Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 120 Civilian dictatorship is even more terrifying!We can't stop killing them just becau

Chapter 120 Civilian dictatorship is even more terrifying!We can't stop killing them just because they are too many!

Zhang Gui couldn't help laughing.

Put aside the facts and talk about mistakes, so how can we talk about it?
Could it be that he wants to imitate Qin Hui and make an unwarranted mistake, forcing him to make a mistake?
Tian Qi also smiled angrily, looked at Li Biao, and asked, "What crime do you want me to punish Sun Chuanting and Zhou Yuji?"

"At least His Majesty can't favor these two people!"

"These two are close to their relatives, and their personal morality is at a disadvantage. They are treacherous people. How can they take on the important task of governor and general? Everyone in the world doubts their virtue!"

"Even if the two have not colluded with Jiannu now, they will collude with Jiannu in the future. Your Majesty must guard against it!"

"For those who lack personal morality, His Majesty bestows important tasks on the frontier defense, regardless of their virtues; but he is mean and ungrateful to the Qing rumor officials, just because An Hanlin and others believe in the words of making slaves, they ransack their homes and kill them at every turn! Your Majesty is this. unfair!"

"Be righteous for the king, since your majesty wants to use people without virtue, why can't you be more lenient to people with virtue?!"

Li Biao talked eloquently, his tongue was full of lotus flowers, but what he said meant nothing more than the same thing. People like Sun Chuanting and Zhou Yuji had already committed original sin in morality, so they were no longer gentlemen. If they don’t make mistakes now, they will make mistakes in the future. People like Tong have no original sin in morality, so even if they make mistakes now, they are still gentlemen.

Governing the country with morality is the criterion for governing the country and discussing politics for the Qingliu civil servants, and it is also a tool they use to fight against dissidents.

First of all, relatives, inner court, nobles, military officials, harem, common people and other non-civilian camps are all morally unreliable forces and have moral original sins.

In addition, individual civil servants who are close to or related to these camps are also people with original moral sin, which is equivalent to being a villain who smashes his brows and bows his waist to the powerful, and is no longer a gentleman.

Of course, if people from the non-civilian camp fawn on them, they will naturally have the reputation of courteous and virtuous corporals, upright and virtuous.

"Your Majesty, please behead Li Biao, the left servant of the Ministry of Rites!"

Zhang Gui gave Chen Zizhuang a wink, and Chen Zizhuang stood up knowingly, and directly threw a bomb at Li Biao, asking the emperor to kill Li Biao!

At such a time, Zhang Gui would naturally not end up fighting with a left servant from the Ministry of Rites in person.

He will only stand up in person when it comes to protecting the people he should protect.

As for suppressing the civil servants who don't deal with him, he doesn't have to do it himself, it is more appropriate to let the civil officials who agree with his ideas do the work, the so-called younger brother.

And this will also let the emperor know that the civil servants are indeed not monolithic, and thus give the emperor more confidence to make a judgment that truly belongs to his heart.

Li Biao and Hanlin Qingliu were very surprised. They didn't expect Chen Zizhuang to directly ask the emperor to kill Li Biao.

It seems that the friendship between civil servants and scholar-bureaucrats is not mentioned at all, and the rhythm of directly tearing faces is torn.

Tianqi suddenly felt that going to court was actually very interesting, especially now that these civil servants began to bite each other, instead of like when he came to the throne, everyone only barked at himself, the emperor.

Only at this time did Tianqi feel that he was a referee rather than a puppet.

Tian Qi therefore cooperated very well, pretending to be ignorant and asked: "Why did you say that?"

Chen Zizhuang said: "Back to Your Majesty, Sun Chuanting and Zhou Yuji, one is in the emperor's heart because he entered the military training school, and the other is in the emperor's heart because he refused to be wooed by the internal thieves because he was in charge of the front camp. It was recommended by my uncle, but it can be reused because of the holy order! Moreover, it was drafted by the cabinet and approved by the ceremonial supervisor. Now Li Butang says that these two people have personal morals and are villains. , isn’t it an insinuation that His Majesty is a fool, but a fool?”

Chen Zizhuang said: "As a subject, it is impossible not to be indignant at such words of insulting your father, so I ask your Majesty to kill such disloyal subjects!"

"Your Majesty, I don't mean that!"

Li Biao hastily denied it.

"No, that's what you mean, Li Butang. You keep saying that they rely on their relatives to be in power. Could it be that according to Li Butang's meaning, do I now have foreign relatives in politics?!"

After Chen Zizhuang asked in a loud voice, he asked Li Biao again: "Is there any?!"

Li Biao: "My minister..."

Chen Zizhuang then answered by himself: "Your Majesty, I believe that there are no foreign relatives involved in politics in this dynasty. So far, everything is based on the sacred decree! It's just that some people have ulterior motives, and they are all trying to blame the court on foreign relatives. , to settle the fact that His Majesty is a fool!"

"There are no foreign relatives interfering in politics, but there are foreign relatives who interfere in politics! At least someone is acting as the mouthpiece of foreign relatives!"

Li Biao sneered.

