Chapter 294
"Father, are we going to go fishing so early?"

On the pier, a small fishing boat.

A child about ten years old forcefully opened his sleepy eyes and asked.

Father was untying the ropes tied to the pier to set sail.

"Recently, the world has changed again. I heard from those who came back that the wind and waves have become stronger."

"However, I heard that the dangerous and damned fog has receded a lot outside, and some people have gone to explore, but the fog has become thicker."

"I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing."

The father spoke on his own, regardless of whether his son could understand or not.

What he said later made his son feel scared.

"The catastrophe is coming, are you afraid of those terrifying and weird monsters?"

The child nodded, he was most afraid of those.

"I'm afraid, then we have to set sail earlier to catch more fish, so that we don't have to be busy later, and we can hide safely in the church of Dagon's secret sect."

"May the great sleeping god bless us."

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn."

After untying the rope, the father clasped his hands and prayed.

And uttered a series of obscure and difficult to understand, unlike the language that humans or any known life can create.

My father actually didn't understand, but it was passed to him by the potion masters who obtained power from Cthulhu in the secret sect of Dagon.

Tell him this is a prayer to the great being Cthulhu.

The children also began to pray after imitating their father's appearance.

And the person also came to his senses and started to help his father with things.

The steam engine was started, the boiler was fired, and the child threw into it the coals that had been piled up in the warehouse.

For the steam city that has developed to this day, the white steam, which is already rare, began to spit into the sky through the chimney.

Mana has been fully popularized, and the performance improvement brought by it is not comparable to that of steam engines.

But the only advantage of using a steam engine is that coal is cheaper than mana.

It's just that steam engines are hard to find. The steam engines used in their ships are all passed down from their ancestors.

Moreover, the fishing boat is also equipped with a magic machine, but it is usually used when returning to the voyage.

After confirming the direction to go, he looked at his son whose whole body was blackened by burning charcoal.

Father touched his head: "When we have money next year, we will change to a larger pure magic energy fishing boat, and then we won't need to burn charcoal."

Hearing this, the son exclaimed happily: "I want to be the captain!"

Gradually sailed far away, and arrived in the sea where the fish were infested after two days.

My father lights up the lights around the fishing boat to attract fish, and then casts a large net to catch them.

Those strange-looking and extremely ugly fish gradually gathered.

Every pull is a pretty good harvest.

Father wiped the sweat from his brow with an excited smile on his face.

If there is no accident, this time the cabin can be filled and returned early.

But if there is no accident, the accident will come out.

Unknowingly, the sky gradually darkened.

This is the sign before the storm is coming.

But my father didn't care at first. According to experience, there is still a long time to wait for a complete storm.

Before the complete arrival, although his fishing boat is small.

But it is strong enough, this is something he believes in very much, otherwise he would not have led them to escape from various huge waves and storms safely so many times.

It's just that as time gradually passed, under the dark sky, a thin layer of mist began to diffuse again.

Father frowned, this is not a good thing.

Once you lose your way at sea, it's not good.

Father decided to start the return voyage.

After putting away all the fishing gear, the fishing boat started again.

But as they continue to sail, they can roughly identify the direction through experience at the beginning.

The fog in the back is getting thicker and thicker, and covered by dark clouds, except for the lights of their own fishing boats, no external light can shine in.

The whole sea was pitch black, and where the lights illuminated were billowing mist.

They are like solitary boats drifting above the bottomless abyss, and in the abyss, no one knows what horrible things exist.

He lost his way, and his father didn't dare to drive indiscriminately, otherwise he might go further and further away.

We had to stop here temporarily, waiting for the fog to clear.

And lit the emergency lights on the fishing boat, hoping to be seen by other passing fishing boats.

The child looked at the pitch-black surroundings in extreme fear, his body trembling uncontrollably.

"Father, I'm afraid, why don't we go back?"

His father calmed him down immediately.

"Don't be afraid, being afraid will only make you more afraid, forget what I told you before?"

"We must be in awe of the sea of ​​death, but don't be afraid. Being afraid will only make more bad things happen, you know?"

The child seemed to understand and nodded.

"Hey, we'll go back as soon as the fog clears."

They began to wait for the fog to clear, but the result was not at all what they wanted.

There was a strong wind blowing from the sea, but the fog was far from being blown away.

On the contrary, it looks more intense. With the tumbling of the huge wind and the whistling sound of the wind, it is like a ghost screaming with teeth and claws.

more terrifying.

The waves brought up by the strong wind also began to shake the fishing boat violently.

The storm may be coming early.

Father frowned. This was the worst weather he had ever encountered, bar none.

Although the child's face was trying to keep his father's words of not being afraid, his eyes were already full of fear.

You must drive away from here now, even if you are going in the wrong direction.

The use of the steam engine was stopped, and the more powerful magic machine was turned on.

With the strong wind and the turbulence of the big waves, the fishing boat started sailing again.

But as the voyage continued, although the fog subsided a little, the wind and waves became bigger.

Huge waves washed over and hit the fishing boat heavily, making it crumbling.

I feel like I will fall into this bottomless abyss at any time.

Father was at the helm with all his might, but to no avail.

Just after correcting the direction, it was immediately distorted by a huge wave.

Under the wind and waves, their fishing boat is like a toy.

He even wondered if he was going in the wrong direction, heading towards the center of the storm.

But all thoughts were quickly blown away by a huge wave.

This blow almost overturned the fishing boat, the contents of the fishing boat spilled all over the ground, and the father and child also hit the fishing boat.

The bloody father covered his head and quickly hugged the crying child.

He knew that this time, he might be doomed, so he could only pray that they could get through this storm smoothly.

Although my father knew that the chance of this was very small, because a huge wave could capsize their boat at any time.

But my father began to pray anyway, which was the only thing he could do now.

But when the father finished praying, the child he was holding immediately pointed in one direction and shouted:

"Look, there is light there! It seems that a ship is coming!"

The father who opened his eyes looked in the direction his son pointed.

In the storm and mist in the distance, there is a faint green light, and the shadow of a large ship is revealed from it.

And without fear of the storm, sailed straight towards them.

My father was stunned when he saw the shadow of the big ship, because the model of that ship had been eliminated decades ago.

And never seen a ship with green lights.

(End of this chapter)

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