The Witcher: Synthesize Everything

Chapter 398 Body of the Lord God-level Titan↑

Chapter 398 The body of the main god-level Titan↑ (Seek to read and subscribe!)


If the body of a titan is regarded as an iron pot, and the divine power is the water contained in it, then the power of faith is the dew every morning. Although the amount is small, it can also increase the divine power.

And the divine power of Titan itself is a kind of universal energy similar to a wishing machine, which is very compatible with any extraordinary system, so the road to becoming a god is basically a compulsory subject for the strong.

At least in Lin Suo's eyes.

In the past, only orcs and mermaids provided him with the power of faith, and the amount was not too much. Now it took decades to create the elemental star and created [-] faith races.

The faith they provide is more pure, and the growth rate of Linsuo Titan's body has changed from collecting dewdrops to light rain.

Still 24 hours non-stop.

With the blessing of various bonuses and some cultivation resources, finally on this day, it was time to break through.

Of course, the necessary hiding is still needed.

"Shadow of Terror, Curtain of Shadow!"

Summoning priesthoods also have auxiliary effects. As one of the core strengths of Titan, priesthoods actually have quite a lot of effects.

The fluctuations in divine power caused by the titan spell will not attract too much attention.

"Just today!"


The golden dharma ring, the world tree, also emerged from the back of Lin Suo's head, and a steady stream of chaotic breath was attracted by it from the unknown void, frantically pouring into Lin Suo's body.

Followed by.

Invisible ripples were set off in the air, and Lin Suo's Titan side grew and swelled rapidly, and his body rose at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He wasn't a giant titan himself, but he got a huge boost during this breakthrough.

Residents of the God of Punishment City stared in astonishment at the sky that suddenly darkened. When they looked up, they only saw a pair of milky white God's Eyes bursting out billions of rays of light in the endless black curtain.

The smell inside is both familiar and strange.

"Is it our Father God?"

"It should be, Father God's strength has been improved again, so powerful!"

"Everyone, don't panic, Father God should have gained new power, it may be a gift from His Majesty the God King, thank you His Majesty the God King!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty the God King!"

Among the crowd, only the High Priest of Punishment standing at the entrance of the temple looked worried. His aura was too strange, and the aura of Urul, the God of Punishment, had weakened too much.

Even if you get a more powerful new power, it's not reasonable...

Looking at the cheering believers, he couldn't bear to interrupt them. These bloody punishers with low IQ didn't care whether he was a high priest or not.

Once it involves insulting God the Father, the only end is death!
Therefore, wisdom is the root cause of turmoil. If it is a structure like a swarm, it will not change the upper and lower classes if it survives for millions of years.

Only the queen mother of the swarm has wisdom, which is how they survive.

at this time.

The body of the titan displayed by Lin Suo is as high as ten thousand feet.

As far as the eye can see, you can even see the ocean in an extremely distant direction.

"After reaching the main god level, the strength of the Titan's body has at least doubled. If you use this physique to fight the king of angels, Metatron, you should have a [-]% winning rate."

"If you add time magic, maybe you can have a [-]% winning rate, and it really becomes stronger!"

An overly huge body is not suitable for fighting, unless the enemy is an opponent of the abyssal demon god or giant god titan.

So, after getting used to this form a little bit.

Lin Suo condensed again. He still prefers the body of a Titan, which is about five or six meters high. This body type is considered the best fighting body type in the universe.

No matter how you deal with any opponent, you have an advantage.

The breakthrough has been successful so far. Compared with the past, the shape has not changed much, but the time inscription engraved on the body has changed a lot.

The sun-like ring pattern on the chest remains unchanged, and a large number of elemental patterns are added to the time pattern, which contains all the element attributes and corresponding laws mastered by Lin Suo.

It is no longer appropriate to call the Time Titan Divine Body now.

Such a complete element control...

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to name it."

The breakthrough of the Titan system was fed back to the wizard system. Although he did not make a breakthrough in his realm, it has improved a lot, especially the natural affinity between the Titan and the elements has once again improved to a higher level.

Correspondingly, the power of the witchcraft released by Lin Suo will be greatly enhanced due to the cooperation of external elements, and it may be able to reach the level of level A, that is, the level of forbidden spells.

If you want to feel the changes more intuitively, you have to look at the panel.

Lin Suo sat on the throne of Urul behind the restrained breath and divine art·Shadow Curtain.


