Chapter 275 Elise


"Yushir Gryondo is my cousin by blood, but she is also one of the offshoot Princess Party."

"As for the others, they are all her dogleg supporters, and one of them is a suitor of the Ye He family."

Simon calmly sent a voice transmission to Lin Suo, explaining clearly.

As for the Yehe family, they have a relatively large background. The main family is a veteran nobleman from the Icefield Empire, and this young master of the Yehe family belongs to a side branch.

And in these years, a new Holy Spirit-level wizard was born.

It can be regarded as a strong supporter of internal division speech.

Of course, none of this will be brought out in the open, it’s all tacitly understood by everyone, and because of the lofty status, it’s not easy to deal with.

No ups and downs, and a reasonable policy has not yet been concluded.

The spearhead seems to be directed at Linsuo, but in fact it is aimed at the main clan represented by Simon.

Usher brought the suitors of Yehe's family to embarrass Simon's guests, which is actually a powerful declaration, and it is clear and meaningful that he has found a strong teammate.

"Cousin Yushir, this is a distinguished guest of the Gryando family. Isn't the young master of the Yehe family you brought along unimpeded in the core area?"

"And looking at the direction you came from, you should be coming from the bloody battle. Why does this young master also want to transform the blood of the devil?"


Because of the demon blood, the Gryondo family has a violent temper, and they love souls as food. Not to mention the violent family tradition, they are well-known all over the world, and their popularity is quite high.

It is also common to have a disagreement with one word.

And they value power more than ordinary wizard families, and appreciate descendants with powerful combat capabilities.

Although Simon is tall and burly, he looks like a red tank, but he is actually very careful, belonging to the demon family who can control his own existence.

Internally, he was given a disgraceful nickname by his peers.

——"The Clean Diplomat".

Usher was choked by Simon, and wanted to get angry, but then remembered the task given by his elders, and immediately changed his face.

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on his charming face.

"Simon's diplomat's friend looks good too, but I don't know if it tastes good~"

"Master Sulchen, what do you think?"

Sulshin Yehe also raised his handsome face, whistled at Lin Suo, and patted his butt provocatively.

"Little boy, my young master allows you to sleep with me tonight."

Lin Suo had a weird smile on his face.

Wizards respect knowledge, believe in truth, etiquette and education are an indispensable part of nobility.

The most obvious difference between the side branches of Xinghai who are used to killing and the main clan is this temperament.

On one side is a breast tumor, on the other side is an elegant nobleman.

It is easy to tell the difference.

Lin Suo also has a temperament, and it is easy to see that he is the same kind of person as Simon.

and so……

"Simon, the laws of the Truth Society clearly stipulate the punishment for the following crimes, don't they?"

"Yes, you deserve it."

As soon as these words came out, both Yushir and Sulshin seemed to realize that something was wrong, and they shouldn't speak in such a tone.

According to the intelligence, didn't they say that they had recruited the Yehe family as foreign aid, and "Diplomat Simon" also went to find foreign aid...

Lin Suo raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, a cross rose from the ground, and thorns and vines quickly tied everyone in front of it.

The sealed runes completely eliminated the possibility of their resistance.

The gap between a legend and an official wizard is just so outrageous.



Crimson flames were burning on everyone's body, especially for Sulshin, the thorns and vines that bound him kept drilling into his body through his mouth and the opening below.


"It's a pity that the delightful wails are no longer available."

The flame torture is aimed at everyone, and the thorn piercing is only aimed at Sulshin.

Likewise, all will survive under the consolation of life magic, except Sulshin...

"Come on Simon."

"Yes, sir!"

Usher's eyes widened, staring at Simon who was leading the way, and Lin Suo behind him.

Legendary powerhouse!
The pain of the flames burning her body could not cause any harm to her, and the pain would pass as soon as it hurt, so it was not a big problem, but it would be more troublesome for her to die here, Sulshin.

After the backs of Lin Suo and the others disappeared, she let out a muffled snort.

A jewel necklace on his chest was activated, trying to save Sulchen.


The power of the demon inside fluctuated violently and exploded in an instant. There was no bones left in Sulchen, even his soul was blown away.

Yoshir: "..."

"Damn it, you didn't see anything!"

The little brothers were tied to the cross, their bodies were scorched black, and they nodded with distorted faces.

After one hour, the torture stopped automatically.

"Grandfather, Sulshin is dead, and the main line has invited a legendary powerhouse back. It seems that there is a big move."

"Yes, Sulshin died by the power of a demon."

"Okay, I see."

Report the information with a sullen face.

While walking, Yoshir tore the scorched skin on his body, and the flesh inside was recovering rapidly.

"It's really unlucky, the skin beautification I just did, I have to do it again."


the other end.

