Creation of All People: I Create a World of Weird Talk

Chapter 205 Death Is Just Another Beginning

Chapter 205 Death Is Just Another Beginning

Bones piled up everywhere.

The battlefield is full of blood and flesh.

When negativity builds up to a threshold, it becomes meme pollution.

Spread among all undead.

Their soul flames were all extinguished at the same moment.


Skeletons, like dominoes, collapsed one after another.

Even those undead knights belonging to the hero unit were affected and disappeared from the unfolding world.

"Qiang, you really deserve to be the pre-selector of Death God, but this level is still below me!"

Huang Lingheng's voice echoed in the battlefield and reached Shen Hui's ears.

Shen Hui didn't make any response, but Shen Hui knew that Huang Lingheng's world combat power must be more than that.

At least until the opponent didn't use the power belonging to the tower of the Tarot Society.

"Let me see you, perish in my undead world, let's break it!"

After Huang Lingheng's voice fell, the wind rose on the battlefield.

The wind moves the mist, causing it to tumble.

The wind blows over the scattered skeletons, making a "creaking" sound.

In the wind, an existence was born.

It was a skeleton, and it looked ordinary.

There is not even a soul fire burning on his body, but there is a beating black heart in his chest ribs.

Shen Hui's expression froze. On this skeleton, there was a trace of divinity, even higher than the misfortune of wandering.

Although standing there is extremely small, but in the feeling, it is no less huge than the wandering misfortune.

This is the hero in the opponent's creation world, a very strong hero!

The quality may even be higher than extraordinary!

Meme pollution from negativity, death, fear, all cut off from each other.

The black heart was beating, gushing bright red blood clinging to the bones and flowing continuously.

Where blood flows, muscles, blood vessels, and nerves begin to grow.

Shen Hui immediately ordered all the heroes to attack, and even the wandering doom exploded, lifting its huge limbs and trampling over it.

All the attacks fell on the opponent.

"Bang bang bang!"

The violent sound distorted the space at that moment.

The white bones scattered around and the proliferating flesh and blood were directly crushed.

White and red powder intertwined, rising in the mist.

But when the powder was completely reduced to nothing by the energy of the attack, the exposed skeleton was not damaged at all.

He was like a piece of rubber, no matter how he manipulated and attacked him, he would return to his original state.

And the opponent has already left the state of bones, and all the bones have been attached to the muscles.

It looks like a skinned corpse now.

However, the red blood produced by the black heart can still be seen flowing continuously on the surface.

And this time it's not muscles that grow, but skin.

The skin is born faster than the muscles, almost in the blink of an eye, all of it has grown.

It also changed from a skeleton to a man with such a naked body.

Shen Hui's hero's attack has not stopped, but it still has no effect.

"Useless, useless!"

"He is death, so there is no death!"

"Are you going to despair in death? Hahaha!"

"Is this the only strength you have shown?"

"Isn't your talent excellent, isn't your potential great? Expand! Expand the world of creation!"

Huang Lingheng's sarcastically laughing sound reached Shen Hui's ears.

A coldness rose in Shen's disheartened heart.

And the man who appeared from Huang Lingheng's creation world, turned from a skeleton.

His skin was cold white, his face was expressionless, and a long robe appeared on his body.

A scepter was issued in his hand.

The other party raised the scepter in his hand and suddenly burst out with endless power.

Suddenly it stomped on the ground.


With a loud noise, the endless black aura erupted and turned into a huge black pillar that soared into the sky.


A large number of faint blue lights flickered in the black pillar, and the whining sound of howling ghosts and wolves resounded between the heaven and the earth.

There was a strong wind.

Under the strong wind, the black pillars turned into black breath turned into turbulent currents and blown around.

The dense blue flames moved by the wind and were distributed in various places on the battlefield.

The entire battlefield also turned blue under the light of the blue flame.

Finally these flames all fell to the ground.

Most sank below the ground, and a small part stayed on the ground.

And the remaining skeletons of the scattered undead are like iron sand adsorbed on a magnet.

Attracted towards those faint blue flames.


The sound of bones colliding sounded everywhere, and a brand new undead creature was assembled.

The burning blue flame rose instantly, covering the whole body of the undead creature.

Turn into a soul flame and directly revive it.

At the same time, the ancient language was chanted from the mouth of the human who was transformed into a skeleton.

With the strong wind resounding between heaven and earth.

"The dead who sleep in this land, the glory of the past calls to you."

"Turn into an immortal warrior and fight for honor!"

As the last sound drifted away with the wind, this world, the entire battlefield began to shake violently again.


boom boom-

There are huge cracks all over the earth.

A large number of strange monsters born from negative emotions fell into it.

Then a violent blue flame erupted from the crack.

All the weird monsters were burned to death.

"ssssssssssssssssssssssss out~"

Various roaring and shouting sounds came from these cracks.

A large number of undead creatures poured out from the cracks in the ground!

And there are all types, human, orc, alien, huge, small...

Shen Hui even felt the unique aura of being a hero unit from it!

"These are all lives that have died in battle in my world."

"Feel the carnival from the undead!"

Huang Lingheng's voice came, and his tone was full of excitement.

And the undead hero who summoned these undead waved the scepter in his hand again.

The soul flames burning on all undead units changed from blue to red, and became more vigorous.

A kind of fanaticism filled their soul flames.

Taking up the space where the rest of the negative emotions live.

The realm of emotions dissipated in an instant, and the triangle head and the monsters incarnated by negative emotions also disappeared one after another.

At the same time, the strength of these undead also got a terrifying increase.

And they are endowed with the characteristics of immortality, or they are already dead, and they will not die at all.

And Shen Hui finally spoke for the first time at this time:
"Death is just the end of one process and the beginning of another!"

As Shen Hui's voice fell, the mist became thicker, and there was even a feeling that water was about to drip out.

It also means that the world of the dead that comes is much more real.

A sound of waves came from the mist.

The endless mountain ranges, whose beginning and end are unknown, also appeared in the mist.

(End of this chapter)

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