Chapter 14

Fu Jiang was successfully created by Shen Hui.

Just by looking at her appearance, she is a pure and beautiful girl.

In any school, it is a proper school flower level existence.

Compared with Shen Hui's school, Qingxue, the school girl in their class.

They are all better, because Fu Jiang has an indescribable temperament that attracts the opposite sex.

Shen Hui couldn't help being crazy about it.

Of course, Shen Hui knew that this was Fu Jiang's ability.

And as the creator, nature is immune.

Shen Hui immediately checked Fu Jiang's information.


[Type: Hero]

【Quality: Rare】

【Level: 1】

[Ability 1: The source of obsession. The appearance of Fu Jiang will prompt human beings to pay attention to her positively or negatively. Regardless of the elderly or children, as long as they are men who desire women, they will be seduced by Fu Jiang and bow down under the pomegranate skirt]

[Ability 2: Crazy love and hate, a man who is tempted will have a strong mixed emotion of love and hate. As time goes by, he will be manipulated by Fu Jiang, or he will become hostile to Fu Jiang, and he will be dismembered and killed】

[Ability 3: Super regeneration, Fu Jiang can regenerate through his smallest living body, including hair, skin and blood, and each living body part can grow into a complete Fu Jiang clone, with independent thinking and shared memory]

[Ability 4: Tenacious resistance, Fu Jiang's body has strong resistance, immune to various special attacks, such as corrosion, gamma rays]

[Note: The hero will die in three days]

Shen Hui looked at Fu Jiang's message, and he was another hero of rare quality.

Moreover, Fu Jiang's ability is only four, which is one less than the five of Sadako and Zhutoubutcher.

But Tomie's four abilities are perfectly matched!
The first one is Fu Jiang's ability to have that unique temperament.

As long as you have desire, you will be tempted by Fu Jiang and become an absolute admirer.

And who would have no desire?
Is not having desire a desire?
So this ability is very terrifying.

With the second ability, you can manipulate those who are tempted.

However, there will also be people who hate Fu Jiang among them, and they will kill Fu Jiang.

But this triggered Fu Jiang's third ability, through the fragments of the corpse, he could reproduce and clone himself infinitely.

This is also Fujie's core competence.

The fourth ability is to ensure that Fu Jiang is immune to some special attacks, large-scale attacks that can directly wipe out cells.

Improved survivability.

Of course, relying on Fu Jiang's reproductive characteristics to hide a hair in advance in a random place.

That is the existence of immortality, infinite backup clone.

But the current Fu Jiang also has shortcomings, that is, his own combat ability is not very strong.

It's at the level of ordinary people, unlike the pig-headed butcher and Sadako.

After all, it relies on charm.

The second is that it only has a charm effect on humans.

However, as Fu Jiang's level increases, Shen Hui believes that it will not only target humans by then.

After looking at the bottom of Fu Jiang's information, he died three days later.

Shen Hui directly ordered Fu Jiang to pull out a hair.

The pulled hair was thrown on the ground by Fu Jiang, and then the hair began to wriggle and expand.

It turned into a huge humanoid sarcoma.

Soon the sarcoma broke open, and a clone exactly like Fu Jiang appeared.

And when Shen Hui checked her information, it was exactly the same as Fu Jiang.

And there is no reminder of the countdown to death.

Sure enough, as expected by Shen Hui, only the created Fu Jiang died.

Clones are not affected.

Shen Hui checked his remaining world sources.

【Dead World】

[World size: 29 km]

[World level: Level 1]

[Creation unit: 3 (hero unit)]

[World origin: 40]

[Item: Time Flow Card]

After spending Shen Hui's 110 world origin, there are 40 left.

Shen Hui thought for a while, and spent the last 40 world sources.

With a thought, a Japanese-style bungalow was built on the grassland.

There are only some simple furniture inside, and the more refined Shen Ash is not enough for the rest of the world.

This is Fu Jiang's home.

After finishing, Shen Hui also felt physically and mentally tired.

After all, construction takes a lot of effort.

Withdrew from his own world, Shen Hui went to bed after eating.

Three days passed in a flash.

The day of the field test has arrived.

In the morning, Qingxue called Shen Hui.

"Shen Hui, today is the actual combat day, let's go together."

The two can catch the bus and drop by the school.

After breakfast, she went out and brought Qingxue twice as much freshly squeezed soybean milk.

The two took the bus together and came to the school.

There are already a lot of people in the school.

But they all gathered in the square in front of the school.

At the same time, there are many buses parked around.

Because the actual combat training is not in the school.

The school does not have the corresponding equipment, and the actual combat training can be regarded as a competition between major high schools.

For the annual actual combat training, the area where Shen Hui is located will gather world awakeners from all schools to complete it together.

And the number of levels that can sprint to the actual combat training represents the different strengths of their respective schools.

It will also affect the allocation of resources for next year.

In previous years, the Qingshui Middle School where Shen Hui and the others were located was in the lower middle class.

Everyone gathered in the square, Shen Hui and Qingxue also returned to the class.

Seeing Shen Hui and Qingxue appearing at the same time, someone who was close to Shen Hui immediately asked:
"Shen Hui, hello boy, this was taken down by the school belle, why did you come together?"

Shen Hui cast a glance at him: "What are you talking about, stop it, this is the school belle of the whole school, not mine, you want me to be the public enemy of the men in the school, and didn't you drop by together before?"

"Understand, understand, I'm just talking nonsense, but you and Qingxue are the No.1 side-by-side test this year, and the next actual combat test will depend on the two of you!"

If the school can get a good ranking, they are naturally proud as students.

"Let it be, and do your best anyway."

Soon the principal appeared on the platform in front of him, holding a microphone and saying:

"Students, we are going to the actual battlefield next, I hope you will show your full strength!"

"Let me see your results in the past three days, and give us Qingshui High School a good ranking!"

The students below were all shouting: "Never fail the principal's expectations, and get a good ranking for Qingshui Middle School!"

"Never fail the principal's expectations, and get a good ranking for Qingshui High School!"


"Okay, all students, get on the bus according to the order of the class, and set off for the actual battlefield!"

Everyone got into the car one after another, ready to set off with excitement!

(End of this chapter)

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