The Witcher: Synthesize Everything

Chapter 355 Time Wings Godhead Armament

Chapter 355 Time Wings Godhead Armament

If other types of elements are out of control, the wizards will not take care of them, allowing the elements to become unbalanced, causing high-risk places to be born in the universe.

For example, the disorder of the water element is out of control, and it is likely to create a cosmic sea. The sea water may have any kind of characteristics: heavy water, pure water, corrosive water, life water droplets, cracked water, etc...

The mutations brought about by conventional elemental disorders are even exploited by wizards as resource collection points, so they do not resist at all, but instead promote conventional witchcraft.

Hope to be born a little more.

Only the time anomaly is a big problem, because if it is not handled properly, it may affect the entire wizarding universe.

Using the power of time to change history is like quantum entanglement in a certain sense. When you intend to use this to change the past, it will lose the effect it should have.

He didn't intend to change the past, but he managed to change it.

Just like Schrödinger's cat, if you don't open the box, you will always be unknown and double-sided.

As for the quantum state, if you don’t observe it, it will be in an entangled state. Once you observe it, this state will be interrupted, and the time anomaly also has this characteristic.

At that time, Lin Suo was unable to cut the soul again and make a Titan clone. Now the death pool is upgraded under the legacy of the death lich Kyle.

Regardless of the phase properties of the three materials, the power of synthesis will perfectly solve this problem.

For [Truth Society], once a time anomaly is detected, it will definitely be resolved immediately.

"Seal the star gate leading to the giant bear near the Thorn star, remember! Completely seal."

Although Elise, who was summoned, didn't know the reason, she never had any doubts about Lin Suo's instructions, which is one of the reasons why Lin Suo was willing to let her access the private database.

The dense data was collected by the Eye of Truth and fed back to Lin Suo's heart.

When he saw the seal symbol rising from the distant gate, Lin Suo felt temporarily relieved.

Looking at the time lines on the Horn of Time in his hand, which was so bright that he couldn't look directly at it, he didn't know what went wrong.

After isolating the star gate, Lin Suo continued to refine the "Star Wings" and used it as the carrier of the time stigmata to integrate with the domain. This continued for three full years.

"Synthetic witchcraft · full recovery."...

After discussion, the Supremes, headed by the Golden Speaker, handed over the problem of solving the time anomaly to Aslan Sara.

Not only can it save a lot of resources, but it also directly fills up the compatibility. After all, how can it be difficult to use a powerful weapon from a weak one?
Basically, it can reach the level of waving like an arm.

"What's going on? The Horn of Time can extract the power of time that is out of control here. Why can't it be completely extracted after three years?"

Today, he can no longer keep up with his fighting intensity, so he must upgrade.

"Three years..."

[Range: The entire planet. 】

There are countless light-years between Star Thorn and Ursa, and after not feeling the ripples in time and space, Lin Suo continued the operation just now.

The increase in divine power is full.

The effect of slowing down time, knowledge of its basic ability.

Immediately stop stealing time and summon Elise.

The main star of the corona - the ring!
Circle of Truth - Master Control Room!
One of the highest-level masterpieces of the wizards, the artificial ultimate tower spirit <Muse>, almost sounded the alarm when the Great Ursa constellation began to mutate.

Exclusive Noble Phantasm: Magnifying Disc.

This kind of elemental imbalance is called a cosmic wonder by wizards.

Looking at the past of Aslan Sara, it is completely an epic of the protagonist's fortune, from weak to strong, and the smoothness is outrageous.

The fruit of the birth of the gods in the time system has a relatively late condensing time.

The screen flips.

And the change in the Great Bear constellation gradually leveled off when the star gate was closed, and it seemed to have stabilized.

The divine rune symbol representing time floated on it.

"Synthetic witchcraft, the source of magic power."

Lin Suo took this thing and observed it carefully. Since his realm had not yet reached the Holy Spirit, he was still half-fused with the wings of time.

The void power of Void Maharaja, the demonic power of Abyss Great Demon God, and the power of Dusky Star that reverses the world.

Two holy spirit peak materials, one legendary high-level material.

At that time, he, the Titan, will be needed to create a belief group.

Lin Suo can use the time spell to change the direction of the wings' amplification, or simply change to another effect.

Very exaggerated.

[Coordinates: Ursa Ursa—Planet No. 11 of Youguang. 】

"Synthetic Witchcraft Heart of the Furnace."


Immersed in the process of collecting time, Lin Suo suddenly opened his eyes, raised his head to look in the direction of the star gate, and the azure blue color in his eyes shot out three feet of pupil light.

