Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 115 Marquis!Free the dead iron ticket!

Chapter 115 Marquis!Free the dead iron ticket!
Zhang Gui also didn't say that the blood on his body was the blood of the rebels, he only said: "Your Majesty is entrusted to be brave and come to help in time; I rely on the soldiers to use their lives! It's not too difficult, it's just a determination to die!"

As soon as Zhang Gui said this, Zhu Guozuo and other ministers followed suit: "Your Majesty, as Uncle Guo said, we have all made up our minds to die! Swear to live and die with the country!"

Zhu Guozuo and others didn't blush when they said this, because many of them had already decided to die for the martyrdom. Could this be considered a determination to die?
Tianqi didn't want to expose these ministers who said they were determined to die.

After all, after seeing more ministers choose to kneel down to greet him, he had to admit that it was already very rare to be willing to die for himself after hearing the news that the rebels might enter the city, or to betray him and choose to join the enemy without waiting. up.

When it's time to pretend to be confused, Tianqi will still pretend to be confused.

Therefore, Tian Qi nodded at this time and said: "My Daming still has loyal ministers, and Zhang Qing is not the only one."

Tianqi’s words have two meanings. One is for Zhu Guozuo and other ministers, which means that I recognize you as loyal ministers; the other is for Zhang Gui, which means that in my eyes, you, Zhang Gui, are the ones I have always A true loyal servant of trust.

Moreover, seeing Zhang Gui's blood all over his body was in stark contrast to other civil and military ministers who went out of the city to suppress the rebellion, Tian Qi was indeed touched.

The last thing an emperor should have is the character trait of empathy.

But Apocalypse has such a characteristic.

He is not cruel to those who have nothing to do with him, but he still cares about those around him.

Therefore, in order not to disappoint Zhang Gui, Tian Qi said: "This time, the country's instinct can be preserved, and the uncle of the country, Zhang Gui, should take the lead. What do you think is the best reward."

"Your Majesty, I think the uncle of the country should be a marquis! Be hereditary!"

Second assistant Zhu Guozuo stood up and expressed his suggestion first.

"That's right! As Your Majesty said, Uncle Guo is keeping the foundation of our Ming Dynasty this time! It's a matter of merit for the future, and the benefit of the community! How can we not be a Marquis?!"

Wei Guangwei, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, also stood up and reported.

Zhou Yingqiu, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, also said: "Your Majesty, I also think that when you become a Marquis, the merit of the uncle of the country is comparable to Yu Shao's contribution to protecting the capital!"

"It should be a Marquis, after all, this time, Uncle Guo is keeping the country's roots!"

"That's right, it's not about favoring relatives, it's about promoting meritorious officials. In addition to hereditary inheritance, you should also grant iron scrolls to avoid death and build a mansion by imperial decree! Otherwise, it may chill the hearts of the heroes and make the world say His Majesty is mean!"

At this time, these ministers are actively emphasizing that Zhang Gui should be a great feudal seal, and should be a direct feudal marquis. They don't mean to dare to say that because Zhang Gui is a foreign relative.

the reason is simple.

If Zhang Gui is not made a marquis, how can he show the importance of the incident of defending the imperial city and killing the enemy to suppress the rebellion? How can he let the ministers who have also contributed to this incident follow him to be promoted?

If Zhang Gui was not made a Marquis, how could they be ashamed to write about their achievements?

When the interests are aligned, civil servants are still willing to carry the sedan chair.

So what about foreign relatives, foreign relatives still lift and hold them!
You must know that in history, when the interests were aligned, many civil servants were able to do such flattery behaviors as recognizing eunuchs as godfathers, calling them nine thousand years old, and even building shrines.

Now it's just a handful of Uncle Guo, no shame!

What's more, this time Uncle Guo really let everyone participate in a real counter-insurgency incident.

Although the rebels are weak, that's why the rebels are not.

"Then you can be named a Marquis! Jin was named Marquis of Suizhou, hereditary, granted an iron coupon to avoid death, and a piece of Zhuangtian! How to add awards, and other meritorious ministers, the cabinet presides over court discussions, and agrees on how to award awards, and it will be played together at that time."

Apocalypse said.

Thank you Zhang En.

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

Here, Zhu Guozuo and other civil officials immediately replied.

Tian Qi smiled faintly at this, and he suddenly felt that this should be the most harmonious scene since he ascended the throne, including the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, as well as the nobles and ministers of the foreign relatives.

Next, the ministers who participated in countering the rebellion were rewarded.

Man Gui and Sun Yingyuan also became earls.

Only Pan Ruzhen, Li Zuye, Xu Xigao, etc. were imprisoned because of wrong choices, and suffered severe execution methods. Not only did they get nothing, but they also lost everything.


"You mean, Ming Guo's uncle Zhang Gui has been promoted to Marquis, and the plan of Wang Zhichen and other Qing emperors failed?"


After Nurhachi learned the latest news about the Ming court from Li Yongfang, he showed a look of disappointment.

Huang Taiji then said: "That is to say, this Tianqi will continue to be the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and will continue to trust him Zhang Gui. The difficult situation for my Dajin is still not resolved."

