Creation of All People: I Create a World of Weird Talk

Chapter 105 Believe in the world, the protagonist is in danger?

Chapter 105 Believe in the world, the protagonist is in danger?

Shen Hui noticed the change in the opponent's crowd.

He also heard the roar of the old man.

His face suddenly became weird.

"Please God? What?"

But even if he didn't know, Shen Hui also knew that it was definitely not a good thing.

The slender ghost appeared directly beside the old man, tearing him apart.

The tentacles quickly stretched out again, tearing apart more than a dozen people around them.

But the rest did not panic again.

They began to gather together, and as one shouted loudly, everyone followed suit.

"The flag drum incense burner passes through three altars!"

Someone took out a small incense burner from his pocket and placed it on the ground, and someone took out three cigarettes from his pocket and stuck it in.

The slender ghost directly teleported in, ready to kill the people in this place first.

However, this time when the slender ghost's attack hit them, it emitted a golden light.

The damage was completely blocked.

And those people completely ignored the existence of the slender ghost.

Whether adults, children or the elderly.

All of them were extremely pious, and even suppressed the look of fear.

They began to shout in unison:

"One sound of the Dharma drum shakes the sky, and the second sound of the Dharma drum shakes the ground. I beat the gong to shake the sky and the earth. I burn incense and light candles to invite the great gods, and invite the black earth gods on the earth to protect my people forever!"

As the first sentence began to shout, someone among them beat the gong and drum that came out of nowhere.

With the first sound of gongs and drums, the sky began to hum.

The second sound of gongs and drums, the earth began to shake.

With the third sound of gongs and drums, the sky and the earth trembled.

When the voice fell.

Everyone's eyes gradually became fanatical.

There is a strange quality in these ordinary people.

They don't seem to be them anymore, something is attached to them.

The slender ghost started to attack again, and came to a person in an instant.

This tentacle attack pierced the opponent's body.

But just like stabbing into the soil, the opponent's body did not shed a single drop of blood.

Swipe and pull apart in an instant, dividing the opponent into several pieces.

But things like lotus root silk spread throughout the body, connecting the body.

In an instant rebound, the body was completely reattached.

Fanaticism appeared on everyone's faces, and they began to yell crazily.

"The Black Earth God bless us, let us kill the monster in front of us!"

These people rushed towards the slender ghost.

And as they approached, a singular force took a stand.

It directly suppressed the slender ghost and dragged him to the ground.

Cannot teleport, and the rest of the movement is very slow.

All ages, young and old, rushed forward.

Like layers of soil, the slender ghost was buried under it.

Where the rest of the heroes were ashamed, they also encountered these ordinary people one after another.

Among the dead woods.

All the ordinary people I met were manipulated by Sadako's fear.

Some people, because of fear, gradually fell into a terrifying mental hallucination.

But the rest of the people immediately began to shout loudly:
"The white god in the sky, constantly responding to changes, protecting life and body, clear and pure in wisdom, peaceful in mind, eternal in three souls, and never lost in soul!"

These people also became fanatical on their faces.

From ordinary people one by one, they became weird.

Their fear was completely gone, and Sadako's mind control could no longer restrain them.

These people are blessed with strange powers and are completely fearless.

With that strange power, he rushed towards Sadako.

Even if Sadako exists as a spirit body, these people can still touch her with that strange power.

In the butcher's slaughterhouse.

All are also chanting their mantras.

"Certificate of returning to fate, believe in the incense and think about Zhoushajie, I will send cigarettes all over the ten directions, and invite the stone god to descend from the sky!"

These people took out a handful of tiny stones from their pockets and threw them into the sky.

After falling to the ground, these stones turned into stone figures one after another.

Tomie, Siren Head, hates there.

These people also invited different gods one after another, and with this strange power, they began to suppress them.

Paying attention to all of this, Shen Hui's face instantly became gloomy.

It's not about worrying about the survival of their heroes, they can all be resurrected anyway.

But if he keeps being suppressed like this, Shen Hui is doomed to lose.

"Is this the power controlled by the other world?"

There are no powerful humans, only ordinary people, but every ordinary person can become a powerful existence!

And these people, after turning into that crazy, devout, fanatical face.

They seem to have discarded all negative and positive emotions.

There is only piety and fanaticism left.

Under the circumstances that Shen Hui's heroes were unable to suppress the opponent.

They are not affected by Shen Hui's world of death at all.

Completely, it is another existence in a human shell!
This power, this system...

Shen Hui knew.

"This is a world of creation based on faith!"


In the sea of ​​stars, the place to challenge the world without masters.

Everything seems to be normal here, and everyone is orderly challenging different unowned worlds.

Shen Hui also stood in it with his eyes closed, although it was quite a long time.

But it didn't attract the attention of others. After all, it has been there for a longer period of time, which is normal.

There is just one World Association staff member who manages this.

He squinted his eyes in another direction, facing Shen Hui.

But he is not challenging the world of no master, but the world of creation in the dust.

He is the creator of this belief system creation world.

Through his own work privileges, he was in contact with Shen Hui's world.

With a smile, he was paying attention to the battle situation in Shen Hui's world of death.

"Jie Jie Jie, Shen Hui is nothing more than that. Although he has grown rapidly, he has already reached the fourth-level world."

"The world is also a type I have never seen before, but compared to my world, it is still too weak."

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect him to be able to destroy our plan."

"The cleanup of the World Association is coming soon, let me kill him before he is discovered!"

"And that scheming style also helped a lot. I want to come here to find his son's world."

"But it's just enough for me to blame Shen Hui's death on him, so that I can escape safely."

"After I complete the task, the High Priest will be able to make him a belief in my world."

"At that time, I will be able to summon him!"

This person's consciousness laughed wildly in his own world.

Everything is developing in a positive direction, and the next step is to completely destroy the world of Shen Ash.

This battle is over!
But at this moment, the place where the battle took place suddenly changed.

Originally, the sky was gray and filled with black and gray mist.

Suddenly a pale orange color appeared hanging in the sky.

And like the paint melted by water, it began to spread and render continuously.

Gradually, the entire sky was dyed into a dusk-like scene.

A grand, stalwart, as if occupying the entire sky.

A gigantic unknown creature that cannot be seen in its entirety with just one glance.

With oppression, with destruction, with disaster.

Bathed in the dusk gradually emerged.

(End of this chapter)

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