Creation of All People: I Create a World of Weird Talk

Chapter 304 A world intertwined with normality and madness

Chapter 304 A world intertwined with normality and madness
Above the darkness, a pair of eyes has been staring at the devouring darkness and everything that happened in it.

The eyes are black and red.

Black looks extremely clear and sober.

The red one looks extremely cloudy and full of madness.

And in these two kinds of pupils, what they see in the dark is completely different.

The red crazy eyes saw a very normal scene.

The sea, the beach, the flowers, the trees, the laughing and frolicking crowd.

Although if you find out with your heart, you will find the sense of violation in it.

Why are there a large number of gorgeous flowers on the beach.

Why is the sand so fine and why the sea is so thick.

Why do those fallen fruits have a fishy smell...

Many small details are explaining many problems, here, it is not normal.

Here, not the real world.

But those who were playing didn't notice it at all.

In other words, these are already in their understanding, and that is normal.

And what is the real world like...

It was completely presented in Shen Hui's other black eye.

That and what the red eyes see are completely two extremes.

It can even be physically uncomfortable.

In those black eyes, everyone...if they are considered human, they are still in the dark.

There is no colorful black, black is black.

Everyone... no, they can't be called people anymore.

But a bunch of twisted monsters.

Their bodies have undergone various mutations, with all limbs presented in grotesque poses.

Or merge with the rest of the body, or have many more limbs that I didn't have.

And they all have one very special thing in common, that is, the brain is swollen to the point of bursting.

It's like receiving too many things, and my brain is almost unable to hold them.

The madness in the eyes was gone, because their eyes were all gone and had been popped out long ago.

From the moment they perceive the darkness as having color, they lose their eyes.

And the sea they see with other perceptions now is just a group of people who died in the outer darkness at the beginning.

The blood pool of the blood flowing out of the body is so thick.

The sandy beach is the body part that is ground into meat paste, so it is very delicate.

Those clusters of flowers are not flowers, but tentacles growing in the darkness, shaking and shaking constantly.

Those fruit trees were not fruit trees either, but larger tentacles.

The upper eye branch is split, like a leaf.

And those falling fruits...some of them are those falling eyeballs.

And some are dead heads.

So they ate it all over their mouths, and it wasn't the fruit that had a bloody smell...

"Is this the consequence of getting Cthulhu's attention?"

"This can have such an impact on the real world without waking up."

"But no one will know that I did it..."

Shen Hui's eyes are very calm, madness is just a given state, it does not belong to Shen Hui's own emotions.

The scene in front of him was really nothing compared to Shen Hui's growth in the world of death.

The light is from the slaughterhouse of the pig head butcher, or the unrest caused by the sudden increase in the number of Fu Jiang.

It can be called a regional picture scroll.

Although this kind of thing is happening in the real world.

But from another perspective, for people in the dead world, isn't the dead world also the real world?

As for why Shen Hui didn't stop it, it was just like Shen Hui said when the Sea of ​​Death card was destroyed at the beginning.

It wasn't that Shen Hui didn't want to stop it, but that his ability was limited.

My current creation world is just like what other creators said after they learned that they created gods.

Such a creation world level can actually give birth to gods.

That's right, the level of the creation world is not enough, and the control over the power of the gods is limited.

Shen Hui can control Cthulhu because he is the Creator, but that is after he fully wakes up.

And the spread of power now comes from the slightest attention after Cthulhu fell asleep.

Just like the impact of Cthulhu's instinctive reaction.

So Shen Hui was also waiting for this unknown power to dissipate.

And also follow the perspective of those who are caught in the dark, crazy but not aware of them.

Discover more.

For example, now, in the sky that You Teng is looking up at, the shining stars.

You Teng's two companions looked at the sky in puzzlement, and asked You Teng, "What are you looking at? What's so good about the stars?"

"Let's go play in the water, we haven't played in a long time."

But You Teng's gaze didn't change at all.

"There...the stars are in the wrong position, they shouldn't be like that."

"What should it be like? You Teng, we can't control that much, what the stars look like has nothing to do with us."

"Irrelevant? Yes, then what are we here for? Don't we have a purpose?"

"I said, is the purpose of our coming here to restore the stars to their original positions?"

You Teng seemed to be lost in thought as he spoke.

And You Teng's words also touched them.

They also wondered whether they had forgotten something, at least their purpose of coming here.

"Yes, what are we doing here? What is our purpose?"

"Since we are the ones who want to become the Lord of the Night, how could we have no purpose!"

"what is that?"

"I don't know, I can't think of anything, you know? My brain feels like a mess."

"Look, it's really paste, hahaha!"

As they spoke, one of the two of them inserted his palm into his ear.

And grabbed a handful of red and white filthy things like paste.

"We don't know, someone should know, or it's just like You Teng said, right, You Teng."

You Teng didn't answer, but stared dazedly at the star-studded sky.

"Then let's ask the rest."

"Everyone, stop playing, do you know what we are here for?"

After hearing this question, everyone stopped playing and playing.

The expression on his face disappeared instantly, as if he had turned into a statue.

Also lost in thought.

Yes, what are you doing here?

How did you get here?
As everyone began to fall into contemplation.

Or another understanding.

The madness that had stagnated began to climb again.

At the same time, everyone involuntarily raised their heads to look at the place You Teng was staring at.

The sky full of stars.

At this moment, the blue sky suddenly shattered.

The color around it starts to fade.

Everything returned to darkness again, but the darkness above turned into a bright starry sky.

A meteor falls.

They saw the indescribable great figure gradually emerge...

(End of this chapter)

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