greek mythology stuff

Chapter 57 Thoughtful

Chapter 57 Thoughtful

With the intervention of the Supreme, the chaos ended.

Hephaestus and Epimetheus gathered in a hidden natural cave to discuss the next situation and formulate countermeasures.

In the cave, Epimetheus closed his eyes tightly, shutting off the divine light that flowed from them, so that he could completely disappear in the darkness.

Hephaestus also dissipated the flames from his hands.Unlike Epimetheus, his eyes were wide and dull.

This is the price of defeating the strong with the weak.

Although the two could barely be regarded as victories, they won miserably.

Epimetheus leaned against the mountain wall, his tense body relaxed, and he said flatly, "That ominous flower is destroyed."

"Hemamene was not banished or badly wounded."

"Although we have won and lost, I am afraid that the days to come will be difficult."

Hephaestus' legs trembled, and he felt hollowed out.He slumped on the ground with his back against the mountain wall and took a deep breath: "At least we're alive, aren't we?"

"It's a little better than the worst-case scenario expected."

"We can leave a signal. If anyone is blocked, another person will immediately go to support."

"As long as we don't make mistakes with each other, we can completely deal with Hermamene's revenge."

Following the example of Hephaestus, Epimetheus also sat down on the ground. He shook his head: "This makes me worry about the future."

"We are like a race against time, we must have the power to fight against Hermamene before she ascends to the top again."

"But she will climb to the top one day, because she has seen the scenery there, but we may not be able to become great. This is something that you and I are not sure until that moment."

"If I really hit the mark, Erebus may not make a move, and even if he does, he may not be able to save us."

Hephaestus smiled: "What else can we do. We have no way out."

"My friend, if you don't fight hard, you will never know where your limit is."

"Until the last moment, we haven't lost yet, and we still have a chance."

"Anyway, it's already torn apart. What Hermamene wants to do is what I, Hephaestus, want to oppose."

"Didn't she give birth to a group of new gods who are competing with Zeus for faith?"

"Although I don't know what she wants to do, my idea is very simple. I don't agree."

"Not only that, I will kill her heirs one by one, until she is afraid."

Epimetheus: "I don't think you need to worry about that. Zeus will do it."

As he spoke, he cut through the space and took out a box.

This is a magic box that once brought disasters to mankind. Epimetheus opened it with his own hands and released the natural and man-made disasters hidden inside.

Now, the box vibrates restlessly, as if something new and terrible is being held inside.

"That human being is very good, Apata, the goddess of deceit, is dead." Epimetheus said.

"Breeding is not the point, power is. I withhold the power to deceive, and Hermamene loses it forever."

"I don't believe she has innumerable powers to bestow upon her children."

"Even if these new gods are very weak, the combined authority is not a small amount."

Hephaestus was a little disappointed: "I think that Linkos, who was smuggled from the last era, did not do well."

"The power we gave is not weak. He can seize the opportunity and slaughter all the new gods."

"This time, we attracted the attention of the gods. Next time, where should he find such a good opportunity?"

Epimetheus replied, "You should not have such high demands."

"He is a mortal, even if he came from the last era, it can't change his mortal nature."

"He is no different from the former Linkos. He has great limitations and a weak foundation."

"Since you can accept the mediocrity of Linkos in the past, you must also accept his insignificance."

"Turn down your expectations, and he will always surprise you."

Hephaestus: "Maybe my requirements are too high, I think he can come to our world alive from the last era, there will always be something different, whether it is strength or luck, there will always be Some."

"Don't mention him, let's talk about Zeus, what do you predict he will do?"

Epimetheus: "I'm not sure, but a long time ago, Erebus once interfered with the destiny and disturbed the trajectory of many destiny."

"But what I can confirm is that this matter is related to Persephone, Queen of the Underworld. You should be able to get the answer when you stare at Zeus and he goes to the underworld."

Hephaestus nodded: "Understood, I hope he can surprise me."

"Then, good luck."

Epimetheus: "You too, don't die."


Back on Lemnos Island, Hephaestus stood on the coast for a while, letting the sea breeze blow away the hostility and bloody smell from his body, and then slowly walked into the temple on the island.

His good friend Cloto and his younger sister Aglaia had been waiting for him at the gate of the temple for a long time.

Clotho was relatively restrained and just smiled gently at the entrance of the temple, but Aglaia rushed out of the temple and gave Hephaestus a big hug.

in the temple.

Aglaia, who had calmed down, glanced at Hephaestus, and her words seemed to imply something: "It's really dangerous outside."

"I heard that some of the new gods bred by the goddess of the night died forever."

"It's better to stay on the island recently and not go out."

Hephaestus was surprised: "Oh..."

"Who is it, so unlucky."

Cloto suppressed a smile, teasingly said, "So you don't know! I thought you knew."

"It is Apata, the Goddess of Deceit, whose body has not yet been found by her brothers and sisters."

"Can only be judged by the deceitful authority of the sudden loss of contact, she is probably dead."

"It's good to die, it's good to die!"

"I can finally get a moment of cleanliness."

Hephaestus looked at her puzzled, and asked tentatively, "Strictly speaking, she should be your sister, right?"

"After all, you are all conceived by Nix, the goddess of the night."


Cloto smiled and said, "Very happy, right?"

"Actually, it's okay. If you know more brothers and sisters you don't know, the relationship will naturally weaken."

"Sometimes I even feel from the bottom of my heart that a strong friendship is more reliable than a weak family relationship."

"And, those new gods..."

"It's really... hard for me to recognize them!"

She looked at Hephaestus and said word by word: "After all, I was once the goddess of fate, wasn't I."

Hephaestus looked at her thoughtfully.

 Pujie diary: join the group chat, come quickly
(End of this chapter)

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