Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 113 Tianjie is full of officials and gentry, this is the real public opinion!

Chapter 113 Tianjie is full of officials and gentry, this is the real public opinion!

Apocalypse is now the time to be proud and high-spirited.

It was not enough for him to personally behead the two officials and gentry's children, but he also needed his own guards to drink enough blood before the rebel army was put down. Enough blood.

But he didn't expect that at this moment, someone would interrupt him.

Tian Qi looked back.

This person is none other than Sun Chengzong, my respected husband.

Sun Chengzong cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, the sages have a saying that benevolence wins the world, and infidelity leads to loss. Although most of them are noble gentry and their children, they are also His Majesty's people. Your Majesty is the father of the world. If the people ask His Majesty for mercy, Your Majesty will do it themselves." Only by forgiving if you can forgive can you show benevolence, instead of stopping killing with killing and hurting the public opinion of the world."

Tian Qi smiled faintly: "Sir, what I said is that I need to ask the public opinion first. After all, I am the lord of the world and cannot kill people regardless of public opinion. In this way, even if blood is shed for thousands of miles, it is true that the killing cannot be stopped."

Sun Chengzong said happily: "Your Majesty is wise!"

But then, Tian Qi asked the child who had just stood up after being stepped on the ground by Liu Cheng: "You said, should these masters kneeling on the ground and their slaves be killed? Tell my husband! Let him I know. No matter what you say, I forgive you all!"

"Go back to the emperor, they should be killed!"

After puffing up his cheeks, the child began to cry again: "My father was beaten to death by people like them!"

Tian Qi then asked a peddler on the opposite side: "You said, should they kill them?"

The salesman said without hesitation: "It should be killed!"

Then, when Tian Qi moved his gaze to look at an ordinary peddler in a grocery store, the peddler replied without waiting for Tian Qi to ask him, "You should kill him!"

"Should kill!"

"Should kill!"

"Should kill!"


All of a sudden, the common people present shouted in unison, each one seemed to mix the anger of the oppressed generations into the shouts.

After Tian Qi asked this question, the anger seemed to erupt in an instant like the hot magma that had been suppressed under the iceberg for a long time, almost trying to cover up all the voices.

Tian Qi had to ask Sun Chengzong in a louder voice: "Sir, did you hear me, tell me, is this public opinion?"

Sun Chengzong had never seen so many common people shouting in unison, looking at so many eyes with hatred, even when he looked at him as the emperor teacher, he was full of hatred, he couldn't help being timid, and dared not go against his original intention: " It is public opinion to return to His Majesty."

"Sun Gaoyang! Don't deceive the emperor! How can the ignorant and uncivilized common people represent the public opinion? You are ashamed to be the emperor's teacher for answering like this!"

Liu Zhixuan couldn't help roaring at this moment.

"Shut up for me!"

Tian Qi pointed at Liu Zhixuan and yelled, and said, "Mr. Zhen, it is not your turn to criticize and pass on my will. Liu Zhixuan insulting my teacher is disrespectful to me. I will add a thousand knives when I am late!"

Liu Zhixuan: "..."

Sun Chengzong, who was reprimanded by Liu Zhixuan, was actually not that angry. Seeing Tianqi was so excited, he couldn't help admonishing him: "Your Majesty, forget it."

"Can't count!"

"Sir, you don't need to be decent, but I can't give up Junwei!"

Tianqi replied loudly to Sun Chengzong without any doubt.


Sun Chengzong had no choice but to respond in this way.

At this time, Tianqi continued to ask Sun Chengzong: "Sir, the student Zhu Youxiao hasn't finished asking for advice. You just said that since they are the opinions of the people, then you said that these officials and their children and their slaves who knelt down to greet the rebels Guys, should we kill or not?"

Sun Chengzong had to admit that he should be the most embarrassing emperor teacher in the Ming Dynasty, and the emperor's students taught by his emperor teacher should be the most difficult one to teach.

Because the student was playing tricks on his teacher.

Sun Chengzong had no choice but to reply truthfully: "A sage king should follow the public opinion. Now that the public opinion is so, these people should be killed naturally, and follow the public opinion."

"I listen to sir."

Tian Qi suddenly showed a harmless smile.

Sun Chengzong: "..."

Why didn't you listen to what you said before?

