Chapter 261 News of the auction
With the outbreak of the strange talk of intrusion, the beast world is going to destruction.

All cities became dilapidated, and nothing of life could be found except corpses.

Humans and royal beasts have become extinct in this world.

Only the flowers of death blooming from the corpses remained, as well as all kinds of indescribable tentacles that grew out.

The world of death began to absorb and annex this beast world that had begun to self-destruct.

The scope of the death world began to expand, and the resources belonging to the world of beasts, including those unique characteristics of the world of beasts, were extracted.

[The world of death absorbs and merges with the beast world, and the diameter of the world is increased to 5200 kilometers]

[Acquire 5400 World Origin Power]

[Extract two Royal Beast Eggs from the Beast Familiar System World, extract the A-level Beast Familiar Talent Card, extract the Terrain Structure Card, and the Scenario Progression Card...]

[The world of death absorbs the will and rules of the world of beasts, and refines a trace of divinity, which has been stored in the heart of divinity]

The World of Familiar Beasts has completely merged with the gray world of death, and has become a part of the barren land covered with mist of loss.

【Death World·Level of Consecration】

[World size: 5400 km]

[World level: Level 6]

[Creation units: 11 (hero units) 598W (common units)]

[Special Birth Area: 310 kilometers from the Land of Newborns, 234 kilometers from the Sea of ​​Death, 2414 kilometers from the Crazy Mountains, two layers of the backroom world]

[World Characteristics: Lost Fog, Distorted Vitality, Indescribable, Emotional Domain, BUG Card Entry, Indescribable Clan, Miracle, Call of the Father of Sharks, Divine Lock]

[Divine Heart: 0.01%]

[World origin: 5400]

Shen Hui looked at the feedback from the will of the dead world, as well as the information after his ascension from the dead world, and obtained a lot of things.

With the increase in the scope of the death world, coupled with the absorption of the rules and will of the opponent's world, the death world will be more oppressive.

The level of suppression from the will of the world directly prevents the other party from developing their own creation world.

Besides those basic cards, there are two very rare things extracted from the beast world.

Two Royal Beast Familiar Eggs and one A-level Beast Familiar Talent Card.

Although Shen Hui's world of creation is not the world of royal beasts, but those who can be called the royal family must not be weak.

Moreover, creatures like Royal Beasts are not strictly speaking creatures that belong to the world of Royal Beasts.

It may also be monsters, spirit beasts, and strange beasts in other system worlds.

It's just that the way of growth is different because of the difference in the world system.

Therefore, this kind of royal beast egg can be cultivated and used by other systems of the world.

Even if the rarity is not particularly high, it must be a hot item.

The Beast Familiar Talent Card can only be used in the world of the Beast Familiar System.

But it doesn't matter, there is no shortage of buyers for good things.

Withdrew from the uninhibited land, Shen Hui was not in a hurry to continue challenging the remaining two fifth-level unowned worlds.

The world of death needs to digest the improvement brought about this time.

Shen Hui was about to leave the uninhibited place and go back to take a good rest.

But just when Shen Hui was about to leave, he suddenly found that there were people crowded beside him, and it seemed that something had happened.

Shen Hui squeezed in curiously, and saw two people lying on the ground, dying of blood all over their bodies.

If the challenge to the world without a master fails and causes the destruction of its own creation world, it will implicate the creator of the world.

There are quite a few cases like this in Unruly Land, but it shouldn't attract so many people's attention.

Shen Hui quickly understood from the discussions of the people around him that this was not what he had imagined.

"It's too miserable. I'm afraid the world of creation will explode and destroy right away?"

"There is only such a possibility, otherwise it won't cause such harm to the Creator, I'm afraid... I won't be able to live."

"How many times is this the first time in so many days? At least five or six times."

"What kind of ownerless world did they encounter, they would be so powerless to resist."

"I just don't know. These two are members of the Wild Wolf Gang. The world of creation should be around the third or fourth level, but they are still so miserable."

"Damn it, I don't dare to challenge it anymore. I'd better go to the World Association to challenge it. Although it costs a little money, don't worry."

"Hey, maybe this is another world energy that can be compared to the forbidden realm of chaos? If you can get the coordinates, then you can send it."

"If you want to change your wife for a husband and your son for a father, then go for it."


Listening to their discussion, Shen Hui knew that these people probably encountered some powerful or special unowned world.

The two members of the Wild Wolf Gang who fell on the ground have not completely died yet.

At this time, they all spit out a mouthful of blood, and seemed to be a little more awake.

His body couldn't help trembling, his lips moved slightly, and he made a small sound.

However, Shen Hui still keenly caught what the other party said.

"Destroyed...all destroyed..."

The other party muttered, and within a few seconds, he kicked his legs and died completely.

After a while, someone shouted outside the crowd.

"Wild Wolf Gang is here, everyone leave."

The crowd moved out of the way, and the members of the Wild Wolf Gang came to check it out, and then began to collect the corpses.

The surrounding crowd also dispersed abruptly, and began to busy themselves with their own affairs.

Shen Hui also left, and the things here have nothing to do with him.

Although a little curious about what they met, Shen Hui is not a cat.

Shen Hui left Unruly Land and returned to the World Association. It was rare that he had nothing to do, and he was going to take a good rest for a few days.

While resting, Shen Hui followed some developments in the world of death.

At the same time, using the power of the world's origin obtained from absorbing the beast world, it expanded the scope of the newborn soil.

After three days of silence.

Leng Zimeng contacted Shen Hui.

"Shen Hui, the date for the opening of the underground auction has been set."

"And the rules of this auction, let me tell you."

Shen Hui was lying on the bed, and Leng Zimeng's voice came from the end of the speakerphone.

Hearing this news, Shen Hui sat up abruptly.

Shen Hui didn't even sell the things he obtained from the Beast Master World.

Instead, it is planned to sell through this auction channel.

"You said."

Leng Zimeng continued, "The opening time is five days later."

"Because of the nature of the underground auction, all participants are anonymous. Of course, you can reveal your identity if you wish."

"Besides that, the purchases in this auction are all in the form of points."

"Points can be exchanged for items. Someone will evaluate the item based on its value. Of course, it can also be purchased with money. The purchase ratio is one hundred million points."

(End of this chapter)

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