The rampant comprehensive martial arts starts from Jinyiwei Qianhu

Chapter 183 182. The same move cannot be used twice against a Saint Seiya

Chapter 183 182. The same move cannot be used twice against a saint

The sound of the red sleeve knife being unsheathed resounded along the river bank.

Lianxing probably didn't expect that on the site of Yihua Palace, someone would dare to attack her. Hearing the wind behind her, she hurriedly jumped to the side, which would look embarrassing on others. On her body, there were only freehand and elegant.

"What a handsome figure."

Chen Jinfu couldn't help admiring.

Although he didn't use all his strength, the knife just now is not something a cat or a dog can dodge. This Lianxing seems to have eyes behind his back, and his slender and slender figure is like grass swaying in the wind. It looks weak, but it is tough. Without pulling out, the lotus steps under her feet lightly moved a few minutes, and all the knives locked on her were removed.

There are really not many people in this world who can practice body skills to this level.

Yihuagong's kung fu is different from all the kung fu that Chen Jiu has come into contact with.

Ordinary martial arts focus on amplifying one's own attack power, while advanced ones start playing tricks, starting from the skills of exerting force.

The more advanced ones are martial arts such as the Great Teleportation of the Universe, with all kinds of miraculous effects going up, anyway, it's powerful when you mention it.

But the martial arts taught in Yihua Palace don't seem to have so many bells and whistles, especially Lian Xing, she doesn't use martial arts, but dance skills.

In future generations, with this skill alone, if she starts a live broadcast, I have to give her a plane, and I can only sleep soundly after hearing her thank the boss.

But now that he is possessed by a strong man, naturally he will not show the dog-licking gesture in front of the phone screen.

Lian Xing's posture is not bad, but unfortunately, it is just not good.

You can hide from the first day of junior high school, but you can't hide from the fifteenth day.

The Red Sleeve Knife whipped up another gust of wind.

The second head of Yihua Palace was beaten online.

Chen Jiu is not very good at beating women, but now the purpose is not to kill her, but to show Lian Xing his own strength, so Chen Jiu danced the sword tightly, but did not really slash at the opponent.

Lianxing is dancing samba in his sword light.

From being flustered at first, she became dignified, and then from dignified to angry.

This Jin Yiwei was keeping his hand, she could tell.


Is this playing tricks on her?
Lian Xingqi's lips were trembling, and she was gnashing her teeth.

"I remember you!"

Buzz Buzz!

The blade stopped beside her ear, and was then sheathed by Chen Jiu.

"It's useless to remember, buddy is the man you will never get."


"Thank you for the compliment."


Lian Xing probably has never seen such a thick-skinned person, she gritted her silver teeth, moved half of her body away, and made a gesture of please.

"I dare to let you in, do you dare to enter?"

"It's just like this earlier, I have to dance for this official, we can understand the hospitality, but next time it's better to change the occasion, there are too many people here, it's boring to watch."

Chen Jiu smiled at her, greeted Xiao Zhao and the little shoemaker, and walked in front of Lian Xing swaggeringly.

"I also ask Palace Master Lian Xing to lead the way."

He got a big roll eye.

Lianxing led the three of them into the Yihua Palace without saying a word, and Chen Jiu soon saw the proud and noble woman in the pavilion.

The Grand Mistress of Yihua Palace invites the moon.

She held the chess piece in one hand, supported the stone table with her elbow, and rested her palm lightly on her forehead, as if she was in a daze, or as if she was studying the chess record. When she saw a strange man breaking in, her brows frowned.

"Do you remember what I said?"

"elder sister."

Lianxing stepped forward and whispered a few words.

"I don't want to listen to this kind of explanation. I will be confined for three days and receive my own punishment."

Yaoyue's eyes were covered with a layer of frost at some point, she put down the chess pieces, and cast her cold eyes on Chen Jiu.

"Whether it's Jinyiwei or other identities, since you dare to enter the Xiuyu Valley, you can pray to be a woman in your next life."

"Okay, very spirited."

Chen Jiu frowned and met her eyes.

"The big girl has a good mouth, but she just doesn't know how to do it with her hands."

Yaoyue felt that something was wrong with his words.

But I don't know where the problem is.


At this moment, her petite and exquisite body exuded an incomparably powerful aura. She flicked a pair of delicate hands at her waist, flicked her sleeves and belt, and then an inexplicable force gushed out, like two big pendulums, blinking. It rushed in front of Chen Jiu.

These girls really have something.

It's just that the style of painting is wrong, why does Lianxing look so good in fighting, and Yaoyue moves like a tentacle monster of the Cthulhu family.

Well, this description is not correct, it should be like a spider spirit.

Lian Xing is not a celestial being, her internal energy is only in the early 600s.

Yaoyue is stronger than Lianxing, but her strength is limited. She is not a celestial being, not even a half-step celestial being.

Chen Jiu didn't pay much attention to Yaoyue at first, and he realized that he was sloppy when the two belts brushed his face.

This force was incomparably flexible, like cleverness, after Chen Jiu dispelled the cleverness, an invincible force of steel surged out from his belt.

From softness to firmness.

Hard can't be long, soft can't be kept.

Chen Jiu only felt that the red sleeve knife in his hand had been chopped into a mass of air wall and sunk into it.

It's so tight, I can't pull it out!
What a weird skill, could it be this?

"Transfer flowers and jade?"

"Hmph, I'm quite discerning."

Yaoyue Bing's pale and cold face had a crystal-clear and soft luster like jade. Although she had the upper hand, she didn't dare to relax at all. The power of Jin Yiwei was beyond her imagination. No wonder she had the confidence to break into Yihua intrauterine.


not enough.

The Red Sleeve Knife was rolled up into the air by the belt she controlled, and then it was thrown, and sank into the stone wall of the rockery beside it with a bang, leaving only the handle of the knife.

Chen Jiu lowered his head and glanced at his hands.

He was actually disarmed.

Seizing an enemy's weapon is like cutting off his arm.

In this way, he was cut off by Yaoyue in the first round, and he died at her hands.


In any case, he is a master who started from a half-step celestial being. He even slaughtered one in the celestial realm. Unexpectedly, he has a [-]-[-] fight with a great master now.

What a shame.


Yaoyue shouldn't have never done that, and shouldn't have let him get close.

Within a distance of three feet, what is fighting is skill.

He, Chen Jiuqin, has studied hard for many years and has never been ashamed of this.

Yaoyue unloaded the weapon in his hand, but he didn't notice any panic in the opponent's eyes, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

She wants to quit.

Although she was arrogant in lightness and had already reached the realm of stepping on the moon and picking up the stars, she knew that she would not be able to retreat in that short moment of hesitation.

Since it cannot be returned.

Then hit!
Even if Jin Yiwei has been cultivating internal strength since his mother's womb, it is absolutely impossible for him to be his opponent.

The strong internal force brought by the nine-level peak of Mingyu's magical power gushed out from her palm, and almost instantly, tens of thousands of soft energies rolled in front of Chen Jiu.

"The same move cannot be used twice against a saint."

Chen Jiu's voice was calm, as if he was telling a fact, but when it reached Yaoyue's ears, it made her hair stand on end.

"Honestly speaking, there is no shame in losing to me."

(End of this chapter)

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