This is willing to listen again, how can any student listen selectively to the teacher's words!
After Tian Qi spoke, he shouted loudly: "Kill!"


The official schools of the imperial guard camp immediately carried out the execution. They were all strictly selected children, and they had no compassion for these officials, gentry and slaves, and even had hatred. Therefore, for a while, these official schools did not hesitate to kill Rise up for these officials and their children and their slaves who kneel to meet the rebels.

It's like cutting melons and vegetables.

Xu Yunzhen, the son of Duke Dingguo, who surrendered to the Qing Dynasty in the 17th year of Chongzhen in history, was also killed on the spot by the official school of the imperial guard camp.

And all his slaves were killed.

The same goes for other gentry and their sons and their slaves.

Da da!

Tian Qi pulled the bridle, started to ride his horse and walked over, let his horse's hooves step on the bones of these officials and gentry wearing Confucian scarves and brocade robes, and gradually entered the Daming Gate.

The officials and schools of the Guards Battalion also followed, and horseshoes and human feet stepped on the bones of these people in an endless stream.

The incense case placed by the officials and gentry to welcome the rebels has been overthrown in a pool of blood.

The tablets enshrining Wang Zhichen and Chen Hongfan are only left in red.

Liu Zhixuan, Li Chunye, Xu Xigao and other ministers who were escorted were also escorted over, watching this scene with heartache like a knife. For them, this is the end of the world!

Wang Zhichen, who was sitting in the prison car, smiled wryly. He suddenly felt that he had not rebelled in vain.

At least the commotion was not small.

After all, there seemed to be quite a few nobles and dignitaries who would be buried with him, and even the sons of officials and gentry who had already gone to Huangquan first and below the Jinshi level were not worthy of his second glance.

The people standing in the blood porridge are the most excited.

"Good kill!"

"Good kill!"

"Good kill!"

Tens of thousands of people are shouting like this.

They expressed their joy with the simplest words, some began to wipe their tears, and some smiled to the maximum.

For Tianqi, this is a kind of support that he has never experienced.

What was Zhang Gui doing when Tian Qi walked back to the palace with the bones of officials and gentry all over the street.

Zhang Gui is fighting against the enemy!

Because Pan Ruzhen, the city patrol censor in charge of mobilizing soldiers and horses in the five cities, is attacking the imperial city.

Pan Ruzhen, who had already defected to the rebel army, had to order the five cities under his control to attack the imperial city after he failed to persuade his uncle of the country to surrender.

The reason why Pan Ruzhen did this was because he thought that if he, a censor, also knelt down to meet the rebels, he probably wouldn't give himself much limelight. He might as well take advantage of some soldiers in his hand to sneak attack on the imperial city and capture the emperor alive. The prince and others, let's talk about it after making a great contribution.

That's why Pan Ruzhen led his troops to attack the imperial city brazenly.

But Pan Ruozhen didn't expect that the country's uncle Zhang Gui was really guarding the imperial city strictly, turning his sneak attack into a strong attack.

And these Wucheng soldiers and horses who usually bully the common people are not good at attacking the city, and they haven't climbed the city wall yet.

Instead, Zhang Gui had the opportunity to stand on the city tower and practice arrows against these besiegers.

Zhang Gui, who knew that Tianqi had already entered the city, deliberately showed a lot of determination: "Even if the rebels arrive, I don't want the governor to surrender. The governor would rather die than surrender!"

"Zhang Gui! Aren't you afraid of being hacked into pieces?!"

Seeing that the soldiers under his control were not successful in attacking the city at all, Pan Ruzhen had no choice but to continue threatening.

"So what!"

After Zhang Gui answered loudly, he said, "The Son of Heaven is coming soon, my loyal and brave soldiers, follow the Governor and shout, I would rather die than surrender! Let the Son of Heaven hear it!"

"I would rather die than surrender!"

"I would rather die than surrender!"

"I would rather die than surrender!"


At this time, Tian Qi had heard the voice, and had to sigh for a while: "Zhang Qing is really a loyal minister!"

As he said that, Tian Qi looked at Xu Xigao and the others: "You are not as good as your relatives from a humble background! You people who have received national favors in this life are not ashamed!"

With that said, Tian Qi rode his horse and said, "Zhang Qing! Here I come!"


Pan Ruzhen couldn't help turning his head when he heard the voice.

(End of this chapter)

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