Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 125 Teach the Emperor Apocalypse, foster a clean system, and strengthen national education!

Chapter 125 Teach the Emperor Apocalypse, foster a clean system, and strengthen national education!

After hearing this, Zhang Gui also guessed Yuan Chonghuan's motive for giving the gift.

Because he also recently learned about Sun Chuanting's appointment as the Liaodong Economic Strategy.

This made Zhang Gui quite speechless.

He had to admit that Yuan Chonghuan really didn't recognize the apocalypse, he didn't recognize his country's uncle, and he didn't recognize his own flaws. He still only thinks that his failure is because he worshiped the wrong Bodhisattva. I didn't give gifts to my uncle from this country.

The problem is, I am not the kind of relative you Yuan Chonghuan thinks.

I am a time traveler, a time traveler who knows that the country will be destroyed and the family will be destroyed soon.

Everything I have done from the beginning to the end is to save the country and survive, rather than really doing anything wrong for personal gain.

"Don't put the gift in the warehouse yet."

After speaking, Zhang Gui took Yuan Chonghuan's post and gift list to Xiyuan, and reported the matter to Tianqi.

After Tianqi heard Zhang Gui's report, he threw the post on the ground: "Is my relatives and my relatives so bad in Yuan Chonghuan's eyes?!"

"Your Majesty calm down, this is also human nature. These days, the world is like this. Everyone thinks that everyone is greedy for profit."

Zhang Gui replied.

"I don't like this routine!"

Tian Qi replied, and said again: "If it wasn't for the fact that I can't find a suitable person for the governor of Liaodong, I really want to let him go!"

"Since that's the case, Your Majesty might as well give him a letter in person first, and admonish him once."

Zhang Gui replied.

"You're right. It's fine for him to be in contact with Jiannu secretly. He tried to get rid of Sun Chuanting, and he didn't mention in the letter that he wanted to form a party with Mr. Zhang, but now he has made friends with foreign relatives privately! I will give him another hand. If he still If you are stubborn, don’t blame me for being rude!”

Apocalypse nodded and said.

"At present, the world is so depraved that it needs to be corrected a little bit. First of all, it is the practice of bribery. Now it seems that harsh punishments and strict laws are not enough. After all, it is impossible for people in Dongchang to stare at them everywhere, and these people are secretive. It is better to block than to sparse, and it is essentially related to the fact that the courtiers’ salaries are not enough to support their good life. Now it seems that if we want to make the officials clean and clear, we should not do heresy, and perhaps we should implement the system of maintaining integrity.”

Zhang Gui said at this time.

Tian Qi nodded and asked, "How to raise Lian?"

"The imperial court can formulate a system of performance appraisal and rewards in addition to salaries. Officials who pass the examination should be given generous rewards in addition to making it easier for them to be promoted;"

"In addition, such high-ranking officials as cabinet ministers, ministers, governors, and governors should all be supported by the imperial court, and these staff should be replaced by subordinate officials appointed by the imperial court. Control, and also reduce the increase in private expenses of these