【Ring of the Realm · Lin Suo】

[Age: 208 (10w)]

[Talent: Synthesis of all things (1799w/2000w) +1]

[Level: Titan God · Main God (1/30w); Three Marks · Holy Spirit Wizard (2832/10w)】

[Field: World Tree Realm/Death Reversal Realm]

【Divine Power: 1005w/1005w (Power of Faith↑)】

【Extraordinary: Eternal Sunshine Breathing Method (Red Product); Eternal Truth Meditation Method (Red Product)】

[Godhead: Immortal Grade·???·Death Sign Star]

[Witch/God (Position): Sundial, Doomsday (Incomplete), Shadow of Terror]

[Bloodline Power: Immortal Body (Law/Immortal), Immortal Soul (Law/Reality), Titan Star Soul (Law/Order), God's Birth Fruit (Law/Protoss), Lord of Elements (Law/Control) , Divine Might (Law/Theocracy), Creation Authority (Ultra-Order/Enlightenment), World Tree Baptism (Super-Order/Awakening), World Tree Law (Intermediate/Synchronous), Chaos God Descending (Advanced/Origin)

<Red Product·Eternal> Heart Seal Eternal (↑), Bloodline Refining, Bloodline Evolution, Bloodline Sublimation, Soul Meditation, Soul Essence, and Soul Elevation. 】

Before he knew it, he was over 200 years old.

I think I was a 19-year-old boy when I first came to the wizarding world.

The progress bar of the Titan system has soared by 30w, obviously counting the first, second, and third-level main gods in the same realm, which is different from the [-] progress bar for each stigmata of a wizard.

The total number is not as large as that of the wizard system, and it is actually more difficult to upgrade, because between the two systems, the things contained in each point are not equivalent.

The divine power has skyrocketed tenfold, from a million to tens of millions. As the power of faith continues to be digested, the divine power will continue to grow. This amount of divine power is enough for him to squander.

Even being able to do the "big wishing technique", the characteristics of the magic balm have also been improved, and there are more types of things that can be created by magic.

Most of the power of the bloodline has been upgraded from super-order to law, which is normal.

Because of the addition of the Holy Pool of Wisdom to the Magic Ring·World Tree, the original low-level characteristics have been upgraded to mid-level, and there is an additional power of blood.

"God of Chaos?"

The origin of the suffix should be to explain that the source of Linsuo Titan's bloodline is not any World Tree, but from the baptism of chaos.

The body adapted to the atmosphere of chaos and evolved.

And the World Tree Dharma Ring, at most, helped him determine the direction of evolution, that is - "Titan!"

His divine power, because of the ring of the realm, can be said to have a huge suppressing power on the Titans, as if he was suppressed from the beginning.

Coupled with the World Tree domain, Lin Suo even had the idea of ​​touching the Titan King Uranus.

too frightening.

Shaking his head vigorously, he put the absurd thoughts behind him. The improvement in strength gave him a strong confidence, and the next plan can be implemented.

Due to his position, Urul still has a lot of weight.

After finishing his own business, Lin Suo immediately called the high priest of punishment and asked.

"How are the preparations?"

Classic Riddler, if the information about the imminent war is true, Urul, who knew the news, must have ordered his subordinates to make preparations.

After all, there are speculators who profit in any war.

The sooner he prepares, the more opportunities he has to make a profit. If he doesn't believe it, Urul will not seize this opportunity.

As top-secret information, Lin Suo's words immediately dispelled the suspicion of the high priest, who saw the other party smile and explain.

"Father God, your orders are almost ready, just wait for His Majesty the God King to decide when to do it."

"The Lord God of Doom is ready, and the door of apocalypse can be opened at any time."

The Lord God of Doom is the No.2 Immortal in the [Pantheon], weaker than the God King, but also a senior Immortal, who has inherited the priesthood of killing according to legend.

Going to the abyss to sharpen, it will take tens of thousands of years to go.

After the return, it seems that part of the power of the abyss has been fused, and the priesthood has mutated, forming an unprecedented doomsday priesthood.

Logically speaking, [-]% of this kind of existence belongs to the side of the Dark Titan, but he can perfectly control this power, similar to a demon hunter, become a demon, and hunt and kill demons!

Magic against magic!
He has a great reputation in [Pantheon] and is recognized as one of the candidates most likely to defeat Uranus.

The Lord of Doom brings back four Apocalyptic Knights from the Abyss.

It is said to be his helper created in the abyss. Judging from the name, since the so-called Gate of Apocalypse is a method approved by the god king.

And if he has been prepared, it won't be too long for him to act.

"I understand. After checking several times to confirm that there are no mistakes, wait for my notification at any time."

"Obey, Father God!"

With a wave of his hand, the high priest was punished to leave the temple. Lin Suo, who was wearing the Urul leather sheath, rubbed his chin, and more divine power overflowed from his body.

Dense horror shadows emerged from the shadows and came in response to the call. Lin Suo specially summoned several holy spirit-level horror shadows.

