Chapter 129.

Lu Zhangke and He Biweng never dreamed that the celestial energy would emerge from the hands of a young man.

However, as disciples who suffered a lot, they also knew how to deal with this situation. The two of them made a decisive decision, immediately severed the meridians in their palms, and retreated quickly at the same time.

One word, run!

Just kidding, heaven and man are invincible, this truth is [-] losses and they have said it [-] times if not [-], what is the glory and wealth before your own life.

Chen Jiu admired their determination, and was about to run after them, but suddenly his eyes blurred, and then he passed out.

The members of the Ming Cult and the masters of the eight sects who were watching the battlefield here were taken aback. They only saw that Jin Yiwei slapped the two old men into the air with one palm, and then disappeared.

Zhao Min in Fan Yao's hand also disappeared with him.

That's right, Fan Yao had cured Zhao Min immediately when the two elders Xuanming made a move. He had a showdown and was about to end his undercover career.

But the Princess Yuanting in his hand suddenly disappeared, which caught him off guard who was just about to order the Yuan army under the command of the princess.

No one knows exactly what happened.

The two Wan households who commanded the Yuan army saw their master disappear, and their liver and gallbladder were broken. The father of the princess is the most powerful one in the Yuan court. If they don't find Zhao Min today, they don't have to go back.

The Eight Great Schools and the Mingjiao were caught in a bitter battle, but fortunately the reinforcements from the Five Elements Banner at the foot of the mountain finally arrived and shared their pressure.

Not to mention who wins and who loses in the fight on the top of the light.

Chen Jiu didn't know when he woke up.

He is now in a large concave pit, tens of feet deep and about ten feet wide, like a big well.

This huge pit does not seem to be formed naturally, the surrounding stone walls are extremely smooth, but in some places, the traces left by the chisel and axe can still be seen.

There were several people lying here and there on the ground, and they were all in a coma state. Chen Jiu took a quick glance and found that they were all acquaintances.

Zhang Wuji!Yilin!Linghu Chong!

Even Zhao Min was among them.

But he didn't bother to ask Zhao Min for black jade ointment.

Because he saw two people who shouldn't be here.

Lu Zhu, all losses!
Although these two masters of the Heavenly Human Realm are awake at the moment, their faces are all gray and defeated.

It turned out that Bai Xun looked like this.

It was the first time for Chen Jiu to see this legendary Daoist with a lot of damage. This old man had wrinkles on his face, age spots all over his face, his white hair was extremely messy, his hair was dry, his eyes were dull, and he seemed to be in a state of ecstasy. Alzheimer's disease.

Lu Zhu's appearance was also not right.

This buddy is only forty years old, but now he looks old, he seems to be discouraged, and his whole body has become extremely thin.

"Master! You are!"

Chen Jiu looked at Lu Zhu in amazement. This master of heaven and man, his score on the golden finger panel is actually E at the moment. His stellar energy attribute has disappeared without a trace, and now he is completely an ordinary person. .

Bai Sui's situation was exactly the same as that of Lu Zhu.

Lu Zhu glanced at him blankly, and there was a smile on his face that he didn't know whether it was relief or bitterness.

"I didn't expect to meet the benefactor again, what a pity."

"Master, what is this place? You! You have been sucked out of your skills? Who can capture you?"

Chen Jiu frowned, he couldn't think of anyone else who could capture Lu Zhu and Baishang together.

"The little monk doesn't know where this is."

Lu Zhu didn't expect Chen Jiu to be able to see that he had lost all his skills, but he didn't answer this question.

Someone answered this question for him.

Looking at Lu Zhu bitterly, his hands trembled uncontrollably.

"If it weren't for this bald donkey who insisted on pestering me, why would I be reduced to this point! Kekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekeke"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was extremely excited. Chen Jiu hurriedly came to him, stretched out his hand and patted his back to comfort him.

"What is going on, please tell the old gentleman clearly."

The old and damaged face was full of despair, but he still told the reason for appearing here.

This has to start three days ago.

He was entrusted by Zhao Min to investigate what happened on the top of Guangming Peak. This was an easy task that couldn't be easier.

It's too easy for a master of heaven and man to avoid being discovered by others. He sneaked into the Guangmingding easily. After getting the news he wanted, he even found a beautiful room in the backyard. fell asleep.

But something went wrong when he slept.

Early the next morning, Baishang got up and went down to Guangmingding, and met Lu Zhu on the way. The bald head chattered with him for a long time, and even said pretending things. How could Baishang listen to this? After a quarrel, the two I moved my hands.

Chen Jiu suddenly thought of the loud noise he heard in the belly of the mountain.

Could it be the movement made by these two people when they started their hands?

He was about to continue listening, but Bai Sui suddenly stopped, and he smacked his lips.

"Boy, you have just been caught and you are strong enough. See the high platform over there, you climb up to get some water to quench the old man's thirst."

Chen Jiu looked over with his tired eyes, and found that the high platform he mentioned was only made of some gravel in the cave, and some unknown plant roots hung down from the top of the gravel, which looked so wet that it had plenty of water.

Chen Jiu was also a little emotional when the former master of Heaven and Human Realm was so downcast that he had to suck the roots of trees to get water.

He got up straight away, jumped onto the pile of rubble, took off a few tree roots, and distributed them to Baishang and Lu Zhu.

Both of them looked like they had seen a ghost, and they didn't even care about the wet tree roots on their hands. They stared at Chen Jiu and spoke in unison.

"Can you still use your internal power?"

In fact, without the two of them talking, Chen Jiu had already noticed something was wrong.

His current state is only a little better than when he was lying dead in Nanzhenfusi.

Chen Jiu hastily opened the golden finger panel to observe his state.

There is an extra bracket next to his information on the panel, which indicates the status of the seal.

Chen Jiu practiced martial arts again, and found that the true qi in the dantian could be used for a little more than one-fifth, which was probably the attribute attached to the title.

What a weird method.

Just as he was thinking, Baishang became excited.

"Quick, quick, take this old man out quickly. This old man is the master of Yuan Ting, and his disciple serves beside the beloved daughter of the Taiwei in Yuan Ting Dynasty. As long as you take me back to Dadu, this old man will protect you for a lifetime of glory and wealth."

After listening to him, Chen Jiu had a strange expression on his face. He pointed to Zhao Min who was lying on the ground, and signaled Baishang not to get excited.

"The beloved daughter of Lieutenant Yuan Ting you mentioned is this little girl."

Hearing this, he looked at the people lying on the ground, only to realize that the Princess Yuanting was among them.

He was ashamed before, and he didn't care about the few people who were locked in. He didn't even know that Zhao Min was also arrested.

In fact, Chen Jiu still didn't say a word. Both of the old man's apprentices had lost one of their palms. In addition to Zhao Min's disappearance, the status of these two apprentices may have plummeted.

While the two of them were talking, several people on the ground woke up one after another. After looking at each other for no reason, they met Chen Jiu, who was the only one standing in the cave.

"It's you?!"

"it's me."

(End of this chapter)

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