Chapter 103 Wise Choice [310]

Making a choice between technology and talent is a problem that an adult must face.

And after the decline of talent, adult men can only pursue 'efficiency' and 'refinement'!

Therefore, after simple thinking, Lu Yuan also chose the advanced direction of Five Elements Imperial Art.

【Ding!Skill · Five Elements Imperial Art is completed, and advanced skills are obtained...Shenxing Imperial Art】

[Skill: Divine Movement]

[Effect: With the idea of ​​deification and the control of things with the spirit, this skill can increase the degree of differentiation of the cultivator's mind, to the extent that the soul system is like a hair]

While Lu Yuan was still observing the skill effect of the Divine Walking Technique, two system prompts appeared in Lu Yuan's mind.

【Ding!Since the host has mastered the Divine Movement Control Technique, it is of great help to the skill One-Pipe Controlling Sword Technique, and the level of One-Pipe Controlling Sword Technique +1]

【LV2. Yiqi Swordsmanship: 0/20000】

【Ding!Since the host has mastered the skill Divine Movement Control Technique, it is of great help to the skill Divine Soul Alchemy, and the level of Divine Soul Alchemy +1]

[LV3. Soul Alchemy: 2541/30000]

My giao, I have learned a new skill, and it can actually have effects on other skills!
Lu Yuan was shocked when he saw that he had gained two advanced skills without doing anything.

But after the shock, Lu Yuan soon understood the reason.

The essence of imperial object art is actually the extent to which a monk can control spiritual power.

And no matter what skill or supernatural power it is, it can't get around the monk's control over spiritual power.

Therefore, imperial object art is actually a basic skill that monks must master.

If you don't know how to control objects, many supernatural monks will have no way to practice.

And the divine movement imperial technique is already the second advanced level of the imperial object technique.

The second advanced skill has begun to enter the stage of 'Tao'.

This also shows that Lu Yuan has reached a considerable height in terms of imperial objects.

Even with many skills that need the assistance of imperial art, they have naturally improved accordingly.

He obviously didn't do anything, but suddenly there was a big wave of improvement.

This kind of pie in the sky, Lu Yuan said that there can be more.

And with the emergence of these two Qi Yushu and Shenxing Yushu, Lu Yuan's next practice progress will undoubtedly slow down a lot.

After all, every time a skill is advanced, the proficiency required will increase by a huge step.

It is undoubtedly not an easy task to advance a skill that has been advanced many times.

Fortunately, Lu Yuan now has the perfect tool man, Huo Chan clone.

It can help him practice skills day and night.

In fact, Lu Yuan is not the first to practice skills with clones.

There were people who had practiced Huo Chan Nine Changes before, and they did the same thing as Lu Yuan.

But the other party finally gave up.

Because after the avatar returns to the main body, it will pass some of the damage and fatigue it has suffered back to the main body.

Ordinary foundation-building monks are not strong in spirit.

Once the impact of the soul is too great, although it will not cause serious injuries to the mainland.

But he was in a daze all day, and he still couldn't get away from the weak state of mind.

But Lu Yuan undoubtedly did not have such side effects.

Because his soul strength is far superior to that of ordinary monks.

Even the strength of his physical body now exceeds that of ordinary monks.

Anti-fatigue ability MAX!

Lu Yuan estimated that with his current spirit strength, he could even resist the exhaustion effect brought by the two clones at the same time.

But it's a pity that Lu Yuan currently only has this clone ability like Huo Chan's Nine Transformations.

If possible, Lu Yuan would like to have a few more avatars to help him practice his skills.

But the emotion is the emotion, Lu Yuan will not spend a lot of effort to find those exercises or supernatural powers that have the ability to practice clones in order to pursue the cultivation of clones.

After all, human energy is limited, even a cultivator like him cannot do too many things at the same time.

Lu Yuan is still clear about the reason why he can't chew too much.

Otherwise, there may be a situation where you can't beat others even if you open it.

It would be embarrassing if this happened!

After deciding what he was going to do next, Lu Yuan also made his next five-year plan.

【Five-Year Plan 4.0】

[1. Complete the foundation building of the Yin Spirit Root]

[2. Master at least one second advanced skill]

[3. Exercise, prepare to trade with the dream girl]

The first two plans are Lu Yuan's very routine training plans.

Only this third plan was made by Lu Yuan after careful consideration.

Considering that although her own strength has improved, the strength of Dream Demon Girl is also rapidly improving.

So far, Lu Yuan has not been able to win the Dream Demon Girl in a "frontal battle".

This made Lu Yuan, a self-proclaimed man, feel very ashamed.

If he can't even subdue a mere witch, what is he talking about about cultivating immortals, and about pursuing the scenery above the nine heavens!
Therefore, Lu Yuan decided to exercise his body well during the five years.

He doesn't ask how strong his body is.

But at least it must reach the point where it can be similar to the two innate warriors, Iron Bull and Lion Ape.

After all, his current physical body was just piled up with Qi and Blood Pills.

Although Kong has a whole body of energy and blood, he hasn't been tempered.

Such a fleshy body is at best a silver-like pewter tip, which is not very useful.

It must be well polished to be able to bring out the potential of this body!
Therefore, in the following days, Lu Yuan's body practiced the kung fu-Xuan Yin Demon Kung Fu to condense the acquired Yin spiritual root.

While using the martial arts learned from innate warriors such as Lion Ape and Iron Bull, he polished his body.

Although these martial arts are not very exquisite, they still have certain effects when practiced.

As for alchemy work, Lu Yuan naturally did not stop.

After all, although the Sui Sui Pill is not very useful to him now, the Guiyuan Pill for restoring spiritual power and the Blood Enriching Pill for recovering injuries are things that Lu Yuan needs more.

And even if he doesn't use it himself, he can still sell it to the defenders of Yueshan Pass and the demon slayers he brought.

In this way, Lu Yuan's life became regular and enriched.

 The chapter was arrested. . .I will modify the title and content

(End of this chapter)

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