Creation of All People: I Create a World of Weird Talk

Chapter 195 Another change in the form of creation

Chapter 195 Another change in the form of creation
Shen Hui didn't check the feedback from the will of the world before.

Now that I saw it, I didn't expect that there would be a special reminder among the basic information reminders, and that would naturally be the acquisition of fetters.

A brand new fetter, the indescribable family.

【Indescribable Clan】

[Effect: The race shrouded in the indescribable will have a certain probability that the gods of the Cthulhu world view that have appeared will descend]

Shen Hui withdrew his consciousness from the world of death.

Immediately, there was a feeling of being hollowed out, physically and mentally exhausted.

However, his mind was extremely clear and flexible, and Shen Hui's cognition seemed to have been greatly improved.

And the harvest this time is also big enough.

The level of the dead world is also on the verge of breaking through. As long as the world view is greatly improved again, it will definitely be able to improve.

This kind of efficiency is already very fast, the transformation of material utilization, the integration of the new world view, and the expansion of the existing world view.

For others, this is a process of precipitation, but for Chen Hui, it is a process of leap.

The room was still filled with mist, Shen Hui looked at his whole body and found that he was wet.

Although entering the form of the creator will make you change, but such a situation has never existed.

Shen Hui still attached great importance to the changes in his own body.

After all, this is his only body.

Although in the form of the creator, he can get the power blessing of the created hero.

Not so easy to die.

But it also has to be taken seriously.

After carefully feeling his body, it seemed that he was indeed contaminated with a different kind of breath.

In other words, his form has changed.

If you compare the appearance of yourself entering the form of the Creator.

That is to obtain corresponding changes according to the type of the world created by each creator, as well as the expanded world view.

But after it is determined, the subsequent form will basically not change much.

But combined with his immersion in the world of death and the changes in his external body, it was only the appearance of Yog-Sothoth that caused him to change again.

And my own clearer mind and thoughts are probably also because of His appearance.

Just when Shen Hui made the assumption, on his black arms that were intertwined like fibrous roots.

Suddenly a crack opened, and a gorgeous ball of light popped out. The brilliance inside flowed and changed, covering everything.

It is also like an eye, looking at everything around it curiously.

When Shen Hui saw this scene, his guess was fulfilled.

The appearance of this sphere of light is exactly the same as the original sphere of light that split and multiplied into Yog-Sothoth that I saw in the world of death.

Shen Hui supported his forehead, more precisely, his face without facial features.

The form of my own creation is really like Lego blocks, which can be spliced ​​​​at will.

I'm afraid that my future creator form will have more and more strange features.

However, Shen Hui felt that this was in line with his own image as the creator of weird and indescribable things.

It's just that if this continues, I'm afraid I will become indescribable in the real world.

Shen Hui shook his head, and with a wave of his hand, the thick fog that filled the room began to dissipate.

Otherwise, if Shen Hui existed for too long, it would be directly polluted by Shen Ash and become a restricted area just like Chi Yan's home.

Shen Hui also withdrew from the form of the creator, and all the inhuman features on his body began to peel off and turned into black smoke.

But when Shen Hui regained his human form, he was taken aback for a moment and looked at his arm.

"Fuck, what the hell is this?"

Where Shen Hui's gaze was fixed on, the radiant ball that originally appeared in the form of the Creator was still embedded in Shen Hui's arm.

This was something Shen Hui had never heard of, let alone seen.

The characteristics of the Creator's form will actually remain in the human form!

At this time, the ball of light flickered twice, as if blinking.

Although Shen Hui was a little confused and confused, he didn't panic.

Shen Hui could clearly feel that this was a part of his body.


Shen Hui felt it carefully, and integrated his spirit into it.

Suddenly discovered that this ball of light actually possesses independent instincts, and also contains a trace of wisdom!
But it is just pure instinct and wisdom, not independent consciousness, nor wisdom.

Just like a computer, it contains knowledge that humans cannot match, but it is still not a human being, but a pile of scrap iron made up of various mechanical parts.

Shen Hui tried to control this ball of light, this time it disappeared directly from above Shen Hui's arm.

This feeling is like controlling one's own limbs, as if one has an extra flexible organ.

Shen Hui now understands that the characteristics of the photosphere obtained under the form of creation, and the characteristics of other forms of creation are the distinction between series and parallel connection.

This will not have any effect on the dust.

And Shen Hui also knew that this situation was also related to Yog-Sothoth.

As He who possesses infinite wisdom, the characteristics that are reflected back to Shen Hui's power include some of these characteristics.

"But it's just a part of the body, it doesn't seem to have any eggs..."

Shen Hui was talking to himself, when he just said it was useless.

But suddenly thought of a possibility!
Just like a computer, as long as there is a person who operates the computer!

Of course, this is just a metaphor, but a feasible idea has already appeared in Shen Hui's mind.

Shen Hui called out the ball of light on his arm, closed his eyes, concentrated his mind, and put his consciousness into the ball of light.

A strange feeling ran through Shen Hui's body like an electric current.

A small part of Shen Hui's consciousness was divided.

The light in that ball of light is changing rapidly, and various colors that have never been seen before are constantly flickering.

Finally, it turned into a pitch-black solid black ball.

The black ball twisted, struggling continuously on Shen Hui's arm, and slowly elongated.

It seemed that in the next second, it would break away from Shen Hui's arm.

But when it was pulled to the limit, the topmost place suddenly changed,
It turned into a black and cool beak.

And the lower part changes and transforms successively, black bird head, feathers, wings...

When it was completely separated from Shen Hui's arm, the originally colored ball changed from a black ball to a raven now!
(End of this chapter)

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