The Witcher: Synthesize Everything

Chapter 401 The Shocking Thief Lin Suo 4k

Chapter 401 The Shocking Thief Lin Suo (4) [-]K

Time went back ten minutes ago.

The Snow Demoness Julian concealed her identity as the Snow Goddess, and was forced into the God Prison by the Guardian Angel for the crime of murdering her own race, just next door to "Lin Suo".

This led to the cell where Lin Suo was held. On the left was the snow demon Julian, and on the right was the blood elf and Titan hybrid, Ya'an, and on the opposite was Gore, a big man with a fascinated paternal blood.

After successfully entering the God Prison, she gave a look to the guardian angel who was imprisoning her, and all of them retreated out knowingly.

This scene made Anya a little strange.

Observing the newcomer calmly, he is a rare pure-blooded Titan in the God Prison. You know, if it is not for the heinous crimes that angered the God King, very few pure-blood Titans will be imprisoned in the God Prison .

The Snow Demon Girl didn't care about the gazes of other prisoners, she just focused on "Lin Suo" who was limp into a lump.

Heart slander.

"This guy, Uruel, tortured people like this, how should I start? Damn..."

The love of a nurse and a paralyzed man?

Just thinking about it, she felt outrageous, a little too unrealistic, torturing people so badly, wouldn't that embarrass her?

No wonder Urul sent a little shadow to deliver the message, damn it.

Just as Snow Demoness Julian was thinking about where to start, God Prison suddenly shook, and golden god patterns emerged from the walls and ground.

And then shattered and dissipated.

One after another, jet-black shadows emerged from the shadows, swallowed the demigod titan that Lin Suo was looking for, and disappeared.

Lin Suo's terrifying shadows swallowed and took away not many demigod titans, and none of the titans in the list given by the warden were taken away.

Because he knew that if he wanted the main body to retreat completely, the longer the chaos in the divine prison, the better. Those guys on the list are not simple people, and it is not so easy to surrender to him.

Forget about it.

When the Snow Demon Girl saw the familiar shadow, she instantly recognized it as the shadow monster when Urul sent her a letter.

Subconsciously thought of something.

Could it be that the other party is cooperating with his actions?No, the Snow Fairy in the brainstorm remembered what the warden had said to her.

The original words are as follows: there are more and more demigod titans imprisoned in the god prison, and His Majesty the god king is about to lose patience, and sooner or later they will clean up a batch.

Seeing that the half-blood Titans devoured by the shadow monsters disappeared, the Snow Fairy felt that she had discovered the truth.

It's a pity that she doesn't have that list, and if she does, she knows that her guess is completely wrong, and it's not outrageous for a heifer to fly.

Because according to Titan's common sense logic, something went wrong in God's Prison?That's impossible!Absolutely impossible!Even if something happened, it must be done by one's own people.

Really very confident.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Snow Demon Julian has this kind of brain circuit. Taking advantage of the magical prohibition of God Prison being destroyed by the shadows of terror, Snow Demon Girl took out a key, opened two prison doors in a row, and grandiosely embraced the unconscious prisoner. The "Lin Suo" who was in the middle of the night fled.

All this scene was captured by Anya, and she muttered to herself.

"I always feel that this is not the wizard's style, is it the work of the Titan?"

In the God Prison, there were various explosions in almost every cell, or there was complete silence, which meant that the prisoners inside had gone out.

At this moment, a terrifying figure appeared behind Anya and opened his mouth wide.

Anya did not resist, but showed an expression of enjoyment.

"You're back again, I like your style."

The terrifying shadow with Lin Suo's partial consciousness was slightly stunned, and when he turned his head, he found that Urul, who was disguised as himself, had disappeared...

Has it been discovered?
Seemingly seeing Lin Suo's doubts, Anya explained.

"He was rescued by a pure-blooded Titan who was newly imprisoned in God's Prison. It should be the work of the Titan. These shadows are you..."

The Shadow of Terror has no vocal organs at all.

After Lin Suo got the explanation, he didn't care about any more, and directly swallowed this smart woman into his belly. As the space moved, these swallowed people would all appear in Lin Suo's "Death Reversal Realm".

The world tree domain doesn't want to be exposed yet, so it can only stay in the reverse dimension for a while, it's not a big problem.

Gore and other half-breed titans that Linsuo paid more attention to were immediately taken away by him, and Anya was the last target on the list.


