The Witcher: Synthesize Everything

Chapter 93 The Padollon Wizarding Association

Chapter 93 The Padollon Wizarding Association


In the end, Lin Suo still failed to get Menehor to have sex.

As he said, the size is hard to find the right one.

Obviously there are a few octopus people who can try, but Menehor himself is unwilling.

Legend has it that sea giants often breed with deep-sea octopus people, but Menehor is a human being after all, with deep-rooted aesthetic concepts, it is difficult to get a clear head on octopuses.

(Sensitive words will be mistyped on purpose.)
In the same situation, the Neptune in the black robe will not emm...

Lin Suo had to give up the beauty from the ice field from the north and go back to the hotel.

The next day, I exchanged communication numbers with Menehor and left Mystery Lane.

The communication machine was developed by the Hobgoblin family. It is like a wrist watch, and it can also project the half-body image of the other end of the communication. The price is more than one thousand magic stones.

It is the most expensive thing Lin Suo consumes in Mysterious Alley.

The advantage is that you can record unlimited numbers, and the communication range can be delayed except for the northernmost moon tip, different spaces, or special environments.

Much better and cheaper than goblin comms.

Goblins and hobgoblins were originally the same race, but now they are split. They are both leaders in the field of steam technology and mechanical research and development.

Each has its own characteristics and representative works.

The capital of gold - "Raliyah".

Coming out of the bizarre and mysterious alley, Lin Suo was still a little dazed when he saw normal people or things for a while.

He recovered in an instant.

Prepare to report to the Padolon Wizards Association and submit an application for membership.

After finishing the work, you can go to the headquarters of the Judgment Committee and look for Reston Martin.

The Padolon Wizards Association, on the surface, has the responsibility of maintaining peace on the mainland, mediating conflicts between countries, and providing a platform for official wizards to communicate with each other.

In the dark, it's still intrigue and intrigue, but it will be much restrained and abide by a set of tacit unspoken rules.

Use group interests as capital and use political means to obtain benefits.

There are 36 pinnacle wizards (Nine Rings) who are resident as directors of the association. There are people from all over the world, and there are also foreigners.

The reason why the headquarters is in the capital of Dandong.

Not only because this is the center of the mainland, there are 36 directors, twelve of whom belong to the descendants of Dandong.

The president is an existence above the Nine Rings, which is rotated every ten years, and generally not in the mainland all the year round.

Whoever sits in this position can bring a lot of benefits to the forces behind him, and the secretary-general is responsible for the main duties.

So the president and the secretary-general are bound together.

Major decisions of the association are decided by the board of directors. The president has one veto and one executive, but it can only be used once every five years.

During his tenure, there were only two opportunities in total.

The confluence of the earth and the earth is the one-vote executive power exercised by a demon school, the president above the nine rings, 300 years ago.

No side effects have been seen so far.

Another important position - "Vice President!", will also choose corresponding checks and balances, with five votes in hand, the power is also not small.

All in all, the Padolon Wizards Association is a tool to replace and maximize benefits.

It is also the apex of continental rights.

In addition to the Supreme Council, there are adjudication committees, exploration departments, scientific research departments, and independent associations of various schools of thought.

Council is highest.

Adjudication, exploration, and scientific research are medium, and basically do not participate in power struggles.

The various wizarding schools are at the bottom, and the battles are the most fierce, but the new directors are often selected from the leaders of these schools.

It's amazing.

For an opposition party like Lin Suo, who has the status of a Viscount, it is not difficult to join the association, but it is more difficult to penetrate into the camps of various schools.

Because the struggle of the General Association is actually a derivative result of the academy period.

The Golden Academy in Dandong, the Extreme Academy in the Ice Field, the Elemental Academy in the Southern Sutars, the Star Academy in the Silver Star Alliance, and the Sogo Academy in the Land of Thousand Islands.

These four colleges are the supreme institutions of the wizarding world.

As for why there are five of the four major academies, it is because the Suta people are shameless, not only naming them after elements, but also insisting on squeezing in and participating in the battles between various academies.

It is not ashamed to be at the bottom every year.

This kind of battle during the college period, after they graduated, entered the General Association for further study, and after they were exposed to more complicated wizard knowledge.

It also continued.

Those commoner wizards who have no background, join the court in an ordinary manner, mix with several generations, and if they are lucky, they can become new nobles.

Excellent civilian wizards will join different schools according to what they have learned, and become the new blood of the school.

This group of people is often very popular, and they have been cultivated since childhood to know the basics. The big families and nobles can use them with confidence, and are willing to use resources, marriage and other means to completely win them over.

Only Lin Suo, an old stunned young man in opposition!It's miserable and nobody wants it.

Occasionally, there are a few people in their early years, and it is difficult to get involved in the orthodox forces. They can only entangle a few friends outside and form an organization.

This is almost the case with the Evening Bell Church and Ocean College.

The White Tower is quite special, because Mrs. Qiangwei inherited her husband's title, but lost her real power and had to start from scratch.

But there are also contacts from the General Association, so it is better to mix, and the rings are all set, which reduces the difficulty of breaking through the nine rings in the future.

After going through this journey, Lin Suo already has a complete understanding of the structure and situation of the entire wizarding world.

But he always felt that this was not all.

Because judging from the wizard's ability to slaughter gods, the Padolon continent is too small, and all the wizards above the nine rings have disappeared.

It gives people the feeling of a talent training base.

And above the nine rings to graduate.

Lin Suo has also thought about the situation in other worlds, but it is too early to know how.

[Padolon Wizards Association Office Headquarters in the Golden City]

Look at the long sign.

Lin Suo was very pleased.

The headquarters building only has two floors, but it occupies a very large area and is very luxuriously built.

The gold and inlaid jade are not enough to summarize, and a large number of space expansion arrays are inscribed inside, which is much larger than what you can see.

Those who come and go inside are also official wizards.

Lin Suo had just entered this stage, and showed the attitude that a newcomer should have. He handed over the identity certificate of the viscount to the guard before he could officially enter.

Follow the signs and walk towards the personnel department.

He found an interesting detail. Many wizards seemed to be proficient in life transformation, and they were often accompanied by an "alien" creature.

A modified demon with forearm height.

Bat-winged horns, a pair of scarlet eyes, body covered with dragon scales, four arms, holding some sundries, closely following the owner.

There are also miniature forms of five-color dragons, servant half-length spiders, small tree spirits (Groot), flower fairies, and green-flaming skulls.

The most bizarre thing is a necromancer, accompanied by a modified ghoul, the upper body of the dark elf was stitched on the back, and a pair of pure black eyes appeared in every part of the body of the ghoul mount!
Even more curious than 【Cthulhu Synthesis】.

The San value is crazy!
Lin Suo shuddered, withdrew his curious gaze, and quickened his pace a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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