Creation of All People: I Create a World of Weird Talk

Chapter 101 Invading the Supernatural World

Chapter 101 Invading the Supernatural World
The two worlds are connected.

Shen Hui's world of death is not completely connected with the opponent's world as before.

Instead, they are spread out and located in different places in the supernatural world based on where different heroes are located.

Shen Hui wants to test the ability of all heroes to fight alone.

exert their respective abilities.

The moment the world connects,

In the supernatural world, in the supernatural bureau established by supernatural beings.

The director inside, a supernatural person from the hero unit, immediately sensed it.

"Another secret realm has been opened. The last time the secret realm was opened, the creatures inside invaded us. Instead of bringing us disaster, they sent a lot of resources."

"I don't know what kind of surprises will be in this scattered, secret realm."

"All supernatural beings are ready to investigate where all the secret realms appear!"


The supernatural world, in an old house on the outskirts.

A middle-aged man reeking of alcohol yelled viciously at a girl with bruises all over her body:

"You useless trash!"

"As long as you awaken a supernatural ability, how can we not expose it? As for living here?"

"You're still hiding! Your mother doesn't care about you. If I hadn't raised you, your mother would have died a long time ago!"

"You trash! I'll kill you!"

Compared with the glamorous supernatural beings, they are ordinary people in the supernatural world.

Doomed to live at the bottom.

But they are also an integral part of the fabric of the world.

Just like those people in the dead world, the land of new life.

If you want to become a self-developing world, you must have them.

The girl with a lot of scars on her body carried resentment towards the world and her parents.

As in the past, he rushed to the woods near the house, ready to vent his anger alone.

But this time after she entered, she suddenly found that the forest had changed.

Become different from the original.

It became extremely cold inside, making her body shiver uncontrollably.

If there is any mist, it also permeates the forest.

The vision is very blurred.

At some point, the ground was covered with a layer of rotting leaves.

There is no trace of life.

Everything here has become illusory and strange.

The girl became frightened, wanted to escape from here, and started running back according to her memory.

However, according to her memory, she was supposed to run out of the woods, but came to a clearing in the woods.

And on the ground ahead, there is a very eye-catching dry well.

Although the girl was curious, she became even more frightened.

But just when she was about to leave here.

A vague and ethereal voice came to her ears from nowhere.

"Resentment, I feel your hatred, do you want revenge?"

"Do you want to express the world, express the injustice of others to you?"

The girl who wanted to escape stopped in her tracks, as if she had been dazed.

Subconsciously nodded, froze in place.

There was laughter of unknown meaning, but the girl knew where the sound was coming from.

It was the dry well.

The girl walked to the well stupidly, and she looked down.

He saw a woman covered with long black hair, standing at the bottom of the well and staring at her through her hair.

A chill ran down the girl's back, awakening the fear in her heart again.

But when she was about to escape here, she suddenly found herself standing at the bottom of the well!

The girl laughed, an ethereal laugh.

He clasped the wall of the well with his nails, step by step, and crawled out of the dry well until his fingers were bloody.

With vengeful resentment, he began to walk home.

The drunk middle-aged man saw his daughter coming back and was going to vent on her again.

But the girl waved her hand with a strange smile, and the middle-aged man was lifted up by an invisible force.

The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, and then his face was full of excitement.

"Haha! You have awakened your abilities! You are also a person with abilities!"

"Look at it! Look at it! It's just that we can't beat it! Now we have a good life!"

But the surprised middle-aged man twisted his uncontrollable hands with fear in the next moment.

He directly tore his stomach apart and ripped out all the organs inside.

It didn't take long for the middle-aged man to die.

A video marked that if you show the person you hate, he will die, appeared on the Internet and began to spread wildly.


In another suburb, a group of young people discovered that there was a dilapidated slaughterhouse at some point.

With curiosity, all the young people began to explore the abandoned factories under the encouragement of each other.


Someone met a girl who was very beautiful despite having a family of her own.

But I couldn't help but take it home and start taking care of it.


On the side of the desolate road, someone saw a horn hanging from a tree trunk, constantly playing the radio.

And the sound played inside has changed from a normal broadcast to a voice, and then to a noise of unknown meaning.

It ended up being the voice of what he had just said.


Some people bring their babies at home and find that their children are playing and talking with someone outside the house.

But when he went to look, he found that his child was there alone.

When asking who your child plays with.

Just a guy in a suit.


Somewhere in a town, a large number of people started coughing.

They seem to be infected with some kind of strange disease, and more and more people are infected.


On the second day when the two worlds were connected.

The ability bureau that is still investigating where the secret realm appears.

Be the first to learn about the anomalies that appeared on the Internet.

"The network has been completely shut down, and no more videos will be circulated."

A group of supernatural beings gathered in a conference room.

Their eyes were all on the big screen, a video that hadn't been played yet.

But no one dared to play it.

Because this is from yesterday, there is a crazy video with curses circulating on the Internet.

Anyone who looks at it will die.

Under normal circumstances, it would be taken as a joke.

But since the video was circulated yesterday, thousands of people have watched the video and died.

It also includes supernatural beings.

"This must be related to the secret realm that appeared!"

"Don't watch this video, everyone, now I have found the place where the initial video was uploaded."

"Everyone, follow me to the source to investigate!"

This wave of supernatural beings came to the dilapidated houses in the suburbs.

They saw the middle-aged man whose internal organs were torn apart, and found the daughter who had hanged herself.

Finally, I found something strange in a wood near the dilapidated house.

"That piece of woods is devoid of vitality, exuding a dead air, and it doesn't fit in with the surroundings."

"There must be something to do with the secret realm, set off and crush the secret realm!"

A group of supernatural beings stepped into the woods.

Little did they know, the moment they stepped in.

There was already a pair of stern eyes, hiding in a corner and staring at them.

(End of this chapter)

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