Chapter 153 Changes in Nature

Anomaly Containment 173 was summoned from the dead world by Shen Ash.

As for why not summon your own hero unit,

The main reason is that the heroes in Shen Hui's death world are too unique.

Although the rest of the people don't know it, some people have seen it and are easily recognized.

Even the aura of the world unfolded by Shen Hui is replaced by the world in the back room.

In this way, there will be no connection between Hui and Death.

So Shen Hui summoned 173 to fight against the enemy, try the opponent first.

As for whether 173 can activate the ability, Shen Hui is not worried.

Because they are in the duel field, which is equivalent to being in another space.

The battle fluctuations inside will not touch the auditorium, and this can be proved.

Although the two different spaces can be seen, the gaze does not affect 173.

Just like monitoring 173 with a camera, it is not feasible.

It has to be watched directly, that is, in the same space.

The only thing to pay attention to is the opponent in the duel field.

But 173 is not a hero unit, and the rest of them immediately sensed it.

So they all looked dumbfounded.

"Is there any mistake, what is this god of death playing? The summoning is not a hero unit in the creation world, what the hell is this statue?"

"Is this a mess? What kind of world is the statue? Why haven't I seen it before?"

"Whatever the system is, I think the overall situation has been settled, and this god of death will be brought to the dogs."


At this time, the original Adam finally spoke.

"You, are you looking down on me?"

Shen Hui smiled politely, of course no one else could see him wearing a mask.

"No, I respect every opponent, but the degree of respect depends on each person's strength."

Hearing this, Adam immediately became angry at first.

This obviously means that he is not qualified.

"Hmph, smelly mouth, give it to me!"

As soon as his words fell, the two hero units who returned to the arthropods rushed over immediately.

But Shen Hui immediately pointed behind Adam with his finger, and shouted in panic: "What is that!"

Hearing Shen Hui's yell, Adam and the two heroes looked back subconsciously at first.

Look away from Shen Hui.

They looked back a lonely, nothing.

Just when he was about to get angry, when he thought that the other party dared to play with him.

He suddenly heard a crisp sound.

He looked back and saw the statue summoned by the other party directly.

I don't know when he appeared behind his hero.

Moreover, his hero's neck is crooked, which was forcibly twisted.

The surrounding auditorium was silent for a moment, and then a burst of strong cheers broke out.

"Haha, what the hell! What happened just now!"

"Has anyone seen how the statue appeared there?"

"This statue was directly broken by the original Adam hero's neck, what a terrifying force!"

"What kind of world system ghost is this statue, I simply can't understand it."

"This god of death, it seems that there are still two brushes!"

I don't understand, but the result surprised them a bit.

But it was only a little bit, and he was still not optimistic about Shen Hui at all.

The hero whose neck was broken by 173 suddenly moved.

Immediately distanced himself from 173, the huge pincers hugged his head and twisted it back forcibly.

Compound eyes similar to insects looked over with angry eyes.

"Small tricks, you just wanted to divert our attention, right?"

Originally, under Adam's mask, came a low voice.

"Your statue is related to vision."

"If it's just like this, then it should be over!"

The other party saw the restrictions related to 173 at a glance.

And the forms of the two heroes also began to change.

The body expanded, and the chitin exoskeleton also began to proliferate, and the characteristics of the insect were obviously magnified.

The tyrannical breath emanated, and it completely turned into a humanoid insect beast.

"At first, Adam was going to play for real. I thought I would play with this god of death for a while."

"I don't know if this god of death has any other tricks. After playing with the original Adam like this, it will definitely be difficult in the future."

The two heroes who had turned into an explosion rushed over immediately.

The wings on the back flapped, and the strong Toxoplasma gondii jumped up.

There was a terrifying sonic boom, and the overflowing power even shook the space.

This burst of power is not even weaker than those powerful fighters in the martial arts world.

Therefore, the world of any system cannot be underestimated. Under the same level, all have their own uniqueness.

Shen Hui is not afraid of 173 being destroyed, and it is not a hero unit, as long as it is not destroyed in the death world view.

You can use the power of the world's origin to repair it.

But the moment the other party moved, Shen Hui felt an extremely dangerous aura.

Several tentacles appeared from the space behind Shen Hui, grabbed Shen Hui tightly and disappeared in place, appearing in another place.

Where Shen Hui was standing just now, a hero who was originally Adam, had huge pincers thrust into the ground impressively.

The surrounding ground is even more fragmented.

The opponent is a hero with an attack of 173, while the other is attacking himself!

If it wasn't for summoning a slender ghost and teleporting away with him, otherwise the attack would have landed on him.

The other party... is trying to kill him!
Now the nature has changed at once.

The face under the gray mask gradually collapsed, becoming extremely gloomy.

Even this kind of breath emanated from Shen Hui's body.

It makes everyone who sees Shen Hui feel very uncomfortable.

For a moment, someone saw that the eyes, mouth, tentacles, and heart on Shen Hui's mask seemed to come alive.

Blink, open mouth, squirm, jump...

But no one cared about this. They were attracted by what happened just now, and their nerves were provoked to cheer again.

"This...At first, Adam actually directly attacked the God of Death. Is this going to become a battle of life and death?"

"It depends on whether the god of death dares to pick it up. The opponent is behind the fringe gang. Does he dare to play like Adam at the beginning? I think it's better to surrender."

"One thing to say, Adam was a bit shameless at first, but... this is really exciting!"

"How did Reaper escape that attack just now? It seems that something appeared behind him and he disappeared in a flash."

"Never mind him, God of Death, don't be cowardly, you are a real man! Adam dared to kill you in the first place, so fight back!"

"Be a real man!"

The audience around began to bring up the rhythm for more exciting viewing.

Anyway, it wasn't me who was challenging the original Adam.

But at this moment, there was no sound of anyone beside Shen Hui's ears, only the sound of his own breathing and heartbeat.

And the beating sound of the original countdown to Adam's life.

"It's time to end."

Following Shen Hui's voice, it fell.

In the midair of the duel arena, a twilight-like dreamy orange light suddenly appeared.

Like ink dripping in water, it began to spread, completely rendering the space of the duel arena.

(End of this chapter)

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