Creation of All People: I Create a World of Weird Talk

Chapter 116 Steam civilization, strange talk rules

Chapter 116 Steam civilization, strange talk rules
For more than a month, everyone went through mountains and rivers, heading towards the ruins of the city.

On the way, they saw all kinds of scenery that they had never seen before.

Especially the young people among them have never been anywhere since they were born.

At the same time, they also witnessed the horror of the creature named Siren Head.

That huge figure, that terrifying posture, that strange voice.

It has been deeply engraved in the depths of their memory.

Finally, they reached the ruins of the city.

Standing on the flat land, everyone looked at the ruins ahead.

It was not a city like steel and concrete in their memory.

It is a huge and cold metal city, with a brass-like luster, full of old, simple, and long-lasting atmosphere.

Dark, brick-like clouds loom overhead, lending the city an oppressive sense of mystery.

As they walked towards the ruins of the city, they saw a more detailed scene inside.

The chimney, which could have gone straight into the sky, twisted into a circle and fell aside.

The huge boiler has been completely cracked.

A huge brass wall clock that has stopped moving.

Delicate objects made of gears can be seen everywhere covered with dust.

All kinds of twisted pipes are interspersed over the city, just like the veins of the city.

The civilization of this city is completely different from what they have come into contact with before.

Their eyes are full of curiosity, wanting to quickly understand what kind of civilization this is.

Shen Hui, the creator, looked at these people and smiled.

The ruins of this small city were naturally not born naturally from the dead world.

It was created by using a civilization card that Shen Hui saw in the big family's thank you gift.

And it is not an ordinary technological civilization, but a very unpopular steam civilization.

If they want to develop, they naturally want to promote the progress of science and technology.

But according to their number, it is naturally impossible to completely establish a sound technological system.

So Shen Hui gave them a little help, using the steam civilization to propel them forward.

Two days later, everyone searched the city, but did not find any life or remains in the city.

It's like God gave them the same.

They began to take root and live in the city.

Start looking for things that are still useful in the city.

A few days later, they found a lot of blueprints, and learned from them that such a civilization is called a steam civilization.

With the steam engine as the core, coal and charcoal are burned to provide steam power.

Assemble with a variety of fine gear parts to create different tools.

These blueprints include how to manufacture and how to use them, which is a complete set of steam civilization blueprints.

Everyone began to divide and cooperate, and those with knowledge and talent began to study steam civilization.

Use parts and materials still in the abandoned city to start repairing existing machines.

The rest of the people started hunting and clearing out the abandoned things in the city.

One month, two months...

One year, two years...

Much of the city has been cleared.

The people here also initially mastered the use of steam technology.

Accompanied by the sound of steam eruption, white steam rose slowly and floated over the city.

The pipes intertwined over the city rumbled.

The air valve pointer above is constantly beating.

The veins of the city were dredged again.

On the street, there was a rumbling or creaking sound, and different vehicles composed of various metals, pipes, gears, and bearings were running.

The only thing they have in common is that they all have a chimney that emits white steam after running a certain distance.

The whole city was given a new vitality.

During this period, both the Slender Ghost and Siren Head appeared in people's sights.

It seems to be warning them that this place has never been truly safe.

Time passed quickly again.

Ten years, 20 years...

They have become the real masters of this steam city.

Has completely mastered the steam technology.

The steam machines that can be seen everywhere are constantly running.

serve their lives.

Here is the source of their development, they are in this year.

Officially announced to take over the city, and named the city - Arkham.

History is like a wheel rolling forward.

Ten years, 20 years, 50 years...

Until a hundred years after they first came to this steam city.

It has become extremely prosperous here.

The population inside has exceeded [-].

Of course, it is not by relying on all of them to give birth.

Instead, at the right time, Shen Hui used the biological structure card.

Several batches of human beings were created, who joined in as refugees whose cities were destroyed and who did not know how to get here.

After all, this world is unknown to them.

No one knows what is in those fogs.

Moreover, their ancestors lived here only after the original city was destroyed.

The rapid increase in population has also led to the rapid development and improvement of steam engine technology.

They discovered oil, which they could use to sustain the more efficient development of the steam engine.

Wind energy can also be used to drive extremely fine gears to keep them running.

Even developed the idea of ​​steam robot and steam exoskeleton.

It is currently in the experimental stage.

The city has been expanded and become more magnificent.

A school was built in it, and knowledge began to be passed on from generation to generation.

Small towns were built around them, and railroad tracks connected them to the city.

Trains gushing steam can be seen at any time, traveling between the two.

However, under all the prosperous appearance, everyone still has a strong fear in their hearts.

during their rapid development.

In addition to the appearance of the slender ghost and Siren Head, other strange stories were witnessed and began to spread.

Sadako, the pig-headed butcher, Fu Jiang, hate, each name is well known to them.

Make them terrified.

Gradually, many taboo rules appeared in their city.

Don't walk alone in the wilderness, and if you see a tall black shadow appearing in the distance, don't look directly at the other person, and run away immediately.

Try not to leave your child alone at home.

If you see a utility pole appearing where it should not be, move away immediately.

Hearing a radio that shouldn't appear, or the call of an acquaintance who didn't see the figure.

And don't go looking for the source.

When walking in the forest, I found that the surrounding temperature dropped and a large number of dead leaves appeared on the ground.

Corruption filled the air, and he fled the forest immediately.

Because there is no longer the original forest.

If you still see a dry well, then congratulations, don't run away.

When you see a dilapidated slaughterhouse in the middle of nowhere, don't enter it.

If you are lucky, when you enter by mistake, you will see the roof of the slaughterhouse, which is full of dissected corpses like works of art.

When you feel sick and think of running away immediately, there is still a chance.

When you find out that someone, male, female, young or old, is madly in love with a girl and is willing to do anything for her.

Immediately block the current area, and cannot witness the appearance of any girl inside.

After waiting for a few days or months, you can go inside and clean up the corpse.

And must burn all photos can not be witnessed.

When a plague breaks out somewhere or a large number of people die.

It must be isolated immediately, and the corpse must be disposed of immediately.

Depending on the number of dead bodies, it should not exceed 2-24 hours.

(End of this chapter)

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