Just when the [Truth Society] made a response and selected the manpower to start.

The knowledge recorded and analyzed in it alone is enough for Elise to use for a lifetime. If it weren't for the wizard's practice without shortcuts, Lin Suo might be able to push her behind...

Lin Suo didn't know how many layers of instant witchcraft spells he had stacked. He felt that his whole body was so full that he was about to explode, so he activated his innate ability with confidence.

Thorn star.

But in fact, this place has become the largest space-time illusion in the known universe. When the wizard releases the time witchcraft, he will absorb the time element, which will cause an imbalance. (a small amount does not matter)
And no matter where the wizard himself casts spells in the universe, the resulting chaos will be gathered in the wonders of the universe with corresponding attributes.

The strength has reached the three traces of the holy spirit.

With the help of the power of the magic net, <Muse> has obtained a lot of information before people go, and the person in charge of guarding the circle of truth is also a holy spirit level wizard.

Lin Suo looked up at the results of the extraterrestrial "Elemental Star Project", and found that it was getting better and better, especially the four basic elemental planets, which had been built for so many years and were almost reaching the standard for being put into use.

Toss it lightly.

The Bronze Dragon Clan known as the "Dragon of Time" of the Metal Dragon Clan!

The divine power of time in his body is the same as that of a flood, it can't stop, it keeps flowing into the wings of time.

The strength of a titan consists of: divine body, divine power, priesthood, and godhead.

Maybe he can recreate the Titan clone recovered some time ago.

The unprecedented golden thread erupted from Lin Suo's palm, extracting the alchemy growth outfit Dusky Star Dragon from the subcutaneous tissue, and fused it with the other two materials.

This plan is pending.

Compared with other extraordinary paths, although the wizard system is powerful, it is actually playing with nature in essence. This is a very dangerous behavior. Some problems can be seen from the instinct of World Tree to protect the balance of elements.

Although he didn't know the wizard norms of the time system, he had only seen that kind of exaggerated space-time ripples in [Luna Galaxy], and subconsciously felt that it was not good.

This perverted bloodline makes the pure-blooded bronze dragon the rarest giant dragon among the dragons, with just over a hundred members in the entire clan.

Hiding in the dark, no one knows that Lin Suo, who has great abilities, has been freed from the mechanical collection. He has been brewing for three full years, and what he is waiting for is today.

- Swish Swish Swish~

This is the gap from dynamic to almost stationary.

Yaslan Sara immediately contacted the Supremes and recounted the situation one by one. At the same time, the video monitored by the magic net was also uploaded.

The information about Ursa Constellation—Planet Ursa No. 11 is not widely spread, and the son of gold, Aslan, has sealed off that area, prohibiting all wizards from approaching.

It is equivalent to a treasure that contains the stigmata of the law.

After receiving the alarm from the <Muse>.

The early Titans of Padolon hunted wizards for good reason.

In the last civil turmoil, the Sara family sat firmly on the Diaoyutai without any chaos, and there was a faint momentum to command the Xinghai branch family. In addition, Yaslan Sara's teacher was the golden speaker of this term.

"Heart of Void Monarch, Skeleton of Abyss Great Demon God, Alchemy Equipment - Dusky Star Dragon..."

Lin Suo's shoulders trembled for a while, and the gigantic wings of time appeared, and the moment they were loaded on his body, everything around him slowed down.

The reaction speed is very fast.

Although very reluctant, Aslan had no choice but to contact foreign aid.

Likely to drain him.

"Wings of Time!"

[Abnormal state: regional time chaos...]

No matter what kind of power it is, it is definitely one of the most advanced energies known. Lin Suo can only think of four words—"absolute destruction!"

The space-time illusion that Lin Suo encountered last time was located in the newly developed super-large galaxy [Luna Galaxy], and the power of the Truth Society has not yet spread.

During this process, Lin Suo was like a deflated tire. His whole body shriveled up and lost his appearance in an instant. In an instant, his body tissues were consumed as energy in an instant.

Therefore, before the synthesis, the Dabuwan series could not be stopped, shouting in the mouth, holding it in the hand, now that the conditions are available, it can be synthesized at a high load in the field, and it will recover faster after consumption.

And when the family branch is sent to explore the Xinghai, it becomes stronger day by day, which is a typical example of the branch surpassing the main family. Because the main family is too weak, there is no pressure to be seized power.

Aslan was suspended in the cosmic vacuum outside the planet Youguang 11, feeling very uncomfortable.

This also involves three forces.

Composed of four aspects.

