The Witcher: Synthesize Everything

Chapter 429 Unprecedented Meeting, Lin Suo Appears!

Chapter 429 Unprecedented Meeting, Lin Suo Appears!


Not long after the sun god Helios entered the arena.

The main star of the corona convened the Supreme Council again. The difference this time was that, except for the Supremes, all the Holy Spirit-level wizards of the Truth Society were present.

Take part, by way of projection, in this unprecedented meeting that will determine the future of the wizard.

From the Time Hermit organization, the remaining two lower Holy Spirits...

A hundred research-oriented holy spirit wizards from the First Star Sea Research Institute...

The hundred holy spirits of the night elves...

The hundred holy spirits of the high elves...

All members of the five-color dragon family, the metal dragon family, the four veins of human beings, the famous holy spirit powerhouse among the wild wizards, and the rulers of the neutral organization arrived.

The meeting place is the Temple of Gold.

Here is like a stage, with thirteen seats placed on the central circular platform, surrounded by seats similar to stands, superimposed on top of each other.

The number of participants was as high as thousands.

This is also the fact that almost all the Holy Spirit wizards in [Truth Society], at first glance, this force is very powerful and fully capable of leading the war, but the vast majority of these powerful people are Holy Spirit wizards with three marks and below.

The real middle and upper holy spirits do not exceed hundreds.

It's still too bad to fight against the Titans. Since the fire bearer left the [Truth Society], the wizards of his age have died of old age one after another. So far, the wizard's power has actually been extremely weak, far from being as strong as before.

Facing an unprecedented threat like the sun god Helios, even wizard civilization must be cautious in its heyday, let alone now!

Give it your all, it's basic respect.

Besides, the situation in the Silver Star Domain is really not optimistic. If no measures are taken, it will be completely defeated and this galaxy will be completely lost within a year at most.

one year!This is the case when Helios is on the road most of the time.


"Everyone, it's a pity that I can't see your real body here."

The Golden Speaker is one of the few strong men who came here in person. Although they had already prepared themselves for this posture, the wizards still couldn't help the tragic feeling in their hearts.

"Your Excellency, Speaker, let's get straight to the point. Regarding the matter of the Silver Star Domain, it has already been spread on the Monet, and everyone knows it by heart."

Although the main topic is this, the Battle of the Silver Star Field is the last one. As the absolute high-level of the [Truth Society], everyone present is the pinnacle of each field.

Only those who have the right to know the situation of each battlefield, based on the overall situation, are qualified to come up with suitable methods.

"Although the situation is urgent, things still need to be dealt with one by one. Let's start with the Southern Starfield."

"Banomon, start with you."

In the circular seat at the back, a blue projection with the appearance of a middle-aged man stood up. He was the second in command in the field of war, the seven-scared holy spirit and violent wizard Banomon.

A very famous representative of the melee wizard genre, everyone knows him.

"The battle in the Great Ursa is almost the most stable battlefield since the Titan Wars. The king of angels, Metatron, did not make a move. Several battles also ended in a draw, and the battle losses were not large."

"It is estimated that this is the enemy's strategy. I heard that there is a reincarnation pool technology in the angel clan, which can resurrect their dead clansmen. The speed of strength recovery is a hundred times faster than normal practice."

"It should be their attrition tactics. It is basically impossible to reverse the situation from the Ursa front. It is best to keep it as it is."

"As a defender, we are not afraid of a war of attrition."

Banomon's short report is enough for you to form a basic concept, as long as you know that there is no problem here.

Then there is the Western Thousand Islands Starfield.

The only immortal in [Truth Society] at present, the alien blood saint Rudius Grelat himself spoke.

"The situation on the Qiandao battlefield is not optimistic. Although the results are not small and the advantages are great on the surface, it is based on the fact that the Titan King Uranus was held back by something."

"He disappeared on the battlefield many times, obviously rushing to do something urgent. Recently, he has left less and less often. Soon the Qiandao battlefield will be under great pressure, and we will need your support at that time."

The threat of the strongest immortal in the universe, the faces of all the wizards were gloomy.

Then there is the northern Eternal Frost galaxy.

From the very beginning, this place was a front where the masses gathered. Due to the weakening of the Ice Field lineage, many experts from other fields of the Truth Society gathered.

The reporter is from the Petrova family, a four-scarred Holy Spirit lady of the age of an old woman.

"The situation in the Eternal Frost Battlefield is not optimistic. The front line is retreating day by day, and half of the territory has been lost. Although the Scarlet Empire has joined with the help of His Excellency Sword of Justice, it is not optimistic."

"The Scarlet Empire's fleet has many Holy Light Knights with strong defenses. They are obviously from the Holy Light Empire, which means they are united!"

"Just like last time, we need support."

And the Silver Star controller, who is under the most pressure, doesn't need to speak, because the main purpose of this meeting is the battle in the Silver Star Domain.

Too many holy spirit powerhouses were lost due to the battle of giant gods and titans.

As a result, they became weaker than the Ice Field, how could they resist the invasion of Helios?
Luckily no one died!
Chairman Jin waited for everyone to finish their reports before opening his mouth.

"The Qiandao battlefield is fully handled by Sir Rudius, and the Eternal Frost battlefield is taken over by the Golden Family. We will discuss countermeasures with the Metal Dragon Clan for the Red and Sacred Allied Forces."

"The sun god... Helios, everyone needs to find a way."

The voice fell, and there was a sudden silence in the field.

Even the controllers from neutral organizations feel that it is wrong. You have solved the problem of simpler feelings, and leave the most difficult ones to us people?

We can have a fart way!Under the oppression of absolute strength, any conspiracy is ineffective unless the two sides are pulled to an average line.

Of course, this kind of words can't be said in this kind of situation anyway.

What they don't know is that the Thousand Islands battlefield is facing pressure from the Titan God King Uranus. Isn't this more difficult than dealing with Helios?

The Yongshuang galaxy is originally a public battlefield, and command and dispatch are more complicated and difficult. If these neutral forces and family ancestors are integrated into it, won't it become a mess?
That's why the Golden Family stood up. With enough credibility, being able to integrate the Metal Dragon Family with other forces can increase the winning rate a lot.

Only the battle in the Silver Star Field required the brains and efforts of all.

After all, the Supremes have already discussed it in private, so there is really no way.

But the scene turned cold.

At this moment, Yves Egenrausch, who was among the crowd, spoke.

"Your Excellency, how about foreign aid?"

"foreign aid?"

At this time, is there any force willing to help the wizard?
The old allies (Mechanicus Cult) broke up because of the witchcraft of the electromagnetic system. There are too few immortals in the universe, and there are even fewer immortals who are neutral or independent. No, there is foreign aid Korah there?

"what do you mean……"


Ives' shout made Lin Suo give him a thumbs up quietly, that's right!As a Holy Spirit level powerhouse, he also projected over.

"Sir, there is no hope in the known universe, but what about outside the universe?... Or outside our world!"

(End of this chapter)

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