Although Lin Suo seems to have spent a lot of time, in fact less than 30 seconds passed, and he had already retreated as soon as the guardian angels gathered and arrived.

The shadows of horror go straight into the shadows and return to the world of the undead without any trace.

As the warden, the God of Darkness and Imprisonment, at first he thought it was the work of the Snow Fairy, but when he thought something was wrong, he immediately went out to check.

Unfortunately, it's all too late.

The Divine Prison was destroyed beyond recognition, and all the divine spell restrictions had to be recreated, not to mention the terrifying demigods who came out of the prison. One of the male or female bloodlines of these hybrid Titans was always extremely extraordinary.

Either the status is noble, or the bloodline is powerful.

As the warden, he has to take the blame!
Angrily pulled a guardian angel and shouted.

"Let Metatron send elite troops to suppress the riot! And you, go ask the Snow Demon Goddess what happened in the prison."

Although the warden possesses the peak strength of the Holy Spirit, he is bound by the rules to face these prisoners, and he dare not kill them at all.

Regardless of the fact that the kill list has passed through his hands, he knows exactly what the content is, but there are prerequisites for this.

Sneaky punishment!

Everyone else who is a prisoner must be avoided and can only be killed secretly, so that a suitable reason can be compiled and these half-blood titans can be killed in public.

The more he kills, the worse he will be afterwards.

The other side doesn't care about this, and has been imprisoned like a dog for many years. The anger like a volcanic eruption cannot be calmed down easily.

Facing the aggressive half-breed Titans, the warden was beaten terribly, but he only suffered a little bit of flesh and blood, and his life was safe.

Constantly comfort yourself to hold back and don't fight back.

This is a contradictory and deformed relationship. There are many audiences, and the parents of the half-bloods are their backing. When they are alone, they are evil ghosts who demand their lives.

It has to be said that Titan's thinking is difficult to figure out.

It is even more difficult for human eyes to understand.

Looking back to Lin Suo, the riot in the god prison has attracted the attention of a large number of gods in Titan God's Domain.

He took out an astral bottle with a larger capacity.

Sweep away the accumulation of the three holy pools under the World Tree of the God of Order, starve to death the bold and the timid.

They all came, and people were arrested by him.

If you don't take more, you will always feel that you are at a loss.

And on the World Tree, those immature fruits of the birth of gods, each of which means a primitive titan, Lin Suo didn't dare to do it.

Afraid of being discovered by the Titan God King.

After all, this thing is a super cherished species, and it should be taken for granted.

Therefore, Lin Suo focused on the various priestly powers bred by the World Tree.

His World Tree Dharma Ring, because it has not yet been perfected.

I don't have the ability to conceive priesthood for the time being, so it's not bad to make up for it from here.

【Pantheon】has a long history, powerful priesthoods have been canonized, and the rest are some priesthoods with little effect and meaning.

For example, the blind priesthood, the wandering priesthood, the scavengers priesthood, the tinder priesthood... and so on.

As far as Lin Suo could see, he used a special method to squeeze everything down.

After harvesting about a dozen pieces, he opened the door to the reverse world and prepared to evacuate from the reverse dimension.

Everything went very smoothly.

The only thing that makes Lin Suo feel strange is that in the reverse dimension of Titan God's Domain, there is no reverse world tree, not a single tree!

This is completely different from the situation of Padolon World Tree.

too weird.

Moreover, in the barren, dark-toned inverted dimension, the Titan Dominion was actually very bright, as if the light of the present world had shone into the inverted dimension.

The brand-new experience that he had never had before made Lin Suo feel that it was not safe to reverse the dimension, so he quickly evacuated from the corresponding area.

Run as fast as you can.

at the same time.

The Snow Demoness Julian, who was on a mission, had left the Titan God's Domain through the secret passage arranged by the God King, and the warden was destined to not find her.

The space teleportation of the secret channel brought the Snow Demon Girl to a deserted star in the universe, which is only half a medium-sized galaxy away from the God's Domain.

After leaving the Titan God's Domain, the Snow Demon Girl suddenly became much weaker, and her aura fell to the peak of legend.

But the purpose was also achieved.

Rescuing "Lin Suo", even if he can't gain his trust, can transform the relationship between the two into a mature person without hostility.

The grace of saving lives can be used as capital.

Find a way to get more information.

Exactly at this moment.

