Creation of All People: I Create a World of Weird Talk

Chapter 191 The Crazy Mountains Are Born!

Chapter 191 The Crazy Mountains Are Born!

Regarding the appearance of the ancient, Shen Hui has already constructed it.

The power of the world's origin began to gather together to form a cloud of mist.

The mist began to interweave, forming the appearance of the ancient expressed in Shen Hui's mind.

But now is just the beginning.

The ancients are not a single individual, but a race, a civilization, and a group.

Next, Shen Hui will give them their original ethnic civilization background and evolve it.

Shen Hui took out the master-level scenario card and used it to ensure that there would be no loss even if the next evolution failed.

Shen Hui concentrated all his attention again, and began to draw the world's original power to gather together.

The racial and cultural background of the ancients began to evolve.

In the original world view, the civilization process of the ancients is also divided into several stages.

They are creatures from extraterrestrial planets, and they came before life was born on the planet.

The ancients first lived in the oceans, and gradually evolved the ability to survive on land in the following hundreds of millions of years.

During this time, they created servants called Shoggoths.

This is an indeterminate protoplasm, with a shimmering light on its body.

Like an indescribable mass of liquid, pus-like eyes are constantly forming and disintegrating on the surface of the body.

Shoggoths are tools created by the Old Ones to build structures.

For them in all the oceans, magnificent underwater cities were built.

Then the ancients created the initial life on the planet after creating the shoggoths.

However, their original intention of creating life was just to keep them in captivity as food.

In Cthulhu's world view, before life on the planet was formed, before human beings appeared.

The Outer Gods, the Old Ones, and the Ancient Gods already existed.

So on the planet, the ancients are naturally not the only race.

Cthulhu's star-born, minion deep ones already exist, as well as all other powerful races.

A protracted war broke out between them and the Old Ones.

In the end, the ancients reached a peace treaty with the Cthulhu faction, occupying different positions and regions.

This is also the highlight moment of the elders.

Since the ancients came to the planet, with the help of Shoggoth's construction, their technology and civilization have been declining.

After hundreds of millions of years of changes, they have forgotten many of the previous technologies.

And their peace ended in the rebellion of the Shoggoths.

The Shoggoths have always existed along with the Old Ones, and have been split and reproduced thousands of times.

They gave birth to minds of their own, from the first outbreak of the Shoggoth Rebellion.

This dealt a heavy blow to the Old Ones, though this time the result was that the Shoggoths were crushed.

Moreover, due to the decline of technology, the ancients cannot do without the help of Shoggoth.

In the subsequent battles, Shoggoth gained more abilities.

This led to a more thorough decline of the ancients.

The last civilization that belongs to them is on the brink of destruction.

The ancients also began to fall asleep one after another, and began to close the connection with the outside world.

And that stretch of crazy mountains is exactly where the ancients are sleeping.

The ancients, a powerful civilization that can fight against Cthulhu's servants and other races.

To the point of decay to the point of being almost destroyed, and disappeared without a trace.

But even if it is decayed to destruction, it is still an insurmountable existence for a weak race like human beings.

In front of Shen Hui, using the power of the world's origin to evolve the background of the ancients, forming pictures one after another.

Although Shen Hui's creation is based on the original civilization background of the ancients.

But Shen Hui is the creator, and the final decision is naturally made by Shen Hui.

The direction of the last civilization of the ancients is not as good as the deep divers created by Chen Hui.

This is naturally not the goal of Shen Hui's creation.

The ancients that Chen Hui wants to create are naturally when they came to the planet and completely controlled the heyday of the Shoggoths!

Taking the created mountains and mountains as a blueprint, Shen Hui intercepts different fragments from the evolving picture.

An ancient race dormant in the Mountains of Madness, which created the Shoggoth at its peak, began to condense in the world of death from evolution.

A large amount of the world's original power, just like not needing money, began to pour into the ancient body that Shen Hui had created in advance.

The identity and background of the ancients are determined.

The next step is to completely create the race of the ancients.

Shen Hui took out the copy card, this card was not the intermediate quality that Shen Hui used before.

It is of perfect quality, and there is no limit to the death of copying units.

Dust should be used as a material to create more ancients.

The power of the world's origin began to intertwine, and the copy card was integrated into it.

The created ancients began to fission and began to be copied.

The evolutionary fragment determined by Shen Hui before, is located in the crazy mountain under the influence of the power of rules.

The ancients born in this batch became the first civilization in the crazy mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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