Creation of All People: I Create a World of Weird Talk

Chapter 174 That's the most primitive fear!

Chapter 174 That's the most primitive fear!

The battle between Shen Hui and the Crow Werewolf world was over, and only then did he take a closer look at the appearance of the opponent's world.

In the opponent's city, Shen Hui found that they erected many statues with crow heads, wolf bodies, and snake tails.

According to what they said before, Shen Hui can be sure that this is the so-called Amon among the 72 Pillar Demon Gods.

Shen Hui didn't pay too much attention to it, these statues would be destroyed along with the opponent's city.

The next step is to annex the opponent's world and absorb the resources that can be used in it.

The will of the world also gave information feedback at this time.

[Annex the Raven Werewolf world, get 1500 world source power]

[Get advanced time flow card, get Orc world system upgrade card, get advanced terrain structure card, get sunset crystal*5]

This is the loot obtained, and the next step is to annex the opponent's world to expand their own world.

The breath of death began to infect, turning the world of the crow werewolves into a world of death.

The mountains, flowing water, and the earth all began to corrode and wither.

But at this moment, a strange fluctuation appeared in the world of the Raven Wolf.

Shen Hui clearly captured it.

In those cities, the erected statues of Amon began to emit red light into the air.

They gathered together in an instant, and tore a huge hole in this world space.

Red light filled it.

It looks like the huge eyes of a bloodthirsty demon.

A terrifying power emanates from it.

At the other end of the passage, it seems to be connected to a more advanced and extremely powerful world.

Seeing this scene, Shen Hui narrowed several pairs of eyes on his chest.

The alert has been raised to the highest level.

Among them, Shen Hui felt a sense of familiarity... No, it shouldn't be called familiarity.

It's the feeling of being in the newborn world, encountering the giant world coming, and the last eye that looks like a giant god looking at me.

And this feeling should be called divinity!
It's just that the sense of divinity that appears here is much weaker, but it still cannot be underestimated.

This must be caused by the influence of the world where the 72 pillars of demon gods and Amon were mentioned by the crow werewolves.

This is not an existence that Shen Hui can directly confront!

"Damn it, the world is already dead, how could this happen."

"Could it be that like those giant god believers, this world has the power of the so-called god Amon?"

"This will attract the opponent's power to descend, and at the same time make the phantom of the world where the opponent is located?"

The world of the Crow Werewolf has been merged by Shen Hui.

So escape, it is impossible to escape.

The half-closed eyes revealed calmness, ferocity and madness.

"In that case, we can only fight to the death!"

The power overflowing from the torn channel made another world appear, occupying the space that originally belonged to the world of death.

Black ashes, with sporadic sparks, appeared from the sky and fell downwards.

The earth split open, revealing the dark red magma flowing inside.

Hot white mist floated out of it.

As if everything could be incinerated.

A roar of unknown meaning came from the crack.

A huge crow's head, with indifferent eyes that seemed to see through everything appeared from it.

"If you dare to destroy my family members, you will definitely bear my wrath!"

The head of a crow, the body of a wolf, and the tail of a snake carry a divinity that transcends everything.

Amon's avatar emerged from it.

Just standing there, the surrounding space is constantly collapsing.

He looked around, and seemed to feel that this world seemed a little different.

But soon he was attracted by the vision that appeared.

On Shen Hui's side, a twilight scene of the setting sun rose in the sky.

A huge figure towering above the sky emerged from the shadows.

Wandering doom is summoned by Shen Ash.

Amon stared at the wandering misfortune, and the loud voice resounded between heaven and earth.

"The power of the Titan God? Is this world related to the Titan God?"

"No... There is another kind, bad luck, but it's all the most shoddy and useless divine power."

Amon didn't care about the misfortune of wandering.

As if it couldn't pose too much threat to him.

"However, this world is very special, such a low-level, but such an existence can be born."

"Moreover, multiple spaces have been opened up. This world is still pregnant with a strange power, or existence?"

"What do the beings in this world believe in? No, this is not belief, but another kind of instinct..."

Amon was talking to himself, and seemed to understand Shen Hui's world of death at a glance.

It also aroused his curiosity even more. After all, what he knows is only the surface, and the core is the most critical.

"Before this world is destroyed, let me see how it was born and how it was constructed!"

Amon ignored everything around him, and two arrow-like patterns, one long and one short, appeared in the eyes of the crow's head.

Extending outward from the center of the eyes, like the hour and minute hands on a clock.

The hour hand scale jumped counterclockwise, and the past of the world of death began to be traced back in Amon's thoughts.

This is Amon's ability to gain insight into the past and predict the future of all things.

You can also plant the seeds of hatred to cause world struggles.

Of course, such an ability has a price to use, especially at the moment it is not his real body, but just an incarnation.

Probably after the insight ends, the avatar disappears.

But before disappearing, Amon believed that he had the ability to destroy the world.

The history of the dead world, the past, began to trace back in Amon's mind.

But just revealed a frame, even a frame without any information.

It jumps and freezes in an instant and becomes a gray and foggy picture.

And there is no change, as if it stops here.

Amon was a little confused, and couldn't help but mutter in his heart, what's going on.

Is the past of this world just this mist?

But how is this possible!

The clock in Amon's eyes jumped counterclockwise again.

The past picture of the dead world revealed a frame again, and then turned into a frozen fog picture.

But the fog seemed to be much thicker than before.

And in Amon's ears, there was also the sound of waves crashing.

But there is no change in the picture after that.

Amon was a little annoyed, and the clock in his eyes jumped counterclockwise again.

But without him noticing, there was a hint of madness in his eyes.

The image of the mist finally changed, turning into a lifeless but rough sea.

The sound of the waves crashing that he heard just now seemed to come from here.

The hour hand jumped again, and the picture went from the surface of the sea to the deep sea.

It's cold, quiet, and eerie here.

There was a low, murmuring sound that seemed to be there, and sounded in Amon's ears through the screen.

There is no history of the dead world here, and it is impossible to understand it at all.

The irrational madness was about to completely occupy His eyes, and even the trace of divinity was suppressed.

But at this moment, Amon felt that he was about to understand the truth of this world, and he could understand it.

All of this is hidden in this deep sea.

The hour hand jumped counterclockwise again... The irrational madness completely occupied Amon's eyes.

The middle picture of his thoughts began to become gray and dull.

He saw that in the deeper darkness, there was a huge, unknown and terrifying thing watching him!
Obviously it's just a retrospective picture of the past, but the other party is as vivid as if he is in front of his eyes... No, he lives directly in his mind!
He didn't know what it was, it was indescribable, it was unknown, it was the most primitive fear!

(End of this chapter)

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