Chapter 198 My Hidden Boss?

Shen Hui listened to the sound of the rainstorm, and the boredom in the air finally dissipated.

The sense of crisis was gone, and the sense of staring disappeared without a trace.

The dark clouds opened a gap, and the moon was revealed openly.

No blinding dead white light, no black smile.

This is a normal moon.

As for the reactions and speculations of the forces outside, Shen Hui was completely unaware.

However, it can be guessed that he must not be the only one who discovered the vision of the moon just now.

I also realized that I seemed to have done a very awesome thing unintentionally.

Withdrew from the creator form and looked at the raven flapping its wings.

Shen Hui raised his hand and landed on his palm.

What Raven said just now still echoed clearly in Shen Hui's mind.

That is not what Shen Hui's subjective consciousness said, but the wisdom contained in the raven, combined with the feedback given by the independent individual represented by his divided consciousness.

"Tell me what you know?"

Shen Hui asked Raven, trying to talk to the instinctive feedback inside.

Raven tilted his head to look at Shen Hui, the brilliance in his eyes flickered.

Then there was an awkward hoarse voice: "What do you know, what do you know."

Raven just repeated Shen Hui's words twice.

Shen Hui blushed: "I really told you to tell me what you know, so you just say what you know."

Shen Hui tried to communicate with Raven again, but without any substantial progress.

On the contrary, Raven started to imitate Shen Hui's speech from time to time.

Or through imitating words, self-organized into some words that are not smooth at all.

Shen Hui had no choice but to give up temporarily.

Shen Hui picked up the phone that had been hung up long ago, and there were two missed calls on it.

It was all from Qingxue.

Shen Hui called back, and Qingxue's voice came from the phone immediately.

"What's the matter? Why did you hang up the phone suddenly? You just said what happened to the moon, what happened?"

Qingxue was keenly aware of Shen Hui's strange behavior just now.

Otherwise, according to what she knew about Shen Hui, if there was nothing particularly strange, he wouldn't have that eager tone.

"I saw some abnormal things, which may be related to some foreign churches, but they are gone now."

Shen Hui didn't hide anything, but he didn't tell what he did either.

"The foreign church? Could it be that the giant gods are looking for you again?"

"It's not the Giant God Cult, and it's not looking for me."

Hearing Shen Hui's words, on the other end of the phone, Qingxue's nervous tone eased.

"New paganism? During this period of time in the uninhibited land, as far as the rumors about the infestation of heretics are concerned, it has not been very peaceful recently."

"Uninhibited land?"

Shen Hui muttered, but he didn't know if it was related to the situation he just met.

In short, it can indeed be seen that the dark tide is surging now.

"Okay, let's do this first, and tomorrow, I will find you."

Shen Hui ended the call with Qingxue, no matter how things change, life must continue.

The next day, Shen Hui woke up very early.

After washing up, she was not in a hurry to find Qingxue.

It was still early, and Shen Hui had landed in the stronghold of the starry sky leaderboard through the device on his wrist.

This will also become a habit after Shen Hui, to check every day to see if there are any missions released, or new announcements and the like.

In the starry sky leaderboard stronghold, there are already many people in the lobby.

They all get together and talk.

Shen Hui also leaned over.

"You know, something terrible happened before the rainstorm last night."

"Forget about being a riddle. Last night, the lightning was a little brighter, and the thunder was a little louder. What's the matter?"

"Then your news is a bit blocked, and you don't know about it."

"What nonsense, no one here has any news, I just didn't ask my family."

"Let me tell you, there was a change in the moon last night, and it seems that a pagan religion held a summoning ceremony."

"Fuck, no way, I didn't even see the moon yesterday."

"You can see a fart. I heard from my family that it is a change in a deep space, and only those big guys can see it."

"Tch, I also know about this news, but do you know what happened next?"

"I don't know about this, why, you know?"

"That's right, what's going on later? Another pagan religion appeared, and the ceremony was successfully held. Isn't this more powerful than the Giant God Cult?"

"I know shit, I'm waiting for you to tell me."

"I don't know either, what the hell, my family told me the news and told me not to talk nonsense."

"It's weird, I don't know why, so there is no follow-up, and they only know this?"

Everyone supplemented what they heard from the family or the elders.

But none of what they knew seemed complete, missing what happened next.

But someone immediately said with a hint of pride:

"It seems that your news is not very good, or the family power behind it lacks channels to understand it? Haha."

The one who spoke was Long Yizheng, who ranked first in the overall ranking last month.

Except for Shen Hui, they were all from big families and big forces.

What he said was undoubtedly ridiculing their lack of family or influence behind their backs.

How can the rest of them bear it.

"What are you talking about, do you know?"

Long Yizheng chuckled: "Of course, I have gossip here."

Hearing Long Yizheng's words, they immediately aroused their curiosity.

Even the taunt just now was forgotten.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

"Yes, what happened later, this is a big event, there is no news at all."

Long Yi smiled, and didn't continue to whet their appetites.

"Gossip, it's not true. After the vision happened, President Fan Hao actually reacted. I think the major families you know about have also reacted."

Many people nodded.

"The ceremony should have been completed under normal circumstances, but for some reason, the ceremony was interrupted."

"It even caused the vision summoned by the pagan ceremony to be changed. This was something President Fan Hao and the others couldn't do at the time."

After hearing Long Yizheng's words, they immediately understood.

"Damn it, it's actually like this, who made it happen, doesn't it know?"

"I don't know about this. I'm afraid even President Fan Hao and the others don't know who or what power it is."

"Could it be that some ancient hermit creator on our planet, silently guarding us, made a move at the moment of crisis last night?!"

"There must be hidden creators, but it was exaggerated in ancient times, but if it is them, I think you can ask your own family."

They also began to brainstorm, guessing who it was.

As an insider, even Shen Hui, who was the person involved, silently listened to their discussion and his mouth twitched.

It seems that he has become the hidden boss they imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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