The Witcher: Synthesize Everything

Chapter 316 Ancestor Research Institute【4.4K】

Chapter 316 Ancestor Research Institute【4.4K】


The second absurd rally that Lin Suo participated in has ended.

Great harvest.

When the conscious body returned to the wizarding world, it brought back all the resources obtained from the transaction, and successfully sent the resources to Lin Suo's body through the location of the absurd No. [-] ring.

In the command room of the Leviathan.

Lin Suo looked at a large wriggling black mud in his hand, thinking about how to maximize its effect.

Abyss · Immortal sediment.

It is a specialty of each layer of abyss, and they exist in the depths of the layer that first fell into the abyss.

In principle, it can be identified as the product of the fusion of the power of the abyss and a kind of silt deposit.

It can stimulate other forces except the power of the abyss to have a "racing reaction" and present an improvement effect.

Focus on stimulation.

It’s like eating good food by one person, but eating it slowly, and a group of people eating it, eating it quickly. It’s like the running water mat for a happy event in the countryside, which is often packed away in plastic bags as soon as it is served.

The way to describe it is not appropriate, but it is the truth.

The indestructible sediment is a special type of resource that can stimulate the energy of other systems and produce a "racing reaction", suitable for legendary powerhouses of any system.

It can greatly accelerate the transformation of the magic power of the legendary powerhouse, just like stimulating the potential.

In addition to the representative domain power, legendary wizards also have the ability to elementalize their bodies, but this ability is rarely used, only after breaking through the Holy Spirit wizard.

Only then will the elemental ability be used as a combat form.

Just like a god, or it can be called "Dharma Aspect", you need to control the power of the law to realize the potential of elemental combat.

Otherwise, the legendary elemental body would only be used as a means of defense.

With so much indestructible sediment, it was enough for Lin Suo to use.

So, taking advantage of the days when he was sailing in the dimensional channel, Lin Suo retreated directly, touched his whole body with black mud, and sank into the pool built by the super-magic dust.

A witch formation was also arranged to receive the power of the universe.

Three months passed in the blink of an eye.

55 4 Month 27 Day.

Silver Star Domain.

The territory ruled by the former Silver Star Alliance, near the Institute of Ancestors.

With the new fusion of a cosmic giant monster skin called "Goliath", Leviathan has the ability to be invisible, and the performance of the whole ship has slightly improved.

In the pool of the quiet room, Lin Suo woke up proficiently with the reminder of the ship's tower spirit ringing in his ears.

The black mud coating on his body has now turned into a gray hard shell, and after a little rubbing, it turns into a handful of dust.

Apparently it has lost its effectiveness.

"The wizard level progress bar has increased by 500..."

That is to say, after two or three more attempts, you will be able to reach the limit of the lower-ranked legendary wizard, and the next step means breaking through the middle rank.

This was much earlier than he had expected.

The increase of the indestructible sediment was mainly due to the recovery of the Space Titan clone, which caused the progress bar to increase by more than 1000 in an instant.

"Within six to nine months, you can reach the realm of the Haoyue wizard, very good."

The steady improvement of his strength made him feel a lot more comfortable. He moved his muscles and bones, brushed his body with cleaning techniques, put on his clothes and went to Leviathan's flesh and blood hall.

In three months, only half of them were on the road.

The other half of the time is to look for planets with abundant energy on the surface along the way, and let these criminals go to break through the legend.

After deducting a few failures, the success rate is as high as 80%.

Among the more than 30 people, Lin Suo got 23 newly-promoted legendary subordinates, and what he wanted was this instant strength.

This group of people is at the level of the Nine-ring wizards. Because they have no way to advance, they have learned a lot of miscellaneous witchcraft, and their strength is superior to others at the same level.

Breaking through to legend is different.

Because the road is crooked, the background is missing, and no matter how strong the technique is, there is no solid foundation.

Therefore, even in the lower-level legends, they are still a group of people at the bottom.

There is also no forbidden spell (legendary witchcraft) at hand.

Even if Lin Suo is willing to teach them, he won't be able to learn it for a while. It doesn't matter if they are weak. Their spiritual will and determination can be said to be the strongest group of low-level wizards.

He can do anything to become stronger.

He is quite good at this "unscrupulous" method. During this period of time, every time a wizard successfully breaks through the legend, Lin Suo will transform them.

The species in his gene pool are very rich.

There are even extraordinary species of creatures that became extinct in ancient times, many of which were obtained from the last trip to the wonders of the universe, the best choice.

A criminal's monster mentality must be matched with a monster-like bloodline.

At this time, the Leviathan has sailed through the dimension and came to the Silver Star Field—near the Ancestor Research Institute.

According to the public information on Monet.

The research here is the origin of species, exploring the original source of extraordinary races, including human beings.

The biological samples contained in it are richer than Lin Suo's genetic map, various resource reserves, the most advanced experimental equipment, and so on.