Use divine power to engrave orders on their bodies and minds.

"Go to the God Prison to hide, and wait for my order to destroy the ban node that suppresses Titan."

As an all-round master of many talents.

It is not difficult to decipher a god-conferring forbidden spell. At that time, as long as the terrifying shadows destroy the nodes at the same time, the oppressive power in the divine prison will disappear.

Those demi-Titans and prisoners will be restored to power.

Even if the prison door is the hardest metal in the universe, it can't stop the rioting prisoners. After all, the functional spellcasting ability is very normal for everyone.

Elementalization or something, how hard is it to escape a cage?
After the shadows of terror started to act.

Lin Suo tidied up his clothes, took out the composite - Destiny Drumstick, and headed to the area with a similar aura.

He wants to find the three Fate sisters, and extract their priesthood and extraordinary knowledge of the way of fate to satisfy the synthesis of the pool of fate.

This will be the quickest way.

Achieve yourself with the accumulation of others, plunder!

at this time.

[Star of the Gods——Adonis] On a snowy mountain, Julian, the goddess of ice and snow, opened the letter sent by the shadow.

This kind of special summoning object can be identified as the handwriting of the god king at a glance, and the mark of the god king on it is as expected.

It records the new tasks assigned to her.

On the bright side, she is the ice and snow goddess of the gods, famous for her beauty and temperament, has many followers, and is also a member of the god king's power to monitor the gods.

Secretly, but serving in the shadow army of the God King.

Claiming to be "Snow Demon", she masters the power of ice and snow and the magic of charm.

The reason for this unique relationship is that she is actually a descendant of the God King and the Fertility Goddess, and the Fertility Goddess is not a female Titan in the conventional sense.

The goddess who takes reproduction as her vocation, intercourse with all things to give birth to all spirits, this is the love and gift of God.

When it comes to the Dark Titan, it's called coquettish and slutty...

The Titan King Uranus, who is more famous, did not disclose this news. It is really hard to tell. Conquering the goddess of fertility is not an achievement worth showing off.

Instead, it was a weird behavior...incomprehensible.

The God King needs to maintain the majesty of the superior, and it is reasonable not to disclose it, so the Snow Fairy Julian was born in this way, and then worked in the shadows.

The Snow Demon Girl, who has grown up in a complex environment, is well versed in people's hearts, and so are the tasks assigned.

"Rescue the human wizards imprisoned in the God Prison? Gain the other party's trust and extract... information."

After reading the task.

The Snow Demoness Julian frowned, the rescue was not difficult, she directed and acted on her own, the problem was how to gain the wizard's trust.

Infernal Affairs, playing in front of the wizard, the probability of failure is actually very high, how to perform this scene well has become the biggest test.

"Human empathy... or love?"

Tentatively deciding on two directions, Julian plans to go to the God Prison as a prisoner first, and see what the human wizard is like before making a decision.

Immediately contact the warden and ask him to cooperate.

Being in the same faction, it's normal to do things conveniently, so the warden didn't think too much about it, and agreed directly.

On the side of the Truth Society, the preparations for the battle are almost in progress.

The heir of the golden line, Aslan Sara, was running around looking for a powerful wizard to save the Rhine.

With the blessing of his identity and the identity token of the golden speaker, the recruiting operation went very smoothly.

But he was afraid that when they arrived, Lin Suo would already be dead.

It is very difficult to save Lin Suo from [Pantheon], so he had to look for a master figure in the gold series.

All holy spirit wizards.

For example: Seal Master Galasso, Void Walker Gufadeli, Void Wizard Zandar, Fairy Star Qilia.

Four holy spirit wizards, who specialize in sealing, space, concealment, assistance, and the son of gold, Aslan, are in charge of combat power.

Formed a team of five, they have already driven the starship towards God's Domain, and must save the Duke of Rhine.

If you find that something cannot be violated, kill the other party!
This is a secret order received by Aslan.

If they can't be rescued, they will be destroyed. In the eyes of Chairman Jin, although Lin Suo can be regarded as a direct descendant of Jin's lineage, his talent is too outstanding and he knows a lot of information.

Being at the forefront of the theory of the wizarding world, and possessing the blood of the Titans, it is possible to surrender to the enemy. Based on his understanding of the Titan God King Uranus, it is also possible to throw an olive branch.

Against Biaslan, Rhine won in all aspects, only his background suffered a little. In recent years, his reputation in the Truth Society has become stronger and stronger, and there are several supreme supporters.

If it continues to develop, there is the possibility of threatening Aslan's succession status. If you can't get it, you will destroy it.

That's the real reason he had to send a team.

It is also a test for Aslan.

(End of this chapter)

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