"Lin Suo" opened his dull eyes, and the saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth seemed to have been damaged and something went wrong.

The Snow Demon Girl frowned slightly, trying to communicate.

"Are you OK?"


"I saved you."


Nothing happens.

"Damn Urul!"

After cursing viciously, this guy's brain was tortured out of order. When he hugged him and moved, she found that all the bones in this wizard's body had been taken away.

There are scars left by instruments of torture all over his body, especially the huge scars from the chest to the small face, which are no different from disembowelling.

Being able to live until now is enough to show that the vitality is tenacious.

The Snow Demon could only scold Urul for interfering with her mission, and asked: The target has become a fool, how should I solve it?
cure him!
Gritting her teeth, Snow Demon can only find some treasures from her collection, and use special methods to restore "Lin Suo"'s injuries.

And what she didn't know was.

The Golden Son Aslan Sara's team is approaching this area.

Aslan was talking about something.

"Everyone, according to my precise calculations, the probability of sneaking into the Titan God's Domain from this direction is the highest, and those patrolling angels rarely patrol this way."

"I guess, there should be some special facilities arranged here. Although the probability of being discovered has become smaller, once an accident occurs, it is likely to be fatal."

"Are you all ready?"

Seal Master Galasso, Voidwalker Gufadli, Void Wizard Zandar, Fairy Star Qilia.

The four holy spirit wizards looked at each other and nodded in affirmation with firm eyes.

Galasso took the lead in expressing his loyalty.

"Master Aslan, we are old and our potential has reached its limit. I hope you will take care of me and other family members in the future and provide an opportunity to cross levels."

"We will do our best to rescue the Duke of Rhine this time."

Galaso and the others agreed to Aslan's request obviously with the consciousness of mortal danger.

The benefits in exchange for their lives are not just that.

As for Aslan's safety, they believed that Chairman Jin had already prepared for it, but they didn't know that Aslan was also beating drums in his heart.

He has a fart life-saving means.

If it wasn't for the chairman's order, he wouldn't come back, but for the position of the chairman, it is necessary to perform some dangerous tasks at this stage.

Whether it is rescuing Rhine or killing Rhine, it is enough to make his reputation in the wizarding world soar, surpassing the previous level with ease.

The starship on which the five-member team was traveling was equipped with special witchcraft.

It can be said that it has gathered the most cutting-edge research results of the golden lineage, and the concealment has been achieved to the extreme.

Among the five, Zandar, an ethereal wizard who is proficient in perception and concealment, suddenly spoke.

"It's not right!"

This sound almost frightened the other four people who were already nervous to have a heart attack.

"what happened?"

Aslan looked over.

Ethereal Wizard Zandar scratched the back of his head with few hairs, his expression a bit unbelievable.

"I... I... seem to sense the aura of the Duke of Rhine, which is on a desolate star on the right."

Aslan's face was crowded together immediately, as ugly as it was, not only him, but other teammates were also very uncomfortable.

"It feels like a trap..."

"But, before we even had time to go in, the Titans guessed it?"

"It's impossible."

"You said, is it possible that the Duke of Rhine escaped by himself?"

"However, next to him is the aura belonging to the Titan gods, and he is much weaker after leaving the realm of the gods... only the aura of the legendary peak."

"No matter how you look at it, this is bait!"

The only female wizard and fairy star Qi Liya in the crowd, she has the oldest age and the youngest appearance. Maybe this is the obsession of women with appearance.

Just listen to him speak.

"No matter how you look at it, this is our opportunity. Even if it is a trap, we have to break through it. Why don't you think about it."

"If we were outside God's Domain, we wouldn't dare to fight head-to-head. How would we fight Titans in God's Domain? Saving people is our main purpose."

"As for the sacrifice, Master Aslan has already marked the price, do you still want to spare your life?"

Hearing this, Aslan couldn't help but nodded.

"Grandma Qi Liya is right."


Qi Liya slapped Aslan on the shoulder and corrected her.

"Call my sister."

The relationship between the two is closer than others. Obviously, Fairy is a member of the golden lineage, and maybe even related to Aslan.

Now that everyone has spoken, there is no reason to refuse.

The direction everyone was going to was the deserted star where the Snow Fairy Julian and "Retarded Lin Suo" were.

Unknowingly, all kinds of coincidences touch together strangely.

(End of this chapter)

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