Everything he wanted.

And Lei Nuo and other scapegoats happened to be "eager" for revenge, and this group of people from the Ancestor Research Institute were not good people, which made Lin Suo feel more at ease when he attacked.

Leviathan was created to be used as a black glove.

Right now, it's on the right track for the first time.

"Taling 32, report relevant information."

[Command receiving master, <Ancestor Research Institute> is set up in the Silver Star Field—the planet AT241, which simulates the original ecological environment. 】

[The research institute is located deep in the center of the earth, and it continuously releases ancestor organisms to the surface, forming a strange ecological chain. This is the third ecological simulation experiment known to <Truth Society>. 】

[According to the searched information, six legendary pinnacle wizards who study the theory of bloodlines sit in the town, who are both researchers and sitters. 】

[There are also a large number of official wizard assistants for daily maintenance. The <Cognitive Wizard Array> is arranged on the star ring belt of AT241, which has restricted the escape of internal creatures and external invasion. 】

[It is recommended to break the surface with a single point, which has a variety of extreme energy reactions inside. 】

Except for the last suggestion, Taling32 said that the other information is part of the information released by the "Ancestor Research Institute".

It belongs to the strength on the surface, and the real situation will only be more complicated than this.

Lin Suo rubbed his chin and came to the hall of flesh and blood.

At this time, it has been transformed into an internal entertainment center, with a bar and wine cellar, and the restaurant is also here.

Purely to pass the time.

It must be used to recruit subordinates, Lin Suo never set foot in uncertain places, and he needs more secret information for the <Ancestor Research Institute>.

This can be handled by professionals.


Beside the bar, several of Lin Suo's subordinates were drinking, and Bloodfinger Quintuplets were also there.

After education, this group of criminals became much more honest.

It can also be said that they are dormant, not sure of victory, and will not rebel for the time being.

Even if you betray him, you can't beat him.

The control of the power of synthesis is no joke. No matter where he is, Lin Suo can find the location of the synthesis by sensing the map.

Even after a distance of a million miles, the traces of the existence of the composite can be erased with a single thought, which is very buggy.


Seeing Lin Suo approaching, Bloodfinger and the other five quickly rushed over. The long-cherished wish of breaking through the legend was fulfilled, but freedom was gone. The fate is so wonderful that it is really indescribable.

In this case, wine has become a channel to express emotions.

"I heard that you were imprisoned for assassinating the core executives of the Silver Star Region?"

Bloody Thumb nodded, with smoky eye makeup and pupils condensed into pinpoints. No matter how he looked at it, he had the smell of death.

"Yes, my lord. It is said that it is a high-level man, but it is actually an old man who has fallen into the vortex of his life."

"His strength is mediocre, but he has a great reputation in the Silver Star Field. He is even qualified to use the <Sage's Stone>. Before the stone arrived, we bypassed a lot of protection and successfully assassinated him."

"Since you have this ability, the task of investigating <Ancestor Research Institute> is entrusted to you."

Blood Thumb, Blood Index Finger, Blood Middle Finger and others looked at each other and nodded in unison.

Seeing this, Lin Suo said casually.

"No matter if the mission fails, or if you try to escape, no matter how far apart, I have the ability to kill with one blow."

"As it is now."

Lin Suo snapped his fingers, and Xue Xiaofinger was horrified to find that his arm was withering, and even slowly turned into powder and fell down.

"grown ups!!!"

- pat!
After the weathering stopped, Lin Suo casually threw a bottle of enhanced version <Star Potion> over.

"Within a week, find out the situation of the Ancestor Research Institute."

"Guaranteed to complete the mission."

When the Bloodfinger Quintuplets walked away, Lin Suo shook his head helplessly. He should not be too kind to these people.

He glanced at the other silent people.

Lin Suo returned to the quiet room, meditating and thinking about how to strengthen his power.

According to the current resource planning, the resources in the legendary stage are basically sufficient, and the next step is to look for opportunities to become self-reliant, or continue to make arrangements to prepare for breaking through the Holy Spirit Wizard.

The reason why I want to be independent.

Lin Suo estimated that this civil strife would completely split the [Truth Society], a wizarding force.

He knew the inside story, and also knew that [Supreme Council]'s behavior of sitting back and watching the civil strife was for someone to break through the immortal plan.

However, he didn't know the specific content.

Regardless of success or failure, it cannot resolve the contradictions and prejudices between the branch and the main wizard family.

Even because of this civil strife, resentment against injustice has turned into blood feud!
This thing is not easy to resolve, unless the branch that has worked hard with blood and tears for 2 years in Xinghai is willing to give up everything, or the main branch no longer pursues the right to speak.

But is it possible?
Totally impossible!
So, even if the plan is successful, and the <Sage of Alien Blood> suppresses everything with absolute strength, it will still face the trouble of division in the not-too-distant future.

From the moment the plan started, this result was already doomed.

