Creation of All People: I Create a World of Weird Talk

Chapter 310 Another world under control!

Chapter 310 Another controlled world!
However, the aberrants become the leaders of this world.

It is what Shen Hui thinks is the best way now.

After all, distortion pollution has become an inseparable part of this world.

Then it's better to use it as power.

Let Qingxue integrate part of her own world view into the world of creation on the basis of her original creation world.

Become another world similar to Newborn Land.

This is a bold decision, to a certain extent, it is equivalent to changing the certainty of Qingxue's creation world, and it is no longer a pure supernatural creation world.

But also the best way.

At the same time, it can also verify whether Shen Hui's other creation worlds about distortion can become the second world of death.

Thinking of this, Shen Hui began to forcibly open the connection channel between the world of death and Qingxue's supernatural creation world.

In a crushing situation, Shen Hui's current world will and rules are completely superior to Qingxue's world.

So it was done very easily.

Qingxue's supernatural creation world operates according to its own instinct, and it also begins to respond after being connected to the rest of the world.

All the supernatural beings are going to solve this incident, which is regarded as an invasion of extraterrestrial creatures for them.

Whether it is a mutant or a normal superhuman.

But after approaching the gray world of creation, the aura emanating from it made those mutants feel a sense of coming home.

Inside there is a power of the same kind greater than the power they wield.

Seems to be the source of their power.

All of a sudden, the mutants who had finally managed to face the enemy's invasion and teamed up together again.

Shaken again.

Take the emerging Outlander world as the source of their primal power.

Prepare to look for opportunities that belong to them in it, so that your strength can be further improved.

It's just before ordinary supernatural beings start their crusade, and abnormal supernatural beings haven't started looking for opportunities.

Shen Hui had already taken the initiative to let the creations in his creation world begin to invade.

Darkness envelops, the darkest hour.

All kinds of strange stories and weird creatures appeared in the supernatural world.

Faced with these weirdnesses for the first time, no supernatural being could fight against them.

There are not a few people with supernatural powers who died suddenly or fell into madness without knowing why.

The mental tension of the people in the supernatural world has been raised to the extreme.

The spinal cord is trembling.

However, under such an environment, those mutants were not affected much.

Only a small number of them died in it, but more mutants died after facing these strange events and creatures.

After comprehending a more powerful distortion force, his ability level has been improved rapidly.

They manipulate darkness and manipulate emotions to make monsters.

They began to sink more and more people into the darkness of corruption, distortion, and pollution.

For people in the supernatural world, this is an era of major reshuffle of the survival of the fittest.

Normal people with supernatural powers can survive better.

Had to start learning to control the distortion ability.

Only then can they defeat magic with magic.

And this is also Shen Hui's purpose, under the invasion of his own death world.

Let the opponent's creation world be in operation, make their own decisions to unify the creation world and no longer be chaotic.

And this move is also the most profound and meaningful turning point in the history of the supernatural world.

The world, which has been shrouded in strangeness for a long time, has deeply engraved darkness and fear into its DNA.

And the mutants will continue to deliberately create all kinds of horrible things.

Thus absorbing fear enhances their powers.

The world of supernatural powers has changed from this moment on, and it is no longer pure.

And as the changes continue to improve, the breath of the supernatural world is getting closer and closer to the world of death.

Even became the dominant force of the world because of the power of distortion.

Shen Hui has the feeling that he can drive the opponent's supernatural world with his own will of the world of death!

And this feeling became more and more intense with the rapid passage of time in the creation world.

This is no longer a feeling, but a fact that can be implemented!

Shen Hui invaded the supernatural world with the will of the death world, and the other party's world will consciously gave up a place.

Without any resistance, what should be the will of the world should be the dusty world of death.

All of a sudden, Shen Hui's mind appeared one by one about the state of the world in the supernatural world, the degree of creation, and which hero units.

At this moment, Shen Hui is no longer the creator of the dead world, but also the creator of this supernatural world!
It is even possible to use the origin of the world in this creation world to create things.

Shen Hui was overjoyed, it really works!
As long as the dead world completely assimilates the rest of the world, it can control the opponent's creation world.

However, the world of creation still belongs to others, and it is very troublesome to implement it.

First of all, let the power system in this world perfectly accept the power from the world of death.

And this kind of power is completely a disaster and a kind of corrosion for the rest of the world.

There is a high probability that the erosion of this power will eventually lead to the complete collapse of the world.

As for why Qingxue's creation world can work.

Only after Shen Hui temporarily controlled the other party's creation world did he learn the answer.

Qingxue said to Shen Hui before that she also planned to try to integrate into the belief system to make her world of creation stronger.

For this reason, a hero unit related to beliefs, superhumans, was created.

Just later, he was injured by Chen Hui, which caused strange power and distortion to erode the other party's creation world.

And this essence corrodes everything and distorts everything.

After contacting this hero related to faith, he actually felt indescribable from it.

It means that he perceives the power from Cthulhu.

Thus, using his unique ability, he believed in the power that invaded the world.

This is also the birth of the No.1 mutant in the supernatural world.

After that, he began to spread this ability, and also created more and more mutants.

The picture Shen Hui saw before was formed, the chaotic supernatural world.

It can be said that Qingxue's failure to wake up has a large part to do with him, a supernatural being.

Otherwise, Qingxue's situation would definitely be the same as Huang Lingheng's.

Either it is completely corrupted by the power of distortion, or it is desperate to master the way to survive with it.

Rebuilt after most of the damage done to the world, it's unclear if the world of creation is stronger or weaker.

So all kinds of coincidences made this possibility possible in Qingxue's creation world.

At the same time, Shen Hui also had an idea.

Thoroughly spread the belief of Cthulhu to Qingxue's creation world.

Accelerate the gathering of faith.

(End of this chapter)

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