Chapter 144

"President, what are these?"

Shen Hui pointed to the shelf in front of him covered with a layer of dust and asked.

"The ones here are all obtained or extracted from different places, but no special props are used."

"So there is no classification, and there is no need to read it here."

"It's not helpful to the creation world, but it's still a kind of harm."

Chi Yan suggested that Shen Hui can ignore this point directly.

But Shen Hui directly picked up the card that caught Shen Hui's attention.

【World BUG Card】

[Level: Special]

[Effect: Construct a BUG that ignores any rules in the world, and the BUG will appear in any place at any time, so that the appearance of the BUG becomes the wrong time and wrong place]

The description of this card is a bit abstract, but the two parts make it clear.

One is the nature of the bug.

BUG, loophole.

The world of creation is interwoven with various rules.

Just like a program that works perfectly.

And BUG is the imperfection in this perfection.

To put it more seriously, it's like a young and vigorous man with a wolf-like woman.

Everyone has a desire, and they all have a fancy.

According to the normal process, the two should be successful.

But this young and energetic man, Yangwei.

Intentional but powerless, it was because of this problem that the two broke up, and even fought.

This sheep tail is tantamount to a bug.

Because of the appearance of a BUG, ​​the entire program may not work.

Thus causing a devastating disaster in the created world.

To put it lightly, it is an early thank you. Although it was running normally, it ended up prematurely due to problems before the normal end of the operation.

And no one knows what kind of changes the next BUG will bring.

It's like opening a blind box.

Ai Ya, Mei is related, there will be no warts, and the probability is drenched.

Therefore, the complete composition of a created world does not have the concept of BUG.

For the Creator, BUG is nothing but harm.

Shen Hui doesn't know how this card came about, but it's fine if no one wants to throw it here.

But this is only for others, this thing is useful for Shen Hui, and it is of great use!

"What are you doing with this card, don't think about doing stupid things."

Seeing Shen Hui's movements, Chi Yan immediately reminded him.

"This card was obtained from the Xiaoqian World. There were two of them at that time."

"Because of something like a BUG, ​​no creator has yet made it into the creation world."

"At that time, there was a person who used one, thinking whether there would be unexpected strange changes."

"I don't know the specific process, but as a result... that person's world collapsed directly and turned into a black death star."

"Together with the Creator, it will disappear directly in time and space."

Shen Hui was also a little surprised.

"President, don't scare me, just turn into a black death star?"

The black death star exists like a black hole.

But it is changed by the creation world.

Chi Yan glanced at Shen Hui.

"Do you think I look like someone who lied to you?"

"Although this kind of card is very useless and even has great harm, its value is also very high."


"So I decided it was it!"

Shen Hui took Chi Yan's words and put the card into his bag.

Chi Yan: "!"

"Do you not understand human speech!"

"Hey, President, don't doubt our two species."

"I'm not kidding, this card is really useful to me, and it can even be said to be of great help to my creation world!"

Shen Hui spoke swearingly, with determination in his eyes.

BUG is a huge hazard to the normal world that cannot be exploited.

But Shen Hui can use it to create... the world view of the back room.

The back room refers to a kind of strange talk about space that is separated from the real world.

In other words, it is a kind of space that you can enter when you get stuck in the real world.

The idea of ​​being stuck in the world may sound counterintuitive in the real world.

But in the game, it is tantamount to a BUG in the game, for example, the character can be directly stuck out of the house.

Stuck from the ground into the ground.

In Shen Hui's original world, a company called Ubisoft has done a lot of research on this aspect.

The same is true in the real world.

In the back room world, there are a lot of "floor" spaces.

Linked together in weird and complex ways.

Each layer has unique characteristics, some are safe, some are dangerous.

There are also all kinds of horrible and strange creatures called "entities".

The inner and outer worlds can be regarded as a double-sided world based on the world of death.

The back room can be regarded as another subsidiary unique world created by the BUG of one world.

As long as it can be built, it will undoubtedly improve the world of death tremendously.

And because of its particularity, the strength improvement it brings is inestimable.

But it's definitely a long process.

It's just that the basis of all of this must be based on the feature of the real world that can be used to create the backroom world.

Then you need to find an existing BUG in the creation world.

Of course there is no complete normal world, but now there is one.

It is this [World BUG Card].

Looking into Shen Hui's eyes, Chi Yan seemed to understand Shen Hui's determination.

"ok, I get it."

"I really shouldn't interfere with the development of your creation world."

"But you have to understand the danger, don't blindly experiment with your own world."

"Well, don't worry, President."

Shen Hui nodded, showing a happy smile.

After taking the card away, Shen Hui continued to search inside.

Came to a pile of red, diamond-shaped gemstones.

Shen Hui could feel the huge energy contained in these crystals.

"These are star cores, and they will only be useful after your creation world breaks through to level five."

Chi Yan explained to Shen Hui.

Shen Hui began to search.

After searching around, Shen Hui saw too many things.

Although it doesn't have much effect on Shen Hui, who wouldn't want to take it for nothing.

However, under Chi Yan's eyes, Shen Hui finally took three more cards suitable for the next crafting.

And the potion with the power of five thousand pure world sources.

"President, is that all? Can't you take a little more?"

"No, if you take it again, it will be the quota of our water district."

Chi Yan held Shen Hui's restless hands.

Drag Shen Ash out of the resource library directly.

Although Shen Hui wanted to ask for more, he was satisfied in his heart.

It is true that there are not many things to take, but they are all high-quality goods.

It is impossible to meet outside.

Chi Yan took Shen Hui with her, greeted her master and left.

After returning to the large army in the water area that had not yet left, Shen Hui and the others began to return to the water area.

Shen Xin couldn't bear it any longer. Next, it's time to continue creating the world of death!
(End of this chapter)

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