Chapter 109.
Xiao Zhao hugged Chen Jiu for a long time and refused to let go.

Chen Jiu was a little annoyed, he hugged him so tightly, he wanted to strangle him to death.

"Miss Xiao Zhao, if you don't let go, I'll hit your acupuncture points and leave you here."

"No, you promised to ensure that I leave safely."

The little sister was a little aggrieved, but she let go of her hand and looked at Chen Jiu through the weak light of the fire.

This brocade guard is studying the chain on her foot.

"You can't open this iron chain without a key, so don't waste your time."

"Not always."

Chen Jiu touched the chopstick-thick iron chain on her feet, not paying attention at all, then drew out the red sleeve knife and poked it down along the chain.

The blade was infused with strong qi and touched the iron chain, making a clang, but unfortunately it wasn't the sound of the iron chain being split.

Chen Jiu looked at the red sleeve knife with some distress, but fortunately the edge of the knife head was not smashed.

Damn, using this kind of precious material as an anklet, Yang Bugui didn't regret the education he received.

It is not Chen Jiu's style to pretend to be halfway and give up halfway. He used the Three Realms Zhen Wu Qi vigorously. It popped out, but the chopstick-thick iron chain was still intact, not even leaving a mark.

Too much.

Chen Jiu was a little dissatisfied.

With his knife, cutting down a great master is like playing with him, but now he can't help but an iron chain?
But the fact is that it is unacceptable to him.

Xiao Zhao really wanted to kick him right now.

It’s okay to cut the chain, can you communicate with her, it’s not you who were shaken so that your legs trembled, right?

But she dared not complain.

Now that the two have entered the secret path, Chen Jiu can completely kill her regardless of the promise. Now Xiao Zhao only asks that Jin Yiwei is a trustworthy person, and even secretly scolds himself in his heart for being fascinated by the great move of the universe. Now Whether it is life or death depends on this man's thought.

Chen Jiu still wanted to give it a try, but he saw that the little girl in front of him seemed to have tears in her eyes, and instantly understood that she must have been injured by his Three Realms Zhen Wu Qi.

I forgot about this one.

Chen Jiu is in some trouble now.

Hey, there seems to be a solution.

Lu Zhu once demonstrated the magical effect of the celestial qi. This bald head can even detect the airflow fluctuations dozens of miles away, so it shouldn't be very difficult for him to study a lock cylinder.

However, this little girl's leg was just injured by a concussion, and it is estimated that she will not heal in a while. Chen Jiu was embarrassed to grab a place and continue to fumble. He grabbed Xiao Zhao's wrist and groped for the suspected keyhole in the iron chain on her wrist. , and then launched Gang Qi to probe into it.

The material of this iron chain is really peculiar, and it is actually ductile to the heavenly and human stellar energy. Chen Jiu only felt that once the stellar energy penetrated into it, it seemed to be amplified a bit.

Chen Jiu had a weird face on his face.

If he remembers correctly, this iron chain was obtained by Yang Xiao, and it is called the cold iron chain in the book.

He had seen Han Tie in the treasurer's room of Nanzhen Mansion, and played with it a few times, but it didn't have the effect of extending and amplifying the qi of heaven and man.

If you have a chance, you have to ask Yang Xiao where he got this thing.

The thoughts in his mind fluttered for a while, and Chen Jiu also figured out the structure of the keyhole. He controlled the celestial qi to move in the keyhole a few times, and only heard a click, and the chain on Xiao Zhao's left wrist was unlocked. up.

Now it was Xiao Zhao's turn to be surprised.

What kind of magic is this?Touch the keyhole a few times to unlock the lock?
Chen Jiu was also not interested in explaining to her, and then he did the same thing, taking off all the chains on Xiao Zhao's body, and then put away the cold iron chains, and then got up and prepared to continue walking deep into the secret path.

Xiao Zhao's legs were a little weak, and he stood up with difficulty by pulling his hand, holding the torch and trying to walk in front.

This little aunt doesn't want to live anymore.

Chen Jiu hurriedly took her fire bag, covered it, and the last ray of light in the dark corridor disappeared immediately.

"You, what do you want to do!"

The little girl was frightened immediately. It was difficult to move her legs at first, but now she was so frightened that she became paralyzed.

Chen Jiu pulled her and found that the younger sister was actually squatting on the ground, so he didn't bother to explain to her, so he directly threatened her.

"If you want to continue squatting, then squat, I can go by myself."

"No, no, don't!"

Xiao Zhao gathered strength from nowhere, and hugged his thigh like a koala, refusing to let go.

Chen Jiu had no choice but to use one hand to lift her up with a tripod. Then a princess hugged her and stepped into the dark corridor.

He walked for a while, and found that the corridor was sloping all the way down, and he could clearly feel that he was going down a steep slope. When he reached a place with a slightly flat terrain, there were several winds blowing from all directions, and he had reached a fork in the road.

Now it's dark everywhere here, I can't see a single thing, Xiao Zhao can't help but start to tremble in his arms, secretly cursing this guy for having a fire book, I don't know what tricks to play.

But he didn't abandon himself, which made Xiao Zhao full of doubts.

Chen Jiu stood at the same place, imitating Lu Zhu to use the celestial qi to explore the way. He only now discovered that the extensibility of the celestial qi is like a radar.

His zhenqi can also leave the body, but the distance from the body is more than one foot at most, and it is difficult to control. A powerful half-step celestial being like An Yunshan can only create a three-foot Qi wall.

But it should be because that guy hasn't figured out the magical effect of the heavenly qi.

Chen Jiu found that the controllable range of his celestial qi was about ten meters away from the body, and it would be uncontrollable any further, but he could still feel the existence of the qi. His limit sensing range reached hundreds of meters away. This is still the case without deliberately exercising.

He actually almost figured out the layout of the mountain.

Some places can only be vaguely felt, and they should be some secret rooms. After passing through the thick stone wall, he found that the sensing ability was significantly weakened.

The celestial qi is actually a bit similar to the divine sense in Xianxia novels.

It's just a little exhausting.

After just detecting a few forks, Chen Jiu felt as if he hadn't slept for days and nights, and now he was a little exhausted.

Fortunately, we found a way.

Following the detected road, Chen Jiu sprinted along the forked road for a while, and soon stood in front of a stone gate.

This is a secret room he detected, and he doesn't know what it is, anyway, there are no living people.

He stretched out his hand and pushed the door, and found that it was another place that could only be opened with brute force. Chen Jiu was not polite, and directly exercised his kung fu, and he pushed the stone door halfway open by him.

Inside is a stone chamber.

Moreover, there was some faint light. He looked up and found that there were countless stalactites hanging from the top of the stone room. The light was the moonlight shining through the gap at the top. This place turned out to be a naturally formed small room.

There are two shadows in the middle of the room.

Xiao Zhao looked at the two shadows by the moonlight, and suddenly gave a cry of fright, and buried his head in Chen Jiu's chest.

Chen Jiu was not frightened.

If you guessed correctly, those two shadows were the skeletons of Yang Dingtian and his wife.

So Xiao Zhang's Great Teleportation of the Universe was taken away by him just like that?
Does this count as stealing his protagonist's luck?

(End of this chapter)

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