greek mythology stuff

Chapter 65 The Secret Means of the Ancient Gods

Chapter 65 The Secret Means of the Ancient Gods
After hesitating for a moment, Hephaestus withdrew his thoughts, but his face was still full of surprise.

With doubts in his heart, he stood under the yellowed sky of the "border", looking at the temple in the world with the dim light.

Looking at it this way, more clues emerged.

Even with his great power, he couldn't really see everything in the temple, and that temple seemed to be always hidden in a haze.

Hephaestus tries to trace its history further.

The time in his eyes was blurred, and he saw the humans who built this temple, and they were the only humans at that time.

The name of this man cannot be known, and there is another great god to help him hide everything.

He claimed to be the priest of Anser, the sun god, and told people that he was inspired by Anser.

Because he did perform a few miracles in the early days, people soon flocked to him.

In this way, Anser Church has grown and grown.

Hephaestus had been keeping an eye on the person behind the scenes, but he hid well and never showed up.

Even the person who claimed to be inspired by God at the very beginning disappeared into the long river of history very quickly after the Anser Church got on the right track, which made people feel abrupt.

Time has gone round and round to the present, Hephaestus is still at a loss, he has not received any substantive news, more of a patchwork of catching wind and shadows, at first glance it looks like the smoke released by the people behind the scenes Afterwards, it was like deliberately waiting for him to come to investigate.

The man never revealed his identity, but his every move pointed to his mother, Hera, the goddess of marriage, both openly and secretly.

Hephaestus remembered very clearly that at the beginning of the founding of the Anser Church, the first Anser priest, who claimed to be enlightened by the gods, planted a row of pomegranate trees in front of the temple gate and released a flock of cuckoos.

Both the cuckoo and the pomegranate tree were his mother Hera's favorite and her symbol.

Thinking of this, Hephaestus couldn't help frowning.

Speaking of which, his mother Hera may not have been to Lemnos Island for a long time, and I don't know where she went.

Because of this, the talents behind the scenes are becoming more and more dreadful.

He knew Hera's whereabouts, so he could make these arrangements arbitrarily.

Similarly, it is very likely that He learned about Hephaestus' mastery of history a long time ago, even witnessed it with his own eyes, and observed it secretly for a period of time, so he was prepared early.

He is also the only person so far that Hephaestus traced back to the past without even knowing his face and name. For other gods, no matter how secret things are, Hephaestus can more or less see part of the truth.


"My time of existence is too short after all."

Hephaestus sighed and landed on the surrounding floating islands.

He more or less guessed how the people behind the scenes avoided him. They were nothing more than the winners of the secret war among the gods.

Most powerful gods were born to represent a source, like Gaia for the earth, Uranus for the sky, and Tartarus for the abyss.

But this representation does not mean that other deities cannot wield similar powers.

The gods soon discovered this, and the Hidden Wars began.

While everyone insists on their own uniqueness, they are always thinking about plundering other gods in order to expand their own heritage.

It is irrefutable that the Hidden War did give birth to a batch of mid-level gods, but it had little effect on the small group of people standing at the top, and even stabilized their positions in disguise.

After all, in the scramble, people who are themselves strong will definitely have more advantages.

So it is obvious that the strong get stronger and the weak get weaker.

Hephaestus understands that he is only a latecomer, and although he is confident that he will not lose to any great god in terms of background and power, he is far behind when it comes to the variety of methods.

But he is not helpless.

Although he has only existed for a short time, there is no shortage of ancient gods in the world.

Who doesn't have a reliable and powerful friend!

He sat cross-legged at the "frontier", and sent his friend Epimetheus the second letter of the day through the dim light. The letter described in detail his encounters and doubts.

Then he ascended to the sky, and the history books and streamer lights appeared in his hands at the same time. The power of words from the past and the clear light that illuminates the future firmly locked on the Anser Temple in the world, and silently blocked everything around the temple. , and at the same time blocked the possible next move of the person behind the scenes.

After finishing all this, Hephaestus nodded slightly.

All that's left is to wait patiently.

He was not afraid of the people behind the scene suddenly rushing out to destroy the traces, he stared at this place, thinking that no one could bypass him.

And since the variety of methods is not comparable to others, there is no need to waste time on this aspect. Frontal confrontation is what he is good at, and the root of the flame is good at.

When the world sun outside the "border" was in full swing, Epimetheus finally sent a message.

He didn't come in person, and it seemed that this incident was not a big deal.

Hephaestus opened a gap where the "border" connected to the present world, and a crow flapped its wings from the present world and flew in with a roll of sheepskin in its mouth.

Spread out the sheepskin, and on it is Epimetheus' reply.

It reads like this:

"I don't think you need to worry too much, my friend.

I don't see any sign of danger to you.

Although your mother Hera is not a god with powers related to wisdom, she is equally wise, and she must have known a lot.

The original Goddess of Wisdom, Metis, was indeed still alive, and she did leave behind some tricks, but His Majesty Hera also had her own considerations, and it was she who voluntarily let all this go.

It is probably because she wants to completely end Metis' position in Zeus's heart, and eternally defeat Metis' delusion of the queen of heaven.

But she who moves freely must be more active and flexible than Metis who was imprisoned by Zeus in disguise, isn't she?
As for the Anser Church, I asked my brother Prometheus, who knows a lot more about this than I do.

If possible, I hope he can end his captivity earlier.

According to what he said, he briefly used his authority to speculate that the Church of Anser was indeed created by Hera, and her purpose is unknown.

After Anser Church got on the right track, she traveled across time and went to the future.

This method should come from Rhea, the goddess of time, or Cronus, the king of gods, but I didn't expect that His Majesty Hera could still have such a profound knowledge of time under the noses of these two.

Traveling through time for a short period of time is really amazing. I don’t know what kind of powerful gods are able to travel back in time and change the past. Is this really possible?Is such mighty power really still in the category of gods?

In the past few days, His Majesty Hera should be walking out of the long river of time. You can wait for her in the temple of Anser Church on Earth, where she crosses time.

If something goes wrong, call me anytime.

Your friend - Epimetheus. "

Hephaestus pondered for a while, reached out and wiped the writing on the sheepskin, and began to reply.

The content of the reply letter is very short, only two lines:
"I see, thank you!

I'll figure out what to do with Prometheus. "

Then the crow with bright feathers picked up the rolled sheepskin and flew into the world with its wings. The black figure disappeared into the clouds very quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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