Creation of All People: I Create a World of Weird Talk

Chapter 178 Star Devouring Giant Beast, It Doesn't Matter, I Will Shot

Chapter 178 Star Devouring Giant Beast, It Doesn't Matter, I Will Shot
Black and tight muscles, a faceless head, a chest full of eyes, a belly with a human face looming, lower limbs like tree roots or flowing water.

There are a pair of black dilapidated bat wings on both sides of the back, and several pairs of dangling tentacles in the middle.

Moreover, there was a halo circle like dusk floating behind him.

The whole is full of absurdity, evil, and strangeness.

It has broken away from the category of human beings, the perfect form of the Creator.

Seeing Shen Hui's current appearance, everyone was shocked and speechless for a moment.

At the same time, I also understood what Shen Hui said just now, being the same type as me.

It doesn't mean having a similar world system as Zhiyue, but having the same perfect creator form!
"Another form of a perfect creator. If I remember correctly, he entered the fifth-level world only two days ago!"

"It was just last night, this really is the same type as Zhiyue."

"And what kind of world is he? The Creator's form is so weird...Compared with Zhiyue's, it feels too bad."

"Damn, I'm so envious, this is the insurmountable gap between us and him!"

Everyone is extremely envious and jealous.

The feedback strength obtained by the perfect creator form is not at the same level as them.

For example, now, although they have entered the form of the creator, they can resist the confinement of space.

But resistance is limited, the space inscriptions near them just changed from freezing to running slowly.

And beside Shen Hui and Zhiyue, the inscription had completely resumed its original operation.

So the two of them are not affected at all now.

Shen Hui, who is also in the form of the Creator, is more than a head taller than Zhiyue.

The relationship between overlooking and being overlooked is reversed.

"How about it?"

Hoarse, with an alternative accent, a voice that does not seem to have any pronunciation came from the gray chest.

And Zhiyue's voice carried an ethereal echo:

"That's right, the Fool did not see the wrong person."

"Brother Shen, you look a little handsome!"

Seeing Shen Hui's creator mentality, Ye Long wanted to reach out and touch Shen Hui.

But due to Shen Hui's current deterrence, he withdrew his hand again.

Ye Long's teeth were itching for a long time, and he wished he could unfold his Creator form to see what he would look like.

Maybe it is also in the form of a complete creator like Shen Hui.

Of course, this is just Ye Long's fantasy now.

Among the people present, only Shen Hui and Ye Long were from the fifth class this year.

But Chen Hui has already stepped into the fifth-level creator world, and already has the form of a creator.

So Ye Long was the only one present who had not entered the form of the Creator.

The unknown thing in the starry sky universe became much larger in sight.

The pressure surged even further.

It even affects the connection between the Creator and the world of his own creation.

In other words, it makes the surrounding space extremely unstable, and it cannot develop its own creation world well at all.

Those who entered the form of the Creator were fine, and the surrounding space became stable, but Ye Long was more uncomfortable.

He looked at Shen Hui, then at Zhiyue.

Ye Long wanted to hang out with them to relieve his pressure.

According to the normal situation, he would naturally choose Shen Hui who was familiar with him.

However, Shen Hui's creator form and the particularity of that world frightened him.

I am afraid that I will become mentally ill and become stupid without knowing it.

Na Zhiyue is the best choice, holy and bright, in stark contrast to Chen Hui.

However, Zhiyue doesn't feel cold towards herself at all, and her attitude towards Shen Hui is completely different.

It's totally a double standard.

Ye Long muttered slanderously in his heart.

But after thinking about it, he said to Zhiyue with a hesitant smile:

"Hey, that sister, I can rub..."

But before he finished speaking, he was so frightened by Zhiyue's gaze that he swallowed the words back.

Shen Hui naturally saw what Ye Long wanted to do.

"I'm not safe here, let him go to your place."

Zhiyue listened to Shen Hui's words, and looked back at him as if.

"Is this the god of death?"

She said something in a low voice, then looked at Ye Long, and pointed to a person on the other side.

"You go and follow him."

The person accused was a little confused, but seeing that it was Zhiyue who said it, he didn't say much.

"Little brother, come on."

"What do you know about the situation here?"

For the time being, everyone is safe, but later on we don't know.

So Shen Hui asked Zhiyue, who was most likely to know the current situation.

But Zhiyue shook her head: "I don't know, at least not now."

Everyone was under tremendous pressure and anxiously waiting.

The thing in the sky also became bigger and bigger, and the color appeared, which was dark red.

Like a meteor that keeps falling towards them.

But the volume must be more than the size of a meteor, and much larger.

When the distance narrowed again, the true appearance of the other party finally appeared in their field of vision.

Everyone who saw it clearly took a deep breath.

That is not a planetary world, but a huge dark red creature.

It looks like a fish in the deep sea.

Moreover, the opponent is far bigger than Shen Hui and the others imagined!
The image of the opponent's body has completely covered the sky of the starry sky battlefield where they are.

But it didn't reach here, and it can even be said that there is still a very long distance between Shen Hui and the others.

As far away as the sun seen from above the blue star.

However, the proportion of the sun has been enlarged by more than hundreds of times!
That kind of feeling is that a punch is placed in front of your eyes, which is obviously very close, but there is a sea of ​​stars between the punch and your eyes.

Everyone was shocked and speechless when they saw it.

The same is true including Shen ash.

Such a huge creature has never been seen before, judging by Shen Hui's keen senses in the form of the Creator.

The opponent is bigger than the starry sky battlefield world they are in, so big that the star world is like a marble in front of the opponent!
The giant fish swimming in the cosmic starry sky seems to come from an ancient unknown space.

With a trembling... No, a person may not be as good as a speck of dust in front of the other party, but the pressure that makes the planet and the world tremble is probably right!
Everyone felt a sense of smallness and helplessness.

Zhiyue also spoke out at this time, breaking the current silence.

"This creature is a giant star-swallowing beast..."

Listening to Zhiyue's words, someone seems to have thought of something, they have heard of this kind of creature.

People who don't know it can also feel the horror of this creature from the word swallowing star.

Some people began to tremble, and even fell to their knees due to the pressure.

"This... this..., what should we do!"

Most people have become helpless and have no fighting spirit.

"This is simply not something we can fight against! Anyone who faces it will probably die!"

"Who dares to go, who dares? No one dares! We... we may not be saved."

When it comes to death, it's the last thing they want to face.

Now, no one even has the courage to say that I am not afraid, that even if I die, I will fight to the death and so on, these words of encouragement to myself.

But at this time, Shen Hui said: "It doesn't matter, I will make a move."

(End of this chapter)

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