Creation of All People: I Create a World of Weird Talk

Chapter 212 is over, the hermit takes care of the aftermath

Chapter 212 is over, the hermit takes care of the aftermath

Zhiyue wished she could chop Huang Lingheng into pieces and eat them.

This is not a metaphor, but an induction caused by the darkness and evil in Zhiyue's heart.

But after all, it is still in the category of control.

Zhiyue immediately came to Qingxue's side, dispersed the pollutants and helped her up.

Although the damage to her is relatively weak, it also causes a certain degree of distortion on her body.

"Shen Hui! Look at what good things you have done!"

"Look around you, look at us, look at Qingxue!"

Shen Hui, who has never wavered, after hearing these words, especially Qingxue at the end.

The body shook for a while.

Seeing the effect, Huang Lingheng also struggled to get up, and said tremblingly:

"It's okay...she's fine, before...I was the one talking nonsense before."

Shen Hui turned his head to look at Huang Lingheng, feeling a huge sense of oppression approaching him.

He was plunged into darkness immediately, with the sea wind and waves whistling incessantly in his ears.

He is like a solitary boat in the boundless sea of ​​darkness.

I don't know where I will go, and I don't know what I will meet.

Everything is unknown.

The only thing he can know is to know that everything is unknown.

The constant fear, the constant fear.

It was like a knife was slowly cutting his flesh, excruciatingly painful.

Here, time has lost its meaning.

I don't know how long it has passed, maybe thousands of years, maybe just that moment.

In the silent darkness, there was finally a new movement.

There was a loud crashing sound behind Huang Lingheng, and Huang Lingheng looked back slowly.

It was an unknown colossus hidden in the darkness.

A soft white light appeared.

Huang Lingheng once again faced his fear directly, and all the emotions he had accumulated exploded exponentially at this moment.

His body was stiff, his eyes were wide and his pupils were dilated.

That's the father of sharks!

But at this moment, the surrounding darkness receded, and the figure of the father of the sharks also gradually disappeared.

Huang Lingheng returns to the real world from a fantasy that is both fake and real.

Although his spirit and reason have been tortured beyond human appearance.

Zhiyue and Leng Zimeng also fell into a brief illusion of true and false just now, but it was not as serious as Huang Lingheng.

They didn't know how long it had been.

But when they also withdrew from it, they all looked forward in shock.

There is not only dust, but also clear snow.

Qingxue seemed to wake up somehow when they fell into the illusion of true and false.

I don't know how long this period of time is, and I don't know what happened.

But Qingxue's expression was relaxed at the moment, but she was holding Shen Hui in the form of the Creator tightly.

Floating from Shen Hui's body, the polluted breath, like a combination of water and mist, was invading Qingxue's body.

The barbs on Shen Hui's body also penetrated into her body.

Blood surged, slowly flowing out from Qingxue's seven orifices and torso.

On the dark gray and black body, embellished and outlined strips of slender, bright red, eye-catching bloodstains.

A gleam of light gradually appeared in several pairs of pitch-black eyes on Shen Hui's chest.

That indescribable, strange breath is decaying.

The sharp-toothed mouth on the face was slowly closed until there was no gap left, and it became a face without facial features again.

The barbs at the joints retracted into the body, and the dorsal fin on the back also transformed into tentacles again.

The black water and mist in the halo also peeled off, turning into the color of dusk again.

The gray form of creation gradually returned to normal.

The ever-expanding world of death also stopped, and even began to shrink back and forth.

The layer of black water on the ground and the pollution on the ground all turned into black smoke and floated in the air.

The sense of oppression and fear lingering in Zhiyue and the others finally disappeared.

Whether it is mental or physical, at this moment it seems to break free from under the [-] mountains.

That relaxed feeling is simply fantastic.

A hand in the form of a heavy gray creator, peeled off a tumbling mist, and turned into a human arm.

This arm caressed Qingxue's head, and a hoarse and deep voice came from Shen Hui's body:

"So you're fine..."

After saying that, Shen Hui fell to the ground directly.

A lot of smoke came out of his body, and his body completely changed from the form of the creator back to human beings.

Qingxue also fell down together and lost consciousness.

Only Zhiyue and Leng Zimeng were left looking at each other, all this was too sudden for them.

The streets here have lost everything except the physical damage caused, although there are still various clues.

In the sky above the city, the black "filter" also dissipated, and the sky returned to clarity.

All those who pay attention to the changes in the sky, seeing the abnormal weather disappear, continue to work on their own affairs.

Completely unaware that a crisis has passed.

The remaining Zhiyue and Leng Zimeng are not in good condition either.

In the world of death, in the face of Shen Hui, in the illusion that is both true and false.

Their spirit and reason have been greatly fluctuated.

Especially Zhiyue, who has also absorbed the power of the world of death.

Now as soon as I relax, I suddenly feel distracted, everything in front of me becomes blurred, my head feels dizzy and I feel sick.

"I... can't do it, you take us to vomit ~ go, pay attention to the people of the World Association vomit ~"

As Zhiyue said, she sat down on the ground and couldn't help vomiting.

Now only Leng Zimeng is slightly better.

But she saw that there were four people present, three had lost consciousness, and one was about to die.

I really don't know how to take them all away.

Even if it is resistant to one time, it can only resist two!

And to avoid people from the World Association who might be nearby.

Leng Zimeng suddenly felt dizzy, and her condition seemed to be getting worse.

But Leng Zimeng could only grit her teeth and curse angrily, adding a bit of enthusiasm to her cold face:

"Damn it! Leave all the mess to me!"

Leng Zimeng began to drag everyone together.

Start trying to figure out how you can get rid of four people at once.

One in the left hand, one in the right, and one on each shoulder...failed.

Fighting against four people at once...failed.

Put it badly, don't care about anything...success.

Leng Zimeng sat helplessly on the ground, ready to think of a way, or find some tools nearby.

But at this moment, the barrier that Leng Zimeng isolated here was corroded by the world of death before.

In addition, there is no new power supply from Leng Zimeng, and Leng Zimeng can't provide it either.

The enchantment finally couldn't support it, and it shattered and disappeared.

The breath condensed here is always different from the outside, and there is also a sense of fluctuation that has unfolded and descended on the world of creation.

It spreads out at once, and although it is very noticeable, it will disappear quickly.

But after all, it was sensed by the people from the nearby World Association.

Leng Zimeng secretly thought it was not good, this is bad.

But at this moment, at the passage of the closed street where they are.

A man wearing a clown mask followed a middle-aged man.

"Hermit, I leave the aftermath to you."

Then the Fool looked at Leng Zimeng and the others and laughed: "Have you enjoyed yourself?"

(End of this chapter)

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