Nurhachi nodded, then slapped the table with his palm, staring at the bull's eye and said: "Since this piece of Gui appeared, my Dajin has never been successful! Even my son Mang Gurtai and De Gelei are all because of him." But he died in the pass and was executed by Ming Emperor Ling Chi, if Zhang Gui is not killed, this Khan will not be able to get rid of this hatred!"

"Father, calm down!"

Huang Taiji said a word of consolation, and said: "At present, the Ming court has set up a town in the south of Liaoning, and it has gathered tens of thousands of troops, and it is using its powerful navy to harass everywhere. The constraints are huge! Therefore, in my opinion, instead of condemning Zhang Gui, it is better to think of a way first, how to make the Ming court give up setting up a town in southern Liaoning."

"It will be difficult for the Ming court to give up setting up a town in southern Liaoning! Because those who support setting up a town in southern Liaoning are Zhang Gui and Yuan Keli, uncles of the Ming Dynasty, and these two are now the most favored by Tianqi."

Bel Amin said at this time.

"Based on fighting, we should eliminate the Ming army in southern Liaoning. The key is that the governors of southern Liaoning, Sun Chuanting and Zhou Yuji, are quite good at fighting. They are more threatening than Mao Wenlong and Yuan Chonghuan. More importantly, these two people They all belong to the old people of Xichang, they are the family members of Zhang Gui, the uncle of the Ming court, and they cooperated very well, and the agents we sent were unable to provoke their relationship, but were found out by them instead."

Nurhachi said.

"What Emperor Father said is that even if the Ming court can't get rid of the Liaonan town for the time being, they can first find a way to get them to replace Sun Chuanting and Zhou Yuji!"

Huang Taiji replied.

After hearing this, Nurhachi asked, "How?"

Li Yongfang, the No. [-] traitor of the Ming Dynasty who took refuge in Houjin, said at this time: "The slave thinks that countermeasures can be used!"

"How to use the anti-interval meter?"

Huang Taiji also asked.

Li Yongfang said: "Masters, this matter is not difficult. Didn't Lord Sibeile say just now that his Sun Chuanting and Zhou Yuji are uncles of the Ming Kingdom? In Ming Kingdom, Dajin is no more enlightened than me, and Ming Kingdom has more corrupt officials. They don't tolerate this kind of ministers who rely on foreign relatives. Presumably, many civil servants in the Ming Dynasty have long been dissatisfied with these two people, and as long as we spread some news that these two people secretly negotiated with my Dajin, and even negotiated peace with my Dajin , and even agreed that I, Dajin, would take Liaoxi, and they would take Shandong, someone in the Ming Dynasty must use this to impeach Sun Chuanting and Zhou Yuji."

"Not only within the Ming Dynasty, Yuan Chonghuan and Liaoxi generals in western Liaoning actually don't want people like Sun Chuanting and Zhou Yuji in southern Liaoning to restrain them and divide their Liao pay. Therefore, as long as we spread the news, presumably these people It will also impeach Sun Chuanting and Zhou Yuji."

Li Yongfang replied.

"Will the emperor of Ming Dynasty believe it?"

Nurhachi asked.

Huang Taiji said: "Father Khan, my son-in-law thinks that Li's son-in-law's plan is very clever. No matter whether the emperor of Ming Dynasty believes it or not, everyone's words can make money. After rumors and rumors are widely spread, they will become true if they are not true. What's more, in the Ming Dynasty Many people in the Ministry are also willing that this is true, and even if the emperor does not want to believe it, he will have to doubt it, and then replace these two people, or these two people will be disheartened and ask to leave."

Nurhachi nodded: "Very well! Let's do it like this, Li Yongfang, this plan will be arranged by you."


Zhang Gui supported Yuan Keli's establishment of a town in southern Liaoning, which created a greater constraint on Jiannu, and transported a large amount of state money since the implementation of the Reform and New Deal to southern Liaoning, instead of using it to support generals in western Liaoning. He was dissatisfied with the generals in western Liaoning and the civil officials in western Liaoning.

Therefore, especially with the help of traitors such as Li Yongfang, not long after Zhang Gui was named Marquis, Liaodong Governor Yuan Chonghuan, Chief Soldier Zuo Fu, General Zu Dashou and others jointly impeached Sun Chuanting, Zhou Yuji, etc. Zoushu arrived in the capital.

For this reason, Apocalypse specially decreed to hold an afternoon court discussion on this matter in the Palace of Qinzheng.

But as soon as the court discussion started, Hanlin Antong suddenly took out a memorial and knelt in front of the emperor, saying: "Your Majesty, I impeach Sun Chuanting, the governor of southern Liaoning, and Zhou Yuji, the commander-in-chief of southern Liaoning, for conspiring to collude with Jiannu to rebel, and to make an appointment with Jiannu. Nurhachi, the slave chieftain, led the main force of the slave establishment to attack the west of Liaoning, while they took Shandong, intending to attack the capital and destroy the Ming Dynasty!"

(End of this chapter)

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