Creation of All People: I Create a World of Weird Talk

Chapter 130 You can also decide on me?

Chapter 130 You can also decide on me?

Shen Hui had a dream, a long and eternal dream.

The specific content has long been forgotten because of the long time.

But Shen Hui could understand that he understood a lot of things from it, knew a lot of things.

But when the dream woke up, everything was forgotten again.

"I'm... where?"

Shen Hui opened his eyes and found himself in a clean and tidy ward.

There were several bouquets of flowers by the bed, but no one was there.

"Aren't I participating in the test of letting the creation world come to the real world?"

Shen Hui's memory still lingered at that moment.

Just when Shen Hui was puzzled and was about to get out of bed and go out to have a look.

The door was pushed open at this moment.

"Shen Hui, you're awake."

Shen Hui saw that it was Qingxue who came in with a bag of fruit in his hand.

"Qingxue, what's the matter, why am I in the ward?"

"Aren't we participating in the test?"

Qingxue put the fruit next to the bedside table, and didn't rush back to Shen Hui's question.

Instead, he asked with concern: "Are you okay? Mentally and physically."

Shen Hui felt his physical condition, and it was very good.

Not average.

Especially mentally, Shen Hui felt that his understanding of everything around him became extremely clear.

Full of energy and high-spirited.

"It's alright."

"That's good. You've been in a coma for three days. Chairman Chi Yan said that you were caused by excessive mental exhaustion."

Seeing that Shen Hui was fine, Qingxue was slightly relieved.

But Shen Hui was even more confused, and asked again:

"What's the matter? Has something happened?"

Qingxue nodded and told everything that happened before.

"Are you really not impressed?"

Being mentioned in this way, Shen Hui seemed to have a slight impression.

But it's very vague, and it's impossible to piece it together completely.

But from Qingxue's mouth, Shen Hui had already learned the whole story.

"I... can't, the world I descended on is that big?"

"I only remember the last memory. I am carefully experiencing the connection between the created world and the real world."

"And you said that I have changed into another form, which is the form of the Creator that Chairman Chi Yan said?"

"I'm really curious about what he looks like now, and I don't know if he's handsome or not."

"But, are you all right?"

Shen Hui thought, they were brought into the world of death by him, and they would always be affected to some extent.

Qingxue showed an awkward smile: "We're alright, but some people are a little bit affected."

"But the most important thing is the impact of your movement this time."

"Huh? What's the matter, by the way, what about the president and Ye Long?"

Shen Hui asked suspiciously.

Qingxue sighed: "Because of the impact of your incident, some people think you are too dangerous."

"So if you want to control you, the president and the others will naturally disagree."

"It is estimated that it is currently being discussed in the World Association of the Sea of ​​Stars."

"Ye Long and Xiao Xiangyan also went back to their family temporarily."

Listening to Qingxue's narration, Shen Hui understood the whole thing.

Although Shen Hui also admits that the world of his own creation comes with a huge risk factor.

Especially in this real world.

But this is a double-edged sword, as long as you control it well, it is an invincible weapon.

Moreover, his own death world has come successfully, and Shen Hui's plan for the Giant God Cult can also be implemented!
"Is this a hospital in the World Association?"

"Quickly, let's go to the location of the instrument that connects to the sea of ​​stars. As the person being discussed, I will also join in. It is absolutely impossible for them to decide themselves!"


In the sea of ​​stars, somewhere in the stronghold of the World Association.

Some people projected their consciousness here, discussing something.

Ji Xinfeng raised the corner of his mouth slightly and snorted coldly.

"I repeat again, everyone has experienced the ash falling to the world of creation."

"Have you ever thought about it, if it weren't for the small town at the headquarters of the World Association at that time."

"But in an ordinary city, I don't know how many people will die, but it is a major casualty incident!"

"With his nature, how is it different from those who caused the turmoil of the Giant God Cult?"

Chi Yan on the other side immediately retorted:

"Jian Xinfeng, don't think I don't know, because you have a problem with Shen Hui about your son's affairs, now you want to target Shen Hui, right?"

"As the branch president of the water district, I have had a lot of contact with Shen Hui. Whether it is talent or strength, he is definitely top-notch."

"As long as he controls it well, he can exert great effects in the real world."

"When he fully grows up, that will also be the top combat power of our humans!"

Regarding the views of Chi Yan and Ji Xinfeng, there are people who agree with each other.

At this time, among the members of the Presbyterian Church of the World Association, an old man with a pale face and a weak complexion blew his beard and stared.

He is the elder Gu Cheng, and his mental state has recovered a little.

At least it's normal now.

"No! You must control it and strictly supervise the development of his creation world, otherwise it will follow this trend."

"If there is an accident, it will definitely cause a major disaster!"

The other four elders also nodded in agreement.

There were also members of the Zhuge family present, and it was Zhuge Zhaoxing.

"I don't agree. Ash is an extremely special case, and it is also a good observation sample. It should be allowed to develop on its own."

"We must not interfere."

Guardian Organization, Sword Organization, Observer Organization...

Organizations in the World Association have participated and expressed their views.

Some supported Chi Yan, and some supported Ji Xinfeng and the five elders.

But more people support Ji Xinfeng and the five elders.

It's not because they are a group, the organizations of the World Association are all separated separately.

It is to control the dust, but to strictly regulate the development of the other party's creation world.

It will not endanger Shen Hui's life, let alone have any impact on them.

And you can also know the specific situation in Shen Hui's world of creation.

For them, things that have no harm at all, naturally have to agree.

Seeing that most people agreed with his point of view, Ji Xinfeng couldn't help showing a smug smile.

If it weren't for the fact that his son's world of scheming and goodness has collapsed, and there is no conclusive evidence to prove that it was Shen Hui's doing.

Just relying on strong intuition and clues will inevitably be opposed.

Otherwise, he would have already started, why bother to go around like this.

But now that it's successful, it's all worth it.

This discussion, on the one hand, is the coming of the creation world, which changes the above restrictions across the ages.

The other is about whether the ash is controlled.

According to the number of people obeying the number of people, the discussion will end.

Chi Yan felt a little unwilling, she knew that this time was completely an accident.

Shen Hui should not be controlled.

Just when she was thinking to herself, after the end here, she went directly to the president of the World Association to report it.

Suddenly, a familiar figure flickered and appeared in the hall.

"Hehe, you want to decide on me without my own consent?"

(End of this chapter)

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