He himself is known as the "Son of Gold", "Dawn of the Extreme Night", "The Darkest Man" and so on.

Because Lin Suo still has the power of the wizard system, he only used the Dusky Star Dragon as armor. In fact, it was transformed into a melee weapon, revealing that the body of the Titan is also powerful and unparalleled.

What Lin Suo needs to worry about is whether he can afford the consumption.

This knowledge is also part of the secrets of wizards that the [Truth Society] has never announced, and only members of the Supreme Council are qualified to know.

From the appearance of purple crystals, it has transformed into milky white, and the prismatic crystals are linked together to form a team of miniature wings.

It can be used even in a semi-fused state.

In September of the 68nd year of the advent calendar.

As long as the cultivation reaches the peak of legend, the fusion will be completed naturally. While breaking through the holy spirit, the pair of wings of time can be perfectly controlled, which is simply perfect.

Collins doesn't know.

Then there is Lin Suo's partial sorcery specially prepared for leapfrog synthesis.

Consciousness leaves the domain and returns to the body.

"Synthetic witchcraft, son of the earth."

Synthesize everything!

Thorn star.


After struggling for a while, Aslan still called the Bronze Dragon.

On the other hand, after witchcraft is cast, the extracted elements basically disappear, which can be regarded as the conceptual "element death".

"Synthetic witchcraft·Endless stamina."

Obviously, before Lin Suo stopped, the changes here would only continue to expand. It is precisely because of Aslan's handling and checks and balances that today, three years later, the scope of influence of Time and Space Illusion is still limited to one star.

After knowing it well, I started the second plan.

This young man who was only around [-] years old was born at the beginning of the Star Sea Exploration Era. The Sara family was not very popular in Padolon, and could only be regarded as a small noble in the corner.

After dealing with it for three years, I still haven't done it well, and I'm already a bit burnt out.

Lin Suo waved the radiance in his hands, flying up and down, and the legendary forbidden spells came one after another.

First of all, "Star Wings" has completed baptism and evolution.

Once the star gate is opened, it cannot be closed or destroyed in a short period of time, so Lin Suo designed a "gate seal".

Almost the default speaker successor.

I looked at the information sent by Elise again.

The mermaid tribe has already started, but the time is still short, and no effect can be seen. There is a small festival in seven days, and a big festival in January. It won't be long before considerable power of faith can be obtained.

Bronze dragons are naturally close to the power of time, and there is also knowledge of using this power in the bloodline inheritance. Bronze dragons of the ancient dragon level can even swim in the long river of time.

Because of Lin Suo's influence, an area of ​​Thorn Star has become a forbidden place where there is no time to flow. It is extremely terrifying, but the harvest is also rich.

But because of Lin Suo's behavior of absorbing a large amount of power of time in the giant bear constellation, the space-time elements are disordered. This place is completely different from the Luna galaxy.

Because the elements of disorder are different, they have different names. For example, the cosmic spectacle of the time system is called "Time and Space Illusion", the one of the dark system has "Lightless Land", the one of the wind system has "Hurricane Crack", and the one of the fire system " Blazing God Peak> Wait...

The space channel that shortens the distance is cut off.

The time they manipulate is fundamentally different from the wizard's manipulation of witchcraft. Using the power of time, they will only drain the time elements and not make them die.

The alchemy equipment Dusky Star Dragon is actually his Godhead Armament in essence, because it integrates the evolutionary core (Sen Luo Vientiane Ring) and is connected with Lin Suo's blood, and will become stronger simultaneously because of his strength improvement.

In Linsuo's real domain, a pair of milky white crystal wings appeared in the sky, and the World Tree took the initiative to extend a main branch to catch the wings.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a stream of light and poured into the fruit of the birth of the gods condensed on the treetops.

No matter how they respond.

[A time abnormal point was detected, and a time abnormal point was detected, please inform the supreme wizard as soon as possible...]

This was the first time that he did not rely on the power of synthesis, and roughly instilled a time item that belonged to him. This item naturally has the stigmata of the law of time, and it can also play a big role against the Holy Spirit wizard.

These are the three crafting materials that will be used.

The circle of truth is the most destructive weapon of the wizards, not one of them, being able to sit here shows how high the status of this holy spirit wizard in the truth society is...

Dabu Wan 10.5 can not be stopped.

Bang Ji Bang Ji eat fiercely.

The expanded domain formed a funnel-shaped magical tidal storm, and Lin Suo was in the center of the eye of the storm.

It can be predicted that Lin Suo will take a long time for this godhead weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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