Chapter 1 Dead world, waste world?
"Everyone, it's time for you to awaken your own world origins."

"Presumably you all know that someone from Shanshui High School has awakened a planet with a diameter of nearly 56 kilometers, and it contains various rare resources and minerals and powerful energy. It will definitely create a powerful technological civilization."

"The teacher hopes that you are all ready, this will determine your future."

Qingshui High School, on the huge square.

A teacher with a charming and plump figure wearing glasses stood on a high platform in the front.

He spoke to the densely packed students below.

The students below were all extremely excited and nervous.

But among them, there was a young man who seemed out of place.

Shen Hui looked around in bewilderment, and what he had just heard.

"I'm... time-traveled?!"

Shen Hui was horrified, and a memory suddenly surged in his mind.

Immediately, he understood where he was now.

This world is called Blue Star, which is similar to his original world.

However, in this world, there is an invasion from another world, which is full of dangers.

But as long as the full-year people.

You can have the origin of the awakened world and create a world of your own to develop different civilizations.

Some people develop cultivation civilizations, some people develop technological civilizations, and some people develop supernatural civilizations...

As long as you awaken your own world, you can reach the sky in one step.

Create your own world civilization to resist the invasion of other worlds and become a powerful existence.

And those who have not awakened out of the world are naturally oblivious to everyone.

So today is a very important day.

It was also the day when Shen Hui and his group woke up.

After understanding her situation, Shen Hui was also a little excited.

Soon, the awakening test has already begun.

"Students whose names have been called, please come up and awaken your world."

"Zhang Xinxin, Wang Dan, Li Chuanzhi."

Three people walked towards the awakening platform.

They were so nervous that their hands and feet were shaking.

"Classmates, relax a bit and put your hands on the world's origin stone."

The teacher who was guiding Awakening on the side spoke.

The three of them immediately put their hands aside, and there was a colorful boulder as tall as a person.

After they put it on, there was no change in the place where two of them touched.

However, where the other person touched, there was a colorful light.

The man suddenly shouted excitedly: "Hahaha! I have successfully awakened! I have my own world!"

The other two who failed to awaken successfully looked ashamed.

The nervousness and excitement were all gone.

"Zhang Xinxin, Li Chuanzhi failed to awaken, but Wang Dan succeeded in awakening."

"Wang Dan's awakened world has a diameter of 8 kilometers, and the energy filled with it is the power of Qi and blood, which is suitable for creating a world of warriors."

The bigger the created world, the more energy there is, and the faster it develops.

So the smaller the world, the weaker it can be said.

But no matter how you put it, the awakening was successful, and it still aroused the envy of many students below.

One by one students were called to awaken the world, but most of them failed to awaken successfully.

Even if it is successful, the size of the world is still around ten kilometers.

But soon, a fair-skinned and beautiful girl with double ponytails, named Qingxue, who is the beauty of the school, awakens.

It aroused everyone's attention and uproar.

"Qingxue, the awakened world is 60 kilometers away, and the energy filled with it is a supernatural power!"

The teacher on the side shouted excitedly.

Everyone below was in an uproar.

"Fuck! 60 kilometers! Isn't this stronger than Shanhe Middle School's 56 kilometers!"

"You really deserve to be the belle of the school! It's so powerful!"


"You want to fart, you fancy, don't look at you will look at you?"

"Damn it, as long as I can awaken a world that is about the same size as hers, I can definitely catch her!"


Shen Hui also clicked his tongue when he looked at it, Qingxue was in his class.

In this 60-kilometer world, the start is several times that of others.

Moreover, it is a supernatural power. The world created by this kind of energy has a terrifying upper limit.

For example, Shen Hui knows that some supernatural worlds have created supernatural beings with the ability to manipulate magnetism.

This is mastering the laws of the world!

Qingxue is no longer in the same world as many people.

When the other party returned to the class, as a classmate, Shen Hui also congratulated the other party.

Soon, the awakened teacher called Shen Hui's name.

"Shen Hui, Zhang Hu, and Wang Erdan come up to awaken."

Shen Hui was excited. As a time traveler, why should he awaken a world that is so shattering?

Otherwise, how can I be worthy of my status as a time traveler? Wouldn't it be embarrassing for the time traveler alliance.

Shen Hui went up quickly, and all three of them put their hands on the awakening stone at the same time.

Shen Hui felt that within the awakening stone, there was a trace of energy slowly passing through his hands.

Invade into his body, and move a trace of strange power in the body.

At the same time, where Shen Ash touched, colorful lights lit up!
However, the two people who came up to awaken with him did not change in any way.

The two of them failed to awaken, but Shen Hui succeeded in awakening!
Shen Hui squeezed his fists excitedly, as expected he had successfully awakened!
But before he became happy, Shen Hui froze in the next moment.

After successfully awakening, a world space was opened up in Shen Hui's mind.

Inside is your own world.

However, in the gray world, there is nothingness, and black mist is everywhere.

There are no nascent resources.

Cold, distorted, without any breath of life and color.

Only a strong negative energy atmosphere is spreading, making people feel uncomfortable, fearful, and dead!
Not only that, but the world is very small!
The teacher on the side began to announce the world of Shen Hui.

"Shen Hui has successfully awakened, the diameter of the world is... 1 kilometer, and the energy filled with it is...the negative energy of death that cannot give birth to any life."

The teacher had never seen such a situation as Shen Hui, and was a little surprised to announce the world information provided by the Awakening Stone.

And the people below were also taken aback when they heard it.

Then some people began to laugh unkindly, and more and more people laughed.

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, the world of one kilometer? Is this also called the world?"

"The energy inside can't give birth to life, so what's the difference between awakening and not awakening?"

"Is this the first time this has happened? A waste world?"

"I thought my six-kilometer world was enough rubbish, but I didn't expect there to be more rubbish than me, so I felt relieved."

(End of this chapter)

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