline.

According to his estimation, facing the legendary powerhouse on the first level should be able to crush and easily form a beheading situation.

For the second step, it can be easily suppressed with time-based witchcraft, and there is a more than 40% chance of killing it directly by surprise.

As for the third step, it is hard to judge.

Because the closer to the holy spirit level, the more emphasis on the understanding of the power of the law.

Instead, he used time magic to escape. He could be said to be the first to escape under the Holy Spirit, and absolutely no one could catch him.

Even those Holy Spirit-level existences who are not good at speed.

He can also use the power of the legendary sorcery, the space-time tunnel, to retreat safely.

At this moment.

The demigod Jila appeared in front of Lin Suo with a condensed phantom, with complicated eyes full of complexities. He lowered his body slightly and said respectfully.

"My lord, your student Elise Jr. Gryando is visiting."


"I see……"

 Ah, I'm numb...

(End of this chapter)

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