Creation of All People: I Create a World of Weird Talk

Chapter 246 Distribution of Titan Power

Chapter 246 Distribution of Titan Power
It is obviously impossible to give all the power of the giant god to Shen Hui.

This is undoubtedly handing over part of their Giant God Cult's strength to the opponent.

Just as the high priest was thinking, the holy son next to her pulled her robe again.

He lowered his voice and said in a low voice: "High Priest, I... can I still get half of it?"

The high priest looked at the Holy Son, who had been cultivated by her alone.

"Don't worry, there must be."

After contemplating for a while, the high priest had already figured out how to distribute them.

The first is to keep half, which is immovable for the Son.

For the remaining half, they had previously distributed some among the believers chosen by God.

In the end, most of the rest was distributed to Shen Hui.

Of course, this kind of allocation is also selfish, but such selfishness is also within the Titan Cult, so the high priest didn't feel much.

The Holy Son was also relieved to be affirmed by the great priest.

Otherwise, if a Titan Cultist can distribute the same amount of Titan Power as him, or more than him, then he is inappropriate as the Son of God.

After the high priest made his decision, he raised his hands high, and his whole body burst out with a majestic aura, watching a group of giant gods below and announced loudly:
"Grateful for the gift of the Lord of the Earth, according to the feedback after the selection of the gods."

"The Holy Son retains half of the power of the giant god. We pass the part of God's choice before leaving, and the remaining N times are proved to be called the congregation of the god of death."

When Shen Hui heard the distribution result, he laughed heartily.

This has completely exceeded the expectations of the power of the giant god that he can obtain.

But before Shen Hui agreed, someone helped Shen Hui refuse.

The law enforcement officer who manages Shen Hui said at this time:

"High Priest, I feel that this assignment is different."

"Since the distribution is based on the result of God's election."

"Then we shouldn't go against God Titan's wishes. This time, it's my disciples who have received the most attention."

"Why is it not the one with the most distribution, but the Holy Son?"

When Shen Hui saw the enforcer speak for him, he was extremely moved.

This talker is simply a good person!
He actually wants to win more power of the giant god for himself.

The rest of the law enforcement officers and believers also nodded seriously after thinking about it, feeling that there was nothing wrong.

"High Priest, that's true, we also think that the distribution remains the same."

The rest of the law enforcers spoke up.

The high priest did not expect that they would raise objections.

After pondering for a while, the high priest organized the language to speak.

"The Holy Son is the person closest to the Titan God, and his identity is enough to take away half of it."

"Could it be that you don't respect the Holy Son, don't you respect me!"

The Son next to him secretly smiled on his face under the mask.

I am even more sure of the power of this half of the giant god in my heart, I am determined.

But the law enforcer continued:

"High Priest, we all respect the Holy Son and you very much."

"But we all believe in the Lord of the Earth, the great Titan God, shouldn't we obey His will more?"

The rest of the law enforcers also responded one after another:


The high priest was also stunned by the question.

"This this……"

If they disagree, then they are violating the will of God Titan.

If you agree, the high priest feels that such an allocation is very unreasonable to the Holy Son.

Everyone turned their eyes to the high priest, waiting for his decision.

The Son of God began to panic a little.

But Shen Hui, who was supposed to be a player in the game, was watching a play just like a melon-eating crowd.

After all, he doesn't have the slightest sense of participation, but managing his own law enforcers is like being favored by the Titan God.

After hesitating for a moment, the high priest finally chose the latter between the Holy Son and the Titan God.

This is a belief, and it is also an example in front of all giant god believers.

"If that's the case, then leave half of the power of the giant god to him."

"After we share our share, the rest will be left to the Holy Son."

"Do you have any objections?"

Hearing the high priest's new distribution plan, everyone has no problem.

Except for the Holy Son, of course it is impossible for him to say it.

However, Shen Hui, who was also the Giant God Cultist he played, was already fixed in his heart.

From the Son of God's point of view, this means that there are giant god believers who have taken away their own power for no reason.

After everyone had no objections, they expressed their blessings in unison.

"Praise the gift of the Lord of the Earth, may we be eternal in dust and dirt."

The distribution of the power of the giant gods has officially begun.

The high priest shook his gorgeous robe and took out a staff.

On the top there is a huge round ball, which is extremely brilliant.

In other words, it is an energy ball condensed by energy.

It contains everything in the world, and there are different pictures flashing every second.

All the people of Gathering God stared straight at the eyes, that was the power of giant gods, and it also contained divinity.

As the high priest muttered softly, the power of the giant god gradually rose and spread from the spherical shape, spreading over this deep space like a stream of water.

At this moment, it seems to have turned into thousands of galaxies, full of charming colors.

Afterwards, half of the Xinghe directly rushed towards Shen Hui and submerged into his body.

The huge power of the giant god impacted Shen Hui, and crazily poured into his death world, wanting to merge with it.

If Shen Hui is a true giant god believer, his world of creation must be related to the world of giants.

So it can be naturally and perfectly integrated into the power of these giant gods.

It's a pity that Shen Hui is not, so these forces are external forces, like wanting to occupy the world of death, they are tyrannical.

Shen Hui immediately kept his face on the surface, condensing the rules and will of the world of death to fight against.

In addition, Shen Hui's death world has been strengthened many times long ago, and has a strong foundation and a solid structure.

In the end, all of this part of the power was condensed.

Shen Hui was full of joy, now these giant god powers could be his own.

The rest of the power of the giant gods were all distributed by them as mentioned before.

They who obtained the power of the giant god, except for the Son, were all very happy.

This is an increase in strength, allowing them to use the power from the great titan god!

After the assignment was over, the Holy Son suddenly looked at Shen Hui and said.

"High Priest, since these disciples are so favored by the Titan God, why not assign them to our side, how about joining me?"

After hearing this, the high priest nodded and felt reasonable.

But Shen Hui naturally knew that the Holy Son was probably out of balance with him, and there might be something wrong with him.

After all, I am not a real giant god believer.

But Shen Hui didn't want to miss this opportunity, but he wasn't ready yet.

Otherwise, if you rashly agree to go, you will be courting death.

Shen Hui immediately said: "Thank you, Son, for being promoted, but I still have something to do."

Shen Hui told about Shen Hui, that is, he led the giant god disciples to find Shen Hui, and then fought with Ji Xinfeng.

"It's hard for me to accept Chen Hui's immortality, so I ask the Holy Son and the High Priest to wait for me for a while."

Hearing what Shen Hui said, the rest of the Giant God Sect felt very relieved.

The high priest also readily agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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