Lin Suo came to a relatively simple and low-key castle. All the members of the main family from Padolon lived here, and they all showed friendly smiles when they saw Lin Suo.

Apparently there was an advance call.

Although the castle looks unremarkable, every wall is a complete grade nine black steel stone, and the murals on the walls are extremely old portraits.

Rich in history.

Suspended ceiling, crystal lamp, fireplace, sofa, layout and so on.

It reminded Lin Suo of the small castle he used to have. In this era, a house decorated in this style is obviously retro, and the owner obviously prefers the previous era.

main hall.

Most members of the Gryondo family's main line were present to receive him, and the banquet began to be arranged three days in advance, giving enough room.

The head of the family, the legendary first-tier powerhouse, did not participate in this operation.

Mainly clan elders, there are three of them.

They are all legendary powerhouses of the third step, only one step away from the Holy Spirit, and it is their chance to conquer the first level of the abyss and promote the Holy Spirit in the abyss.

The Great Elder who has the blood of the Ballow Demon has lived for more than 2 years. His real name has long since been given up, and he is called the code name "Great Elder Balrog".

is approaching the end of its natural lifespan.

Don't look at Lin Suo's 3-year lifespan once he breaks through the legend, that's because his Titan body is in effect.

The normal lifespan of the Titan family is 10 years.

Lin Suo has acquired achievements, so he needs to improve slowly. A normal legendary wizard has a lifespan of about 1 years, and every time he breaks through, he can increase his lifespan by about 5000 years.

Compared to the Titans, it is short, but compared to other races, it is already considered an epic level improvement, and this level can definitely be exchanged from the [Supreme Council] to the "Sage's Stone" to continue life.

All information about the Philosopher's Stone has not been made public.

It is announced that each Philosopher's Stone can increase the lifespan by at least 1000 years without any sequelae.

It is one of the greatest wealth controlled by the [Supreme Council].

It is also a means to stabilize the legendary family.

It is more rigorous than taboo knowledge.

The second elder, Gryondo, has the blood of the Horned Wing Demon, with six corners and four wings, and the title of "Storm Demon".

The third elder has the blood of the heart eater, the appearance is the most human-like, kind-hearted, and very friendly. He is a scary person with bright red lips, and he is called the "gourmet devil".

After the initial contact at the banquet.

The third elder, known as the gourmet devil, also teased Lin Suo and Simon for missing a wailing barbecue.

Obviously, he saw everything that happened after landing.

For these old guys, Lin Suo was naturally a little apprehensive.

This is a kind of aura suppression caused by experience, and there is no way to solve it, unless he is stronger than the old man.

Otherwise, when you speak, you will always think carefully before speaking.

This is called deterrence.

It is something that the branch of the family does not have.

"Mr. Rhine, I often hear Elise mentioning you, so please take care of me this time."

The one who was talking to Lin Suo was Elise and Simon's father, a second-tier legend with a good status in the family and potential to be tapped.

It is possible to become the fourth elder.

Lin Suo also exchanged pleasantries. It is not clear what exactly he needs to do, but it probably has something to do with it.

as predicted.

that night.

He was sent to a hidden basement by the old gentleman himself, and met Elise.

The girl is completely different from the previous impression.

Not only did she get rid of the stereotype of short winter melons and stunted growth, she has become extremely juicy, and the natural charm on her body has disappeared.

become extremely holy.

Wearing a white lace tutu skirt, curly hair draped over her shoulders, and a red gem hanging between her eyebrows.

The hazy pupils seem to be able to speak, the red lips and white teeth, the corners of the mouth are slightly raised, like a holy lotus flower that emerges from the mud and is not stained.

Lin Suo was dumbfounded.

Is this still the coquettish chicken in his memory...

"Ahem! Elise, your father said that you are the core of this plan, and you will tell me what to do."

"Teacher Rhine."

Elise was very serious, she stood quietly and spoke in a straightforward manner.

"This is a strange object of holy light obtained from the Holy Light Empire. I need your help to make it into my own evolutionary witch tool."

"The power of the holy light... I have never come into contact with this kind of power, and I need to study it for a while."

"That's why Father sent you here."

Elise blushed and looked very shy, but Lin Suo noticed her swallowing saliva sharply, and her movements became rude.

Prototype revealed?Are you serious? !

The next moment, Lin Suo's eyes widened, because in front of him, Elise took off her skirt, exposing her entire back.

The voice trembled slightly, but also with suppressed excitement.

"Mr. Rhine, for some reason, I have studied the power of the Holy Light in depth. On my back is an improved rune array that I burned with magic power."

"If you make it according to this model, it will definitely succeed."

"So... the Blood Succubus Demon God likes holy spirits? Interesting..."

(End of this chapter)

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