Chen Zizhuang did not give in and said: "Li Butang really knows how to fabricate words and sentences. I dare not say that I just want His Majesty to recite a foreign relative to interfere with the government, so I made up a foreign relative to disturb the government! But I will make it clear in front of the emperor now. "

As Chen Zizhuang spoke, he reported to Tianqi: "Your Majesty, if you dare to go to prison now, let the Fusi of Dongchang Town first check whether you have any personal interests with your relatives, and even receive benefits from your relatives, or send benefits to your relatives. If there is, I will peel the last grass without 60 taels, and if there is a bribe of one penny, I am willing to be stripped of the last grass!"

As he said that, Chen Zizhuang looked at Li Biao: "I wonder if Li Butang dares to do the same to guarantee that he has not been bribed by the Qing rumor officials in private? Let's go to jail first and let Dongchang go to search the house?"

Li Biao was so angry that his breath became short of breath, but he didn't dare to agree, as an official of the Ministry of Rites, the most noble and powerful official in the Qingliu, how could he refuse all kinds of benefits, he just pretended to be disdainful and said: "This hall is too lazy to argue with you. "

"Then please Li Butang answer clearly, is there any foreign relatives disturbing the government?!"

Chen Zizhuang replied.

Li Biao ignored.

Chen Zizhuang turned around and said: "Your Majesty, Li Butang is poor in his speech, and he has acquiesced that he is dissatisfied with His Majesty, scolding His Majesty for being ignorant and faint, and conniving at his relatives. In his own words, he has allowed his relatives to harass the government! He has become the mouthpiece of foreign relatives. Your Majesty, if you don’t kill him, your majesty’s morality will be difficult to establish, and the world will be uneasy because of this; in addition, it will be difficult for ministers and others to appeal for grievances, and they will be forced to become the mouthpiece of foreign relatives!”

"Makes sense!"

Tian Qi nodded, and secretly laughed in his heart: "After all, only Jinshi can deal with Jinshi. In a few words, he said that if he didn't kill Li Biao, he would be sorry to the people of the world, and to the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty!"

Li Biao also became flustered, and hurriedly denied: "Your Majesty, I don't, I don't mean that!"

"Your Majesty, Li Biao's disrespect to you has been clearly revealed. He clearly said that his relatives harassed the government before the emperor, but now he denies it!"

Chen Zizhuang took advantage of Li Biao's frantic denials and rushed to beat the dog in the water, making Li Biao speechless, sweating on his forehead, and had to kneel down behind him, and looked at Chen Zizhuang with resentment:
"Your Majesty, I really can't argue with him because I'm so clumsy! But I really don't mean to deceive the emperor, please be careful! What Chen Hanlin said is all cunning and sophistry, not the actions of a gentleman, and I ask your majesty to punish the minister." , and it was not done by the courtiers! Your Majesty may wish to listen to the Manchao Qing's discussion, and everyone must think so!"

"Your Majesty, please be aware!"

"Your Majesty, please be aware!"

"Your Majesty, please be aware!"


Many Qingliu civil officials did stand up at this time.

Chen Zizhuang was still fearless, and said: "Your Majesty, the treacherous minister Li Biao is obviously unable to argue with the minister. Seeing that he can't cover up the truth, he called people, and he wanted to suppress the minister with a large number of people. He ignored the fact that he was deceiving the emperor. It can be seen that His intentions are not right!"

"From the point of view of my ministers, my Daming is not so much a dictatorship of foreign relatives and eunuchs, but a dictatorship of civil officials! And it is a tyranny formed by the arbitrary and lawless majority of civil officials!"

When Chen Zizhuang said this, he glanced at Li Biao, and said in his heart: "You Li Shilang can make up a foreign relative to disturb the government, and I, Chen Zizhuang, will also come to a civil dictatorship! Everyone is from the Imperial Academy, and they talk like no one can make up words. !"

At this moment, Li Biao was so angry that his chest was pressed like a huge stone, and he couldn't breathe, he said: "Your Majesty, Chen Hanlin's words are far-fetched! How can the public opinion held by the majority of Qingliu in the Manchu Dynasty be regarded as tyranny!"

"The tyranny of the majority is also a tyranny! You can't say that it is not a tyranny just because there are too many people!"

"Is it true that most people bully the monarch?!"

"Your Majesty! Foreign relatives, harem meddling in politics, eunuch dictatorship, people's words and history books can still expose the evil, and it will serve as a mirror for future emperors; while civilian dictatorship, people's words and history books can't expose the evil, and if your majesty does not kill, it will only harm future generations. , Let my Ming Dynasty repeat the mistakes of the Song Dynasty! That is to die because of the civil dictatorship!"

After Chen Zizhuang directly denied it, he continued: "These people are bullying the emperor at the top and messing up the state affairs at the bottom. Your Majesty can't just stop killing them because of their numbers, and you can't wrong Zhongliang just because of their numbers! Now the city is full of so-called border ministers colluding with the Tartars. All the words are passed on by these people. His Majesty killing them is also to correct people's hearts and calm false rumors!"

After saying that, Chen Zizhuang bowed to the ground: "Your Majesty, please correct people's hearts and calm down nonsense!"

(End of this chapter)

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