Creation of All People: I Create a World of Weird Talk

Chapter 337 The Conception of Nurgle's Loving Father, Fallen Angel Invasion

Chapter 337 The Conception of Nurgle's Loving Father, Fallen Angel Invasion
The power of the world's origin floats around Shen Hui, which is the cost of resources to construct the information of the horned rat.

Gently swiping with his hand, gathering the original power of these worlds together, Shen Hui squeezed the other hand in the air.

Another group of power was extracted from the space and squeezed between the fingers.

This is the belief from the Skaven. Since it is the exclusive deity of the Skaven, it is also an indispensable thing.

The two groups of energies are all fused together and turned into a substantial dough-like substance, which can be manipulated at will.

The Horned Rat, the only true god of the Skaven.

That is, the Ratman made the Horned Rat, and the Horned Rat created the Ratman.

Of course, this concept was instilled in those Skavens by Shen Hui, and the true creator was naturally Shen Hui.

The appearance of the big horned rat is a stronger ratman, with several pairs of similar horns or horns growing on its head.

On the forehead, there is a green inverted triangle symbol.

In the world view of Warhammer, the most powerful are the four gods of chaos, horror, sex, and Nurgle.

And the status of the Big Horned Rat in it is the Chaos God, so it is supposed to be under the Chaos God.

It is also similar to the relationship between Cthulhu as the old ruler and the outer gods.

Although the Horned Rat has nothing to do with the Chaos God of Death, it seems to be a combination of the worst aspects of the four Chaos Gods.

If you've ever asked yourself: What would happen if you combined the insidiousness of Tzeentch, the rags and ugliness of Nurgle, the bloody brutality of Khorne, and the arrogance of Slaanesh?You will get a big horned rat.

This is the best explanation for the horned rat.

It can also be said that the horned rat represents everything about the Skaven, cunning, betrayal, murder, corruption...

Without any good side, he is a completely dead god.

His appearance represented disaster, destruction, and decay.

When He comes, the darkest age will come, and there will be a world annihilation, and the guidance He gave to the 13-person meeting is also constantly developing in this direction.


Based on the horned rat constructed from the beliefs that the Skaven had accumulated in advance, Shen Hui only briefly added some richer identity background.

The power fused by the dust began to rotate and squirm continuously.

It's like a piece of plasticine being kneaded by a big hand with five elements, gradually forming a vague outline.

It was the general image of the horned rat, but the more detailed image did not continue to appear.

Because it's not yet there, the horned rat's recovery is still far from the level of faith.

After initially forming a rough outline, it gradually disappeared into the space.

The gods belonging to the Skaven will always exist in their meanness, dirtyness, cunning...all negatives.

Until it absorbs enough power, the horned rat will eventually come to the world of death.

Shen Hui's world's original power began to decrease, but it stopped after only spending nearly [-] of the world's original power.

Looking at the current Skaven empire, they will undergo faster changes from today onwards.

At the same time, Shen Hui thought of another point, based on the Skaven and the Horned Rat, as well as from the Abomination and the Plague Doctor.

Another deity that can be created relatively easily.

That is the Father of Nurgle in the Warhammer world.

As one of the most powerful Chaos Gods, if this kind of existence can be brought to the world of death.

The changes that have been brought about have certainly been extraordinary.

What's more, gods like Nurgle don't only belong to the Skaven, and should spread to humans and Skaven at the same time.

And the reason for the dust can be based on the relatively simple creation of the Skaven rat man, the abomination and the plague doctor, the loving father of Nurgle.

It is also because Nurgle is inseparable from the plague. All the plagues in the world are carefully prepared by Nurgle's loving father.

The Skaven live with the plague and various viruses, and among them there are also clans that specialize in the study of plague.

And representing them, the horned rat that they believed in, naturally had something to do with the plague.

Even in the Warhammer world view, the Horned Rat is actually Nurgle's trumpet, an incarnation or clone.

And the abomination created by Chen Hui, as a collection of flesh and blood corpses, will continue to spread the plague.

The plague doctor, as he has been looking for what he thinks is the plague, could he have something to do with Nurgle's loving father?

Shen Hui suddenly felt interesting. These seemingly different worldviews actually have similarities.

And combining these similarities...seems reasonable?
However, this is only Shen Hui's idea for the time being. Even if he wants to create a strange existence related to the plague, it is not very realistic to construct Nurgle's loving father.

Not to mention whether one's own resources are enough, the world of one's own death alone cannot continue to bear it.

There is basically only one god in other people's creation world.

As for the gods in the world of Shen Hui's creation, just created according to Shen Hui's will, there are already Cthulhu and the horned rat.

Not to mention those weird creatures believed by the residents of the dead world themselves.

Although it has not yet evolved to that level, it will still occupy the divine capacity of the world of death.

So it is temporarily unrealistic to directly create gods or construct such existences in the world of death.

Maybe you can try it after the death world continues to upgrade.

Anyway, the current world of death can start to operate independently long ago, and the world views are colliding with each other, expanding a larger world view every day.

The power accumulated in the world of death will increase every day, and Shen Hui is actively transforming the world of death.

Breakthrough is not a difficult thing.

Having gained a general new understanding of the world of death, Shen Hui looked at the remaining power of the world's origin.

This can then be used to create something that continues to help the worldview grow and grow.

But when Shen Hui checked the world of death again, and created something that could be well integrated into it.

There is a sudden change in the space of the world of sudden death.

A mass of dark red light spots suddenly appeared in the sky above the world of death.

Shen Hui immediately received feedback from the will of the dead world, that thing was eroding the space barrier of the dead world, trying to tear a crack in the dead world.

Something wants to invade the world of death from another world!

Sensing this, Shen Hui immediately thought of the Fallen Angel that the Lord of the Night told him before!
"Could it be that the divinity condensed by constructing the horned rats attracted them!"

(End of this chapter)

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