Creation of All People: I Create a World of Weird Talk

Chapter 48 Breaking the game, the shocked Ye Yitian and the president

Chapter 48 Breaking the game, the shocked Ye Yitian and the president
The five men in black continued to move forward according to the source of the sound.

Finally not standing still.

It didn't take long for them to approach the place where the voice came from.

But they also smelled the strong smell of blood.

"I'm afraid those students have been killed."

"It's just a student. The world of creation must be full of very rubbish ordinary creatures. They must have been killed."

As the men in black said, they completely regarded the smell of blood as the death of other creatures.

After all, according to their understanding, they are invincible existences in this field where the world can be merged.

These are just a group of students who haven't even grown hair yet.

But they seem to have walked a short distance ahead.

I saw a large black shadow hidden in the thick fog ahead, motionless.

It is tens of meters high, extending continuously to the surroundings, with no end in sight under the cover of dense fog.

A more intense, pungent bloody smell that almost turned into water vapor wafted out from there.

And at some point, the voice that was loud and guiding them also disappeared.

For a moment, it was eerily quiet here.

An indescribable emotion welled up in my heart.

It seemed that in this space, only they and the black shadow of something in front of them were left.

The five men in black glanced at each other with unnatural expressions on their faces.

Through the completely disappearing connection with the giant creatures in the creation world, plus the shape of the black shadow in front.

There was a vague feeling in their hearts.

"Ahead...what is in front..."

"Go over and have a look."

"let's go together."

The five men in black took another step.

But at this moment, a black shadow flashed across the thick fog in front of them.

In this kind of depression, negative emotions are pulled out, under the environment of dense fog full of unknowns.

Any sign of trouble will make them pale with fright.

"who is it!"

Some of them let out a yelp.

In fact, he didn't even realize that such yelling was actually an instinctive way to soothe the fear in his heart.

But nothing responded to them.

"Did we see it wrong... This kind of fog seems to interfere with perception."

Combined with the fact that they had encountered the same situation before, some of them made a bold guess.

" should be."

The five of them walked forward again, and at the same time shivered unconsciously, feeling inexplicably cold, as if the temperature had dropped again.

However, they didn't notice at all that behind them, there was a woman in white less than three meters away from them.

His face was covered by hair, and only one pitch-black eye was staring at them.

At the same time showing a miserable smile.

After the man in black walked forward and approached the huge black shadow to see clearly.

There was a sudden thump in their hearts, and the expressions on their faces became ugly and froze.

The bad guesses I had before are now fulfilled.

That huge black shadow is not a whole.

Instead, it is formed by the accumulation of various giant creatures.

These are all creatures they released from the world of creation.

Now he has been disemboweled, and there are many traces of being eaten raw on his body, which is shocking.

From the opened eyes of these creatures, one can still see the fear that froze in the eyes at the time of death.

It's hard to imagine what they went through before they died.

"Why... why are they all dead!"

The man in black's face was extremely ugly, and he couldn't believe it.

"Could it be that people from the World Association have come to support them?"

"No, it's impossible, how could it be so fast!"

"Could it be that the student who released his own world did it?!"

The level of the created world is not the only criterion for judging the strength of the world.

But the higher worlds of creation are naturally stronger.

Even if their world of creation is not their own world, they cannot exert their full strength.

But being defeated by a single student, they still couldn't believe it.

But apart from all the impossibilities, that seems to be the case with the recent truth.

The atmosphere froze again.

A subtle emotion circulated among the five of them.

It gradually erodes their sanity, but they don't know it.

Before they could make a further decision, a white figure flashed past the vision of a man in black.

"Something went through there!"

The man in black who saw him yelled subconsciously, and then he felt that the surrounding temperature was even lower.

The back felt cold, like falling into an ice cellar.

And I can feel that there is a strange gaze staring at me.

The other four men in black didn't notice any shadows.

Immediately looked at the man in black, ready to ask what happened.

But when they looked back, they were immediately stunned.

The man in black also saw the other four men in black, and immediately looked at him with a frightened expression after turning his head.

And it is constantly receding backwards, away from itself.

The man in black is unknown, so what happened to them?
Or what happened to me?
How could they be afraid of themselves?
But he soon discovered that the rest of the men in black were pointing in his direction.

But in fact, it doesn't refer to oneself, but refers to the back of oneself!

He immediately noticed that the coldness he felt just now was only behind his back, not in front of him.

behind that...

The man in black trembled in his heart, and a creepy feeling came to his heart.

Goosebumps arose.

He looked behind slowly.

The head turned little by little.

When turning to 35 degrees, I can already see my shoulders out of the corner of my eye.

But from the corner of his eye, he directly saw a pitch-black eye.

With a strange highlight, he is staring at himself.

That weird staring feeling just now came from here!
Then, a irrational, extremely crazy, throat-ripping scream resounded all around.

As for the rest of the men in black, the accumulation of negative emotions such as fear has reached a threshold.

Stimulated by Sadako who appeared without warning.

They just started to run away without paying attention, and they didn't even notice what was behind or beside them.

There are different shadows trailing behind them.

And what happened to them...


Ye Yitian and Chi Yan arrived at the Jiufeng Building as quickly as possible.

After arriving, as they expected, the place has been attacked by men in black.

The outside of Jiufeng Tower was extensively damaged.

There are spatial fluctuations of the creation world in it.

But it's different here.

There is a thick gray-black fog covering it, and it is impossible to see what is going on inside.

Moreover, this kind of thick fog has an ominous atmosphere, which makes life instinctively want to avoid it.

Both Ye Yitian and Chi Yan had extremely gloomy faces.

The situation here may be more serious than they imagined.

If you're lucky, there might be a few people who survived, but if you're unlucky...they might all die.

But just when the two of them were about to rush in to check the specific situation.

The thick fog here suddenly began to fade.

A few figures rushed out of the dark fog.

Ye Yitian and Chi Yan were taken aback for a moment, and then a surprise expression appeared on their faces.

It was Shenhui Yelong, Qingxue and others who rushed out!
Before they could ask what happened.

Shen Hui who rushed out saw Ye Yitian and Chi Yan also coming.

Immediately shouted: "President! You came just in time, call an ambulance, I feel that some students are dying!"

At this time, the thick fog behind them completely disappeared.

The situation inside is also revealed.

But Ye Yitian and Chi Yan immediately petrified on the spot when they saw what happened next.

The corpses of giant creatures all over the ground.

Many students sat helplessly on the ground, their eyes glazed over.

Yelling like crazy, or laughing and crying.

This situation is completely different from what they expected.

What exactly happened here! ?

(End of this chapter)

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