Chapter 240 Skaven yesyes
There was a foul, rancid smell in the cave, like the smell of various food wastes fermented together in the sewer.

After gradually calming down, everyone could smell it.

They didn't know how long they had been crawling in the cave, their elbows and thighs had been ground to a bloody mess.

The magic energy of the searchlight was also about to run out, the light was dim, and darkness struck, their sanity was being eroded bit by bit.

Under the double torment of spirit and body, they almost couldn't persevere, and the only motivation was the will to survive from the life instinct.

Someone held a pendant with an octopus head in his hand, praying for the blessing of the great existence of the secret sect of Dagon.

There are also those who pray to the bad luck of the wanderers, to descend upon this place and take away their sins.

It's just that all of this is in vain, the existence that is not as good as an ant will not attract anyone's attention.

But he was the one who crawled to the front, the one who discovered the anomaly first, and the one who held the octopus head pendant.

His ears moved, and he seemed to hear a strange sound coming from a certain passage.

"There is a voice! I hear a voice, something is calling us!"

Since they climbed into the cave, they seemed to have entered a silent world.

Whether it was the mouse cry before, or any other movement, all disappeared.

In addition to the friction of their climbing, some other sounds can be heard again now. Although the sounds are strange, they seem to be the sounds of nature to him.

The people behind still didn't hear anything, but this time, they all chose to believe it.

"Where is it! Come on, maybe we are approaching the ground soon, there is someone!"

Although this chance is very small, they also know it well, but this wonderful fantasy is their only consolation.

Following the sound, they climbed quickly in the cave that was almost plunged into darkness and lost most of their senses.

They didn't notice at all that not only did they not crawl up close to the ground, but instead they went lower and lower, deeper and deeper into the underground caves extending in all directions.

I don't know how long they climbed, just when they were exhausted.

A huge group of continuously flashing bright lights suddenly appeared in front of them.

The bright light shone in their eyes, highlighting the black pupils.

That is the renewed hope!

"Light, it's light! Is that the ground?"

"It must be! It is!"

Weary bodies were re-energized, and they crawled across in contorted poses.

And the closer to the front, the wider it becomes.

They could even stand up with their waists bowed, but their legs had long been weak, and they could only kneel on the ground and drag their bodies forward.

Just getting closer and closer, they also found that the light was very wrong.

It is erratic, flickering, bright and dark, not normal light at all, but like fire.

Moreover, the rancid smell is getting stronger and stronger.

When they approached the end of the passage, ready to find out.

The passage under their feet suddenly collapsed, and they rolled down with the gravel.

After spinning around for a while, they saw the scene here.

Seeing the source of light, but also seeing despair.

This is not the ground at all, but a huge underground space.

Red ores are piled up all around and are burning. Under the light of the fire, the walls here are also densely packed with the entrance of the crypt...or the exit of the crypt.

This place is like the center of the underground world, as if any underground passages that can be found will eventually lead to this place.

A twisted, ugly, irregular tower-like building is displayed in the middle.

Even the branches piled up at will seem to be more beautiful than this tower.

This is simply impossible to be built by humans, and the lowest human aesthetics are far beyond this.

It seems to be a great miracle that it can be displayed here without falling down.

The surface of the building is filthy and disgusting, which makes people feel a strong sense of disgust.

But at the top, there is a clock that is the opposite of filth. There is not a trace of stain on it, but it reflects the ancient and solemn brilliance in the firelight.

Around the fire, beside the twisted tower building, pairs of green eyes were watching them.

The owners of these eyes are all gigantic deformed mice.

The deformed mice here, together with the buildings and spaces here, should have some kind of connection.

But they can't connect the building here, the space here, with the construction of these lowest-end rat excavations.

It's just that this kind of thought quickly dissipated as a large group of shadows poured out under the light of the fire ahead.

They also saw scenes that they had never dared to imagine!
The noiseless footsteps, the rustling scratching sound, the sweeping sound shaking back and forth.

Every minute and every second, it gets louder and louder.

Dirty fur poured out of the dark, dark caves like boiling water.

What followed was a frenzy of deformed rats.

And in this frenzy, there are several taller figures among them, which are very eye-catching.

It was several mice standing upright and half the height of a human.

No, that should not be called a mouse.

They are similar in size to humans, lean and hairy, with round eyes, long and narrow snouts, and extremely sharp teeth in their mouths.

Whether it is body shape or appearance, it has already left the category of mice.

It's like a fusion of humans and mice... Ratmen!
These four people never imagined that one day they would see such an existence.

How long have these mice been dormant and hidden, and how far have they grown.

Under their terrified gazes, strange voices came from the mouths of these rat populations.


They don't understand, but they know.

The death that belongs to them, the death that belongs to this world, finally comes.

There is no peace, no serenity, only fear, only trembling.

After everyone died, there was an unknown period of silence.

The dull bell rang in the huge underground space, spreading in caves of all sizes.


Ever since the Ratmen first came into contact with humans, they have remained dormant in the Underworld.

And the ugly buildings in their lairs were built from the materials brought back by the deformed rats under their leadership.

And the purpose of building is to respond to the presence of wisdom that brings them.

The existence that brings them wisdom is naturally Chen Hui.

This bell will ring once every time Shen Hui uses the power of the world's origin to help these mice evolve.

But these mice don't know who it is, it is a hidden existence, they only know that when the No.

They will gain wisdom far beyond what they have now.

And until now, it has been the ninth bell.


With the continuous development of several years, the bell under the ground has rang No. 11 times.

There are fewer and fewer deformed rats, replaced by more ratmen.

They have evolved to a very high level now.

It has a body shape and cunning wisdom that are getting closer and closer to humans, and has learned some human languages.

Did not name himself Skaven.

They also began to attack remote fringe towns among humans.

Looting of materials and technology belonging to human beings.

They have not spared any human beings, and their existence has not been exposed openly.

However, as the number of times increased and time passed, rumors about the Ratman began to spread in some places.

"As long as it is a human being, rats are disgusting.

They are a sign of disease, trash our trash, and scare children.

A filthy skaven standing in a playful imitation of a human.

Rats as tall as humans, blessed with wicked wisdom and cunning.

He is the dark side of our human soul, destroying us with our sins. "

The original spreader of this rumor was also burned at the stake for spreading harmful rumors.

In this world, it is forbidden to talk about weirdness, let alone spread fear.

Only in a short time, humans will find out.

This is not a rumor, but a fact.

(End of this chapter)

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