Creation of All People: I Create a World of Weird Talk

Chapter 277 Everyone was fooled, the star core is in hand!

Chapter 277 Everyone was fooled, the star core is in hand!
Seeing someone offer a higher price, Shen Hui smiled.

The third one was sold for 19.

The auction for the fourth piece started, this time Shen Hui was the first to bid.

"15 million!"

From 15 to [-], finally the power can't stand it anymore.

"Brother, what are you doing? Will you bid?"

Shen Hui directly snapped back: "Don't talk if you can't afford the price."

Looking at Shen Hui's bid of 15, he thought that there were only five star cores that were announced just now.

And now it's the fourth one.

Compared with not knowing how many pieces there are, it is a consolation not to take pictures by then.

"Damn it, you dare to challenge us on the first floor, do you really think you can be lawless if you don't know who you are?"

After all, Shen Hui's behavior really annoyed them too much.

"15 million!"

"You don't mind me, I'm happy, if you want to take a picture, you can pay a higher price than me."

Even Huang Lingheng and Leng Zimeng, who belonged to Shen Hui's night organization, and Ye Long, who hadn't shown their power.

"Damn it, then I'll have 20 points! Send someone to exchange supplies for points."

At the same time, people of all forces murmured once again, how many of these special meows are there.

Qingying spoke to Shen Hui, and a staff member came in front of Shen Hui.

Qingying also replied:

"15 million!"

Qingying used the instrument to check on the platform, and after confirming, she looked aside.

Shen Hui spoke indifferently, as if he didn't pay attention to the other party at all.

No one bothered with Shen Hui anymore, but continued to bid.

The powerful man couldn't help roaring.

Shen Hui also pretended to be stubborn and shouted at the right time: "You bid, you won't be able to afford the auction like this?"

"23! Everyone, how about giving it to us?"

Is this really the last one?
Such thoughts resurfaced in their minds again, as the saying goes, it is better to believe what is there than to believe what is not.

Hearing the sixth one, some forces began to curse, especially the one who just bid for the fifth one.

The people on the second and third floors are simply outraged, especially those who bought the star core at a high price before, wishing to cut Chen Hui into pieces.

"If you ask me, I really don't believe that he has so many points, Qingying, what will happen if you don't have enough points to take pictures?"

"Next is the fifth star core. The starting price is [-] points. The bidding starts now!"

Hearing the fifth one, the hearts of all the powerful people trembled involuntarily.

"You f*ck are here to make trouble, right?"

"The sixth star core auction will start next."

"18 million points!"

What if it is true?
But at the beginning this time, it was also Shen Hui who directly raised the price.

Even after knowing that Shen Hui did it, he also thought it was too cheap.

"Hey, he's dead now."

"Damn it, it's really possible. This kid really raised the price on purpose. If it weren't for him, the few star cores that were auctioned before would only be 17!"

This person is just messing with them.

"Damn, why is this man so crazy, don't let me catch you!"

Another person shouted: "I saw it before. The news that there are five star cores seems to have come from him at first."

"I'm sorry for this guest. According to the current situation, you may be required to pay in advance for the points obtained from the auction."

But just now someone shouted 17, Shen Hui shouted directly:
"20 million!"

"Are you sick? Now there are more than five coins, and you still bid like this?"

Seeing Shen Hui like this, many forces already had their own ideas in their hearts.

This time the ash was raised directly from 15 to [-].

"Maybe I don't even have that many points, so I just want to raise the price for you big forces."

"I see, he just has trouble with your big forces. You big forces think about it carefully, have you done something unscrupulous to offend others, hahaha."

"Then congratulations to the guests on the first floor, bid for the next star core."

Most of the forces did not speak or agree, but seeing that they did not continue to bid, it is known that they have acquiesced.

"22 million!"

This time, Shen Hui ignored the other party directly, and was too lazy to talk to the other party.

They also stopped paying attention to Shen Hui, and some people began to continue bidding.

Powerful people speak.

But when Shen Hui listened to their words, he laughed heartily.

Seeing that no one has bid, Qingying could only open her mouth and say:

Immediately powerful people followed.

Qingying immediately asked, if they continue to fight, no one will bid.

"If there is such a situation, according to the rules of our auction house, find a way to come up with something that can mortgage enough value, if not, then take his life as a warning."

Although Shen Hui had already bid up to 20 points, this time, the organization raised the price again without any hesitation.

Powerful people cursed angrily, it was Shen Hui's crazy price increase, which made them nervous and made the price increase again from the original transaction price, and now it's coming again.

But then Qingying continued to smile and said:

Among the people on the first floor, someone shouted:
"I don't think it's necessarily a trustee. How could such a big auction house find such an obvious trustee?"

"Everyone, be quiet, is there anyone else bidding?"

The fourth broke the previous record again, reaching 20 points.

But Shen Hui raised the price again substantially.

"Crap! Who the hell said there are only five pieces in total, don't let me catch you!"

"Yes, on behalf of our organization, I also support it. I want to punish him. It's so annoying!"

Although my original intention was to let them entrust me, I would not bid with myself in the end.

Seeing Qingying whose price was getting higher and higher, she naturally smiled.

But the powerful still can't help but raise the price again:
"19 points, the more expensive it is, anyway, our organization can just get this one."

"Okay! We won't bid, let him take the picture!"

"Never mind your woolly business, shut up if you can't afford the price, then give me the thing."

Hearing the news of Shen Hui's successful bid, someone immediately shouted:

If there are more than five, how many are there? Could it be six?seven?
A new round of bidding has already started, and this time, Shen Hui was the first to raise the price again.

If there were really only five, wouldn't he have missed a good opportunity?

"Crap! This person is not a trustee, is he deliberately raising the price?"

At this time, someone seemed to think of something, and immediately said:

Hearing this, he pretended to be flustered and shouted in a gray tone:

All of a sudden, many forces became tense.

Shen Hui directly handed over his point card, and finally the staff handed it over to Qingying.

It took so many extra points, but those were not points, but they replaced them with their own resources.

But now the result is the same.

The price soared to 24, which was also the transaction price of the fifth piece.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I... I'm just a normal bidder. I have no grudge against anyone. I have a lot of points. Don't talk nonsense!"

Shen Hui directly mocked the other party.

"Qingying, let's see if he has points!"

"Hmph, I'll leave it to you guys, I'm thinking too much, 24!"

Deliberately drive up the price with all the big forces.

"21 million!"

These people are simply giving themselves a god assist!

Another force couldn't help but said: "Downstairs, do you have 18 points?"

At the same time, everyone in the room murmured, is the auction coming to an end?

With a little cautious feeling, he said: "This guest's points are enough."

Hearing this, the scene was silent for a moment.

Then everyone started screaming.

"Damn it! They were all fooled!"

(End of this chapter)

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