In this regard, his teacher Yves Egernausch had hinted at him both explicitly and secretly.

But in the cosmic environment, one person's power is not enough at all.

All Lin Suo can do now is to accumulate.

In particular, the orc army under his command has undergone the transformation of the blood of fel energy and the popularization of the battle qi system.

According to the plan, Lin Suo will also give them another layer of background, such as Zerg genes, or some kind of fungal transformation.

In addition to the original planned electromagnetic magic mecha, the combination of the demon symbiosis will become the main force in his hands.

In terms of synthetic beasts, it is more about special-type manufacturing.

Creatures specifically designed to restrain certain creatures will be the foundation of his future foothold, when the number of orcs multiplies to a scale of about 4 million.

and you are ready to go.

After thinking clearly, Lin Suo completely sank into his practice, and the seven days passed quickly.

But Lin Suo hadn't waited for Brother Bloodfinger to come back.

Another group of people has come near planet AT241.

"It's them again? What kind of plane..."

Judging from the screen played by Ta Ling, a fleet arrived near the planet AT241, which is the coalition forces of the Scarlet Empire and the Holy Light Empire.

"Being followed? It shouldn't be."

Lin Suo rubbed his temples, quietly watching the projected image.

at the same time.

The Command Room of the Allied Forces Mothership.

"Master Alpha, along the way, we have destroyed 23 monster research institutes and released 600 million monsters that hate wizards."

"There are only a few hundred people who have the strength to cause trouble for them. Is this number too small?"

"No, no, it's enough."

Commander Alpha from Scarlet Empire shook his head.

"The head of state sent secret information, and our tracks were followed by the [Truth Society]'s Libra ruling. Even with the magic net blocker provided by the Cursed Spirits, we can speculate on the follow-up course of action according to the direction we are heading."

"After destroying the <Ancestral Research Institute>, we will retreat."

"Then how does Lord Martin Saint Laurent explain it?"

The men were a little apprehensive.

After all, during this period of time, their Master Alpha has been completely suppressed by Saint Laurent, playing with him at will, causing his prestige to plummet. He would never ask such a question before.

Alpha's pupils shrank, and he also noticed this problem. His annoyance flashed away, and then he showed deep disdain.

"He deserves to play with me?"

"Don't tell him that Saint Laurent took another route, even if it is completely wiped out, it has nothing to do with us."

"The mission of this trip has basically been completed. After a period of fermentation, the chaos on the side of the corona galaxy will rise to a higher level."

"At that time, we can come back again under the banner of military support. At that time, we will really exert our strength."


The subordinates retreated silently, and Alpha stood in front of the porthole of the command room, looking at the shining planet in the distance, with fiery eyes in his eyes.

"I heard that in the <Ancestral Research Institute>, there is the origin blood of the vampire, a cursed race that resembles belongs to me!"

Inside the Ancestor Research Institute.

Bloodfinger Quintuplets did not know what method they used to turn their fingers into a broken palm. When they are connected with each other, they can move very fast.

Through the unique witchcraft developed by them, they successfully avoided the outer protective measures, sneaked into the center of the earth, and appeared outside the research institute.

Behind a geocentric furnace.

The five fingers are communicating with each other through telepathy.

Bloody Thumb: "Are we really going to do something for that person?"

Blood finger: "Old Fifth's arm just withered, and he has no power to resist at all, so what if he doesn't work?"

Blood Index Finger: "That's right, the five of us are connected with each other, and we can pick a legend even if we work together, but now we break through the legend, but we are still not that person's opponent, so we can only wait a little longer."

"Maybe there will be a turning point when the strength arrives."

Bloody ring finger: "That's right, the fifth child has not recovered yet, it's too scary."

Duanzhang's little finger was obviously a little swollen, and his condition was not very good.

Although Xue Xiaozhi had resentment in his heart, he didn't dare to resist. Seeing the stalemate, he immediately had a plan.

"I've heard about the <Ancestor Research Institute>. They have a good market for their transformation business in the underground black market. They even have a drop of original blood. The high-level vampires are extremely immortal. As long as there is no heart problem, they can recover even if they are smashed to pieces."

"Shall we try it?"

"Using the opportunity of racial conversion to baptize the body, to exclude the little tricks that person did to us from the body."

"Combined with the Bloodfinger secret technique, you might be able to escape."

The boss, Blood Thumb, began to think seriously. To be honest, the fifth proposal was very tempting.

for freedom.

The five fingers nodded together.


"Old Five, you will be in charge of your suggestion."

"it is good."

"I've inquired about this before. The three drops of origin blood from the Silver Star Region all have different characteristics. The drop from the <Ancestral Research Institute> has its immortality greatly enhanced by the wizard."

"That's why I want to try one or two."

The Half Palm turned into a shadow and disappeared behind the forge in the center of the earth, obviously starting to move.

(End of this chapter)

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