Creation of All People: I Create a World of Weird Talk

Chapter 36 Beginning to Invade the Technological City

Chapter 36 Beginning to Invade the Technological City
The people of Team Cha turned from crisis to safety.

Blindly believe in Fu Jiang unconsciously.

Then bring back the video of Sadako's electronic curse that he has never seen before.

Let them have no defense at all, let Sadako carry out a successful invasion.

This approach has indeed worked.

The members of the investigation team passed by the dry well where Sadako was.

But what he didn't know was that Fu Jiang, who was holding a recorder in his hand, had already entered Sadako into it.

Fu Jiang laughed and walked in front again to lead them.

And all the members of the investigation team looked at Fu Jiang stupidly.

Thinking in his heart, how could he turn such a beautiful girl into his girlfriend after falling in love with him at first sight.

Soon, under the leadership of Fu Jiang.

They walked out of the forest without any risk, and came to the place where their fighter jets were parked.

And just when they had just arrived.

Half an hour has passed.

The communication band that was previously disturbed by Siren Head returned to normal.

A call from the city control center immediately sounded in the headsets of the reconnaissance team.

"Call the scouting team, call the scouting team!"

The captain of the investigation team stared at Fu Jiang intently and answered the control center.

"Reconnaissance team received."

The professors in the city all showed a smile.

Not completely lost contact, they are still alive.

"Reconnaissance team, have you found anything?"

The captain of the investigation team quickly explained what they had encountered.

"We were rescued by a beautiful lady who knew a bit about the place and we were going to take it back with us."

Professors and researchers of the control center in the city.

After hearing the descriptions of the strange creatures inside, they were all in shock.

Come back to your senses soon.

"Agreed to return!"

They can't wait to study what kind of creatures those are.

And this time, he brought back a person who knew what was going on inside.

Then their understanding of this appearing space will become more detailed.

As for whether they ever doubted the existence of Fu Jiang.

Of course I doubted it.

However, all members of the investigation team said that the other party was not hostile and was a good person.

And she is just a weak woman, if there is a problem, she can be executed directly.

So I didn't take it to heart at all.

The fighter jets took off and quickly returned to the city.

Seeing this, Shen Hui smiled.

The video tape of Tomie and Sadako among the fighters will become the seed to destroy their city!
Fighters returned to the city.

The tapes from the recorder were sent to the professors.

And Fu Jiang was arranged in a room.

However, all the returning investigators were unwilling to leave Fu Jiang and wanted to be with her.

But the highest battle commander in the city, that is, the chief of all scouts and fighters.

Feeling very angry at their disobedience, he immediately came to the room where Fu Jiang was.

But when he saw Fu Jiang's appearance, he immediately understood why his subordinates were unwilling to leave.

This woman is really beautiful!

The chief, who is over half a century old, feels that his second spring is coming.

Without hesitation, he forcibly expelled the members of the investigation team from the room.

The chief decided to be alone in a room with Fu Jiang, to appreciate each other and cultivate a relationship with him.

And Fu Jiang saw the other party's behavior.

He just covered his mouth and smiled.

And this smile hooked the officer's soul directly.


And the professors and researchers in the scientific research room.

They decided to check the information in the videotape first, and then ask the person who brought it back.

The footage from the videotape is projected on a large screen.

It starts playing when the scouts get off the plane.

Soon, the image of Siren Head appeared on the screen.

All the researchers gasped.

I heard it before, but now I see it with my own eyes.

That kind of shock is completely different.

"What kind of creature is this? It's so huge, and it still has two horns in its head, which can make all kinds of sounds."

"Is this a high-tech robot?"

"It's very possible, but I don't think it's a pure robot, it's more like a semi-biological robot."

"This is still an area we haven't touched. If we capture the other party, maybe we can analyze how to create it!"

Creatures like Siren Head are completely incomprehensible to these scientists.

According to their understanding, they directly regarded it as a biological robot.

The footage continued, and they skipped over what wasn't there.

Soon came to the pig butcher.

"What kind of creature is this again! Those blue pigs with several eyes, and that creature with a pig's head and a human body!"

"Look, he was beaten to death by members of the investigation team, and the place where the pig's head died unexpectedly had a lump of sarcoma, and it turned into a huge strange pig!"

"He is devouring people's corpses, and the injuries on his body are also recovering quickly!"

"What the hell is this! This doesn't look like a robot!"

Although what they watched was only the video, the pig-headed butcher's change was like eating people.

Still brought them a great fear.

It was another creature they had never seen or understood.

Do not!Or maybe it can't be defined by the ranking of creatures at all!

The unknown is a great fear.

However, they resisted the fear in their hearts and prepared to continue watching.

Soon, they saw the encounter between Fu Jiang and the investigation team.

Although it was just a video, the first time I saw Fu Jiang, all the researchers except women.

Everyone couldn't help sighing, this girl is so beautiful.

It perfectly fits your fantasy of the other half!

But the female researcher immediately raised questions.

"This is the girl brought back by the investigation team. Her appearance is very suspicious. How could she live in such a place alone?"

But the rest of the researchers immediately said:

"This looks like a weak girl, okay, so there's nothing suspicious about it."

"And everyone in the investigation team has guaranteed that she is safe, and the investigation team can escape there because of her."

All the male researchers spoke for Fu Jiang.

Although the female researcher feels that they seem to be a little abnormal.

But after thinking about it, it is true that a young girl can be in any danger.

And they are already in their base.

According to the report of the investigators, they also encountered these things.

The screen recorded later should have no useful information.

Just when they were about to close though.


The screen of the projected video is flickering, with black horizontal bars appearing.

And soon it flickered into a snowflake shape, making a sizzling sound.

It's like there's no signal.

But this is just a video, where did the signal come from.

Moreover, the precision instruments they use will not malfunction at all.

But at this moment, the snowflake screen flickered again.

A perspective screen appears.

This is a black and white dry forest.

The ground is covered with fallen leaves, and there are fallen leaves falling from time to time in the sky.

In the far middle of the screen, there is a dry well.

(End of this chapter)

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