Chapter 138 The Road to Potion
Dozens of bat-shaped black fighter planes flew quickly in the sky.

"President, we are about to reach the boundary of the opponent's world."

"Well, everyone is paying attention, the world we meet this time may not be weaker than ours."

"Everyone install the No.12 combat hard drive, let's try our latest invention in this battle."

"Yes! President!"

For all robots and cyborgs, a device with a hard disk pops up on them.

A black, one-inch hard drive was placed in it.

The data in the hard disk began to be uploaded in their mechanical bodies.

The fighting skills and fighting moves contained in the hard disk are completely integrated into every nerve and muscle of their bodies.

They are all mechanical warriors who have experienced many battles and are proficient in all fighting skills.

As the fighter jets entered the gray world of death, they immediately felt that this world was unusual.

"President, after data analysis, this world is permeated with a substance that can kill life."

"And it can also mobilize everyone's emotions without knowing it."

"Ahead, signs of a city have been detected."

"Well, everyone turns on the emotional management mode, everyone should be careful."

As these fighters advanced, Steam City appeared in front of them.

In the steam city, ordinary people have already hid in their homes.

Only the city guard formed in Steam City and members of Dagon's secret sect remained.

This is their first contact with the rest of civilization, and it is not the friendly civilization they imagined.

It came with hostility.

Watching fighter jets that are completely different from their steam technology fly here.

The city guard immediately yelled, "Fire!"

Several tallest buildings in the city opened several huge cannon barrels.

The boiler at the bottom of the building burns, and the converted energy drives the gears above.

Shells were fired at those fighter planes in an instant.

It was about to hit, but a layer of energy shields were deployed on those fighter jets.

Directly block the attack of the shells.

It didn't have any effect at all.

Sun Jingjing was delighted watching this scene.

"Is this Shen Hui a joke? Such an attack to hit my creation with the influence of the technology system?"

"Hmph, this time I will let you see how powerful my old lady is. I have put in a lot of effort for this!"

But Shen Hui watched all this calmly.

The embodiment of the strength of the dead world is still those weird heroes created by Shen Hui.

Shen Hui can make the big defeat come at any time, and let them all come out to fight.

The current steam civilization is just a subsidiary product of the weird heroes and the Cthulhu belief.

Although it is not powerful, it is also due to various uncontrollable factors.

A unique civilization of its own was born and embarked on a different path.

So Shen Hui was going to see what level their current combat power had reached.

The steam cannon's attack was ineffective, and the city guards seemed to have expected it.

Not flustered.

As for the mechanical warriors in the fighters, if it weren't for turning on the emotional management mode.

I'm afraid they all laughed out loud. Such an attack actually wanted to shoot down their fighter jets.

Seeing the sky above their steam city.

"It's just a group of inferior civilizations, everyone follow me!"

The hatch of the fighter jet was opened, and all warriors did not carry any landing equipment.

Jump straight down.

Like meteors falling one after another, the metal on their bodies glowed red due to the friction and high temperature of the air.

Bang Bang Bang ~!

With a loud bang, smoke and dust rose everywhere, the ground cracked, and large pits were smashed out.

These mechanical warriors all fell into the steam city.

The smoke dissipated, and a cyborg with a metallic luster and some human features came out of it.

A red light flashed in the mechanical eyes, and all the physical data of the city guards in front of them were analyzed.

"Just a bunch of ordinary people."

"Surrender! Let us take over your city, or there will be no mercy!"

Among the mechanical warriors, someone made a loud electronic synthesis sound.

The city guards couldn't help swallowing their saliva. They were wearing steam exoskeleton devices.

There are also manufactured steam robots on the side.

But compared with these cyborgs in front of them, they look too shabby.

"You invaders! Get out of our city! Otherwise, you will all be killed if there is a catastrophe!"

"City Guard, shoot!"

All members of the city guard, with flintlock guns in their hands, aimed at the mechanical warriors in front of them and started shooting.

Bullets flew out one by one, but these warriors were faster!

They couldn't see their figures at all, and disappeared directly in place, avoiding all attacks.

A mechanical warrior is still a warrior in essence.

Warriors practice flesh, tendons, and internal organs, so that each cell is filled with more power to burst out with powerful power.

As for the mechanical warriors, they just abandoned the stage of cultivating flesh and bones, and a small part abandoned their muscles and bones.

They are replaced by machines, and with the assistance of machines, even more powerful forces can erupt.

Moreover, some technological means can also be integrated to enhance their combat power.

So when they were warriors, they possessed terrifying strength.

Coupled with the improvement of mechanical technology, their explosion is even higher.

Possesses power beyond technology, and technology beyond warriors.

The combination of Sun Jingjing's technological civilization and martial arts civilization has been very successful.

These mechanical warriors burst into a sprint and rushed into the city guard.

The mechanical fist swung out, simultaneously activating the propulsion mechanism at the elbow.

Spewing out a flame made the speed and burst of the punch frighteningly improved.

As the fist burst out, a terrifying force turned into a wave of energy.

A group of city guards were directly blasted into pieces, and the buildings behind were also razed to the ground.

The destructive abilities of these mechanical warriors are terrifying.

These city guards are completely weak in front of them.

The rest of the city guards turned pale and retreated immediately.

At this time, a member of Dagon's secret sect stood aside with a bottle of potion in his hand.

"According to the recipe of Vic scholars, let us listen to the call of the great Cthulhu!"

25 grams of animal blood, a pinch of human hair, a fishbone from the dead sea, and three drops of mucus from the body of the deep diver.

Subdued by humans who have heard the call of Cthulhu in the dream, they will be able to hear the call of Cthulhu again.

This is a path they have researched by themselves, and this path is called potion by them.

As they took the potion in their hands, the followers of these Dagon secret sects heard it.

Immediately there was a muffled murmur, accompanied by the sound of lapping waves.

Everything in front of their eyes began to become distorted.

A large amount of incomprehensible knowledge poured into their minds, making their eyes look crazy.

The SAN value dropped rapidly and finally returned to zero.

Something began to squirm under their skin.

Tentacles tore the skin out of their bodies one by one.

Their appearance has changed from normal humans to terrifying monsters covered with tentacles!

(End of this chapter)

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