Chapter 232 Legendary Investigator

After confirming the change of the mouse, Shen Hui is going to visit the city.

Feel the style of this city shrouded in weirdness and Cthulhu.

Dirty, slightly damp streets, tracks running through the ground, steam trains slowly coming and stopping at the station.

Crowds get off the train.

Dirty adults huddled in the corners, and shivering children standing by the side of the road.

Like a bee attracted by nectar, it rushed over immediately.

"Sir, please give me some food."

"Beautiful lady, just a little charity from you may save a life!"

"Sir, you can take me in, I can do anything, I can definitely learn it!"

The crowd dispersed quickly.

And those who begged for food, some got food and even a little money, but most of them returned empty-handed.

They're bums, they're orphans.

Most of them are people who are in the annual bust, or who have lost everything in the face of other weirdness.

Shen Hui passed by them.

But most of them just glanced at Shen Hui and didn't get up to ask for it.

Wearing ordinary dusty gray, in the impression of this world, they are just at the bottom, and they may become the same people every year.

Not to mention charity, it's a question of whether they will be full for the next meal.

But there was a young man who had been standing by the side of the road and didn't even squeeze in to beg for food at the station just now, with a thin body and a sallow and emaciated complexion.

It seemed that he mustered up his courage and saw Shen Hui, who was passing by, walking forward.

"Hi sir, excuse me, can you lend me a piece of bread, I haven't eaten for two days."

"I will find a way to return it to you later."

Shen Hui stopped and looked at the young man in front of him, who was around ten years old and was very dirty.

But those eyes are extremely clear and resolute, just like the brightest stars in the night sky.

But under this brilliance, something else was hidden.

Like the darkness behind the stars.


Shen Hui smiled, and looked down at him as if looking down.

"Why haven't you eaten for two days? Is it because the food is not delicious, so you want to eat bread?"

Shen Hui's tone was kind, but it was full of a sense of distance like the ends of the earth.

Facing Shen Hui's question, the boy thought for a while before he said:

"Sir, I lost my parents and family in the weird incident. I have no source of income and I have been homeless."

"My parents have always taught me to be ambitious."

"I've been rummaging through trash cans for food before, but now I can't find it, and it's all eaten by big rats."

"But... I'm really hungry, and I still have my dreams unfulfilled, sir, can you lend me a piece of bread?"

"I will definitely return it to you if I have the opportunity in the future."

As the boy spoke, his voice became closer and closer to pleading.

But he obviously didn't want to show such a side of himself, under forcible suppression.

The voice gradually trembled.

Shen Hui understood, the boy didn't muster up his courage just now, but let go of something.

"Dream? Do you still have a dream? What is it?"

Listening to Shen Hui talking about his dream, the "stars" in his eyes began to shine brilliantly.

"I want to figure out what those weird things are. No one can figure it out now, but this is my dream!"

"Aren't you afraid of death? You don't know that those weird things are very dangerous, and your parents died in it."

Shen Hui asked.

The boy shook his head, his eyes full of determination:
"Sir, this is my dream. The dream will never die. It will guide me forever. This is what my father said to me."

"And, I've seen them, I'm not afraid!"

Looking at the young man, Shen Hui felt a little emotional in his heart. His belief had already surpassed many people.

In any era, there are people who swim against the current.

Such a person... made Shen Hui think of a profession, investigator.

Anyone who, through any means, is involved in a spooky event and begins an investigation.

As he continues to investigate, he will gradually discover more terrifying and weirder things.

In some ways, they are fear diggers.

Ordinary investigators may die strangely during various investigations at any time, or their minds will gradually be corroded and lose their senses.

But there is a small group of investigators who are not included.

They became known as legendary investigators.

The one who survived all the spooky investigations.

Possess a series of professional knowledge in psychology, anthropology, survey and so on.

At the same time, it has a very strong mind, and the most important thing is that it can lock the SAN value.

The previous requirements can be obtained through continuous learning, but the latter is up to everyone.

And in this young man, Shen Hui saw the belief about the legendary investigator.

There is no such occupation in the world of death.

In the world of death, more hope is also needed, especially hope that can unearth despair.

This will make despair look even more desperate.

"What's your name?"


"Well, Francis, here is the bread for you."

Shen Hui took out a piece of hard black bread out of thin air from his pocket.

Of course others don't know that Shen Hui's pocket is empty.

Francis took the blackened bread, and an excited smile immediately overflowed his face.

"Thank you sir, you are a very nice man."

"Can you tell me where you live? When I have new bread, I will return it to you."

Shen Hui waved his hand: "The next time we meet again, if you can return it, then return it to me."

Francis nodded, as if he wanted to leave, to find a place to eat this piece of bread.

But Shen Hui stopped him.

"Wait, I have a recommendation letter from the school here, you may be able to study there to help you realize your dream."

Shen Hui took out another yellowed envelope from his pocket and handed it to Francis.

The young man took it into his hands. Although he is an orphan now, he obviously had a good family background when he was not an orphan.

So he also recognized the above words and read them out.

"Miskatonic School."

Then he looked up at Shen Hui again, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Sir, I have never heard of this school, and besides, I have no money to study."

Shen Hui smiled:
"Don't worry, this is a newly built school, you haven't heard of it, it's normal, and studying here is free, yes, food and lodging are also provided."

"Take it, and when you ask tomorrow, you may know where it is."

Francis looked down at the envelope in his hand again, feeling that this was still not very good.

Merely including food and lodging shows that this is an extremely precious opportunity.

But when he looked up, ready to say thank you and declined.

Only to find that the person in front of him had disappeared.

At the same time, in the upper floors of the steam city.

The establishment of the Miskatonic School was immediately proposed and approved.

(End of this chapter)

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