Chapter 187
Shen Hui looked at the eyes of these people, and immediately knew why.

As soon as the end of each month passes, the points in the starry sky leaderboard will be cleared.

And the corresponding rewards will be issued according to the points before clearing.

And tomorrow is the last day of this month.

The trial to the Starry Sky Battlefield has been closed. It can be said that their points and their rankings have been determined.

But there is only one uncertain factor, and that is that people on the starry sky leaderboard can challenge.

Although you can't go down to plunder points that are weaker than yourself, you can challenge people of the same class or higher than your own class.

Although there is a limit on the number of challenges per month, most people will keep them at the end of the month.

Come to plunder other people's points and let your own ranking rush up.

But there is also a risk that you may fail and be plundered by others, causing your own ranking to drop.

So there are not many people who will use this opportunity.

But it was different now. The appearance of Shen Hui broke the ranking they had been accumulating by relying on their own strength to earn points.

Shen Hui ignored the gazes of these people, with a calm expression, he calmly came to the place where he had received the task before.

Special assignments to provide information on the world's wanderers were submitted above.

The task disappeared immediately, and may not appear again in the future.

As for Shen Hui's ranking points, there were two thousand more points in an instant.

Plus the tasks completed before, and the extra points obtained after the task is upgraded.

Shen Hui's points soared to more than 500 points in an instant.

And the ranking has also changed from the original five-level 400 to the first-level 55.

Such a span change is not insignificant.

Everyone present is paying attention to the ranking changes in the starry sky leaderboard.

After seeing Shen Hui's points rushing up in an instant, the greed in his eyes became even worse.

As the saying goes, every man is innocent and conceives his crime.

Shen Hui obtained the points that did not belong to his class, and his ranking also reached a position that he could not have achieved originally.

This will naturally attract the peeping of others.

Besides, because the ranking has reached the first level, the current Shen Hui is like a sheep among wolves for them.

Anyone can challenge bullying.

As long as they can get some points from Shen Hui, their rankings will definitely go up a lot.

As for the question of whether they dared or not, they had no contact with Shen Hui, nor were they rescued by Shen Hui, everything was within the scope of the rules, and they were not afraid at all.

"Shen Hui, you have gained so many points, no matter what you have to score, right?"

Someone stood in front of Shen Hui, showing a malicious smile.

"Heh, I see that you also have nearly [-] points. Give me the points and help me reach a higher ranking. How about some points when I receive the bonus points?"

Shen Hui chuckled, the other party was a member of the fourth rank, and dared to stand in front of him.

"Why, don't you want to? Good dogs don't get in the way, so get out of here."

Hearing Shen Hui's words, the other party blushed and had a thick neck.

"Give me some respect, I can be regarded as your senior!"

"Don't think that you are lucky. After completing special tasks and getting [-] points to rush to the first level, you think you have the corresponding strength!"

Most of the people around looked over with mocking eyes.

Shen Hui looked at the person in front of him coldly, and with a thought, a black mist gushed out from the will projected by Shen Hui.

Part of Shen Hui's body and limbs entered the form of the Creator, lean and full of strength, with black ink-painted arms stretched forward.

The black mist rolled and wrapped the opponent in it.

This was a collision between consciousnesses, and the other party's screams were heard immediately in the black mist.

As if seeing what he was most afraid of, the man with a pale face hurriedly retreated from the fog.

"What are you hiding from? Don't you just want to challenge me? Come on, it's useless if I give you a chance?"

Shen Hui sneered.

But the man was still facing his fear, and he hadn't recovered from it at all.

On the contrary, the people around were a little surprised.

"Being able to locally control the changes in body shape is something that can only be achieved by the perfect creator form!"

"He has only stepped into the fifth-level world for a few days, and he can actually make the opponent's sixth-level world creator feel scared. This... What kind of world and oppression is this?"

The news that Shen Hui has the perfect creator form has not spread.

After all, those who knew were brought out of the body of the star-swallowing monster by Shen Hui today.

So those who haven't seen it will be surprised.

As for the so-called oppressive feeling, I'm sorry, Shen Hui doesn't need it, just skip this step and play with fear.

But most people still have a greedy look towards Shen Hui,
To them, Shen Hui was still a sheep, while they were wolves.

"It's useless to say more, Shen Hui, since your ranking has entered the first level, then I want to challenge you!"

"Get out of the way, step aside, you third class, let me do it."

"It's useless for you to come, you are under me, grab me?"

"My second class didn't speak up, so what are you making a fuss about?"


Seeing the crowd gradually losing control, Shen Hui frowned slightly.

Those who want to challenge themselves have changed from the fourth class to the first class.

The people of the first class all come up through the precipitation of time, although the level of the created world is only at the sixth or seventh level.

But being able to get to this point shows that the strength is indeed not weak, especially compared with the people of their class, there is a considerable gap.

It wouldn't be said that he was afraid, Shen Hui was also very confident.

The main reason is that I am afraid that it will not be done well at that time, and the creation world will get out of control.

If you cause unnecessary trouble, or even accidentally make the other party mentally disturbed, Chi Yan will have to wipe his own ass when the time comes.

What Shen Hui was afraid of was not that these people would cause trouble for him, but that he just didn't want to trouble Chi Yan any more.

But looking at their current excited appearance, Shen Hui felt that he had to make an example to others.

But it was when these people were making the most quarrel, arguing over who would challenge Shen Hui.

A cold voice came from the crowd.

"I see you are playing something very dangerous."

"Whoever challenges Shen Hui will be making an enemy of me, Zhiyue, and after that, just wait for my target."

Zhiyue's eyes were stern, her tone was sharp but very calm.

Everyone was stunned when they saw Zhiyue stand up.

Zhiyue and the others all understand that it is an iceberg for those who are not interested, but they are very eager for those who are interested.

But it was only relatively speaking, no matter how hard she had ever seen Zhiyue help anyone.

At least on the bright side.

Now Zhiyue would actually stand up for Shen Hui.

Those present who were of the same class as Zhiyue opened their mouths to say something.

But under Zhiyue's gaze, she was immediately speechless.

Although Zhiyue's current ranking is only in the middle of the first class.

But even those who rank higher than her seem to be a little scared of Zhiyue.

But Zhiyue belongs to the first class, and those of the second class, or even the third class are not afraid at all.

She can't even target them.

But just when they started to make a fuss, someone stepped forward one after another.

"If anyone challenges Shen Hui, it will be against me."

"Yes! Although I am not strong, I am not weak in our class either!"

All these people were rescued by Shen Hui, and they all stood up at this moment.

Covering four classes to one class.

(End of this chapter)

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