Chapter 330 Return to the real world
At this moment, the world was overshadowed.

The indescribable power of the stalwart distorted the world.

The reflection of the laughing moon floating on the surface of the sea has turned into a black rotten moon, and countless tentacles are gnawing at this reflection.

A strange low murmur began to echo, and no one could understand it, but everyone knew that it was the old whisper of the great sleeping lord.

Fear and anxiety, death and destruction have become the main theme in this world.

Crazy climb, no one can lock the SAN value, even Shen Hui was slightly affected at this moment.

It's just that the impact is within a reasonable range of reason.

Cthulhu woke up, although only a small part of consciousness.

But it is indeed awakened, in the deep consciousness world created by Xiaoyue.

Boom boom boom~
The sea water was pushed away, and a mountain-like creature with an octopus head, bat wings, and countless tentacles emerged from the bottom of the sea.

After he appeared, he looked at Shen Ash floating on the sea surface, his scarlet eyes were filled with evil and madness.

Shen Hui suddenly had a feeling of sympathy with Him... It was strange, it seemed to be related to his form of creator, or his identity as creator.

At this time, black ashes began to fall from the sky, as if it was the end of the end.

Cthulhu turned his head and fixed his eyes on Xiaoyue.

Xiaoyue can no longer be called Xiaoyue.

The smile on it has been distorted into an indescribable appearance, and the deserted radiance that emanates has become dimmed.

Trembling, Xiaoyue began to tremble, in the deep consciousness world he created.

This world has been corrupted and has become a taboo place that needs to be avoided.

Cthulhu stretched out his thick arms towards the sky, and Xiaoyue was like a light bulb hanging in the sky at this time.

It was directly held in the hands of Cthulhu.

The indescribable black began to erode Xiaoyue's body, without any resistance, she was absolutely crushed in front of Cthulhu.

The laughing moon turned into a black ball, blending with the background and the colors of the world.

Cthulhu pinched it lightly, and Xiaoyue turned into powder and dissipated completely.

A touch of divine power completely appeared in Cthulhu's palm.

This is the divinity that was summoned after the Xiaoyue Sect ceremony started, and without the support of Xiaoyue at this moment, it has become a pure divinity.

Cthulhu pinched it with his hands, and the divinity was absorbed into his body.

It's just that he didn't completely absorb it, but there was still a part left, and he looked at Chen Ash again, and threw it towards Chen Ash.

This ball of divinity just floated in front of Shen Hui, and the raven got out of Shen Hui's body and flew over.

It started pecking frantically, but Shen Hui didn't stop it this time.

After the raven had eaten nearly half of it, the remaining divinity floated into Shen Hui's body and was absorbed.

The Xiaoyue manifested here is dead, the deep consciousness space is full of cracks, and the space far away has begun to collapse.

Without support, this side of the world is heading for destruction.

Cthulhu also sank into the bottom of the sea at this time and disappeared, and the black sea water also began to pour into the broken ground space.

Until it disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared again.

Just when Shen Hui was about to leave here, three spheres of light suddenly floated from a certain uncollapsed ground in the dark sky.

Shen Hui recognized it, it was the consciousness of Ye Long, Zhiyue and Zhuge Hongjing.

They fell into the deep consciousness world one step earlier, so they performed the coming-of-age ceremony here one step ahead.

And the rite of passage represents the separation of the consciousness that has fallen into it, so that it becomes incomplete and cannot be awakened again.

Just like the choice Shen Hui faces, as long as Shen Hui chooses the world of deep consciousness, he will be lost here forever.

But now this deep consciousness world has been destroyed, so their consciousness has reunited.

It's just that if there is no one to guide it, it will be destroyed and returned to nothingness along with this world.

Shen Hui flew up, intercepted the three balls of light, and began to guide them to follow him.

Coming to the opened door, Shen Hui stepped in with three balls of light.

From darkness to light again, Chen Ash returned to the tunnel under the ruins.

Still maintaining the movement after getting lost, the place is extremely quiet, and the burning objects on the wall are still burning.

It looked like nothing happened.

"I don't know what's going on outside."

Shen Hui released the creator mode, and now his head is extremely dull.

After summoning Cthulhu, too much spiritual power was consumed, which is beyond the level that can be summoned in the world of his own creation.

And this time, there are many things that Shen Hui still needs to understand carefully.

For example, Raven, for the life born in this accident, Shen Hui didn't have any expectations for him.

But I didn't expect that this time it would help me so much.

And if something like this happened to them here, unless they were unlucky enough to go to grandma's house, then the rest of the Xiaoyue Sect strongholds would not be much better.

But there is a tall man standing outside, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

Otherwise, if the Laughing Moon started flooding outside, Shen Hui would have nothing to do, then the world would be destroyed, it doesn't matter.

Shen Hui sat down on the ground, not disliking the humidity, and looked at Ye Long and the three of them.

The three of them were like stone statues at this moment, keeping their final movements motionless.

If there was no Chen Hui to lead them back to consciousness, they would probably be like this, becoming vegetative.

But their consciousness has returned, and now it takes a little while for the fit to restart.

After 2 minutes, there was more light in their dull eyes.

Blinking his eyes, moving his fingers.

The three of them woke up at the same time, and they all looked dazed and confused.

The memories in their minds become confused, and the real world and life experiences in the deep world are mixed together.

It also takes a little time to sort out the memories in my mind.

About 5 minutes later, Ye Long looked at Shen Hui, or noticed Shen Hui's existence.

With uncertainty, he said:

"Brother Shen... is this... is this world a fake?"

"Are you real or fake?"

Zhiyue and Zhuge Hongjing also cast such gazes.

Shen Hui has experienced their feelings before, so he naturally knows their current state.

He said angrily, "If you still ask me if I'm fake, then what I said is also fake."

"Yes..." Ye Long became even more confused.

However, Zhiyue has already awakened. As a member of the Tarot Society, she has already explored the false aspects of the world.

"Don't think about it, whether it's true or not, we live in the moment."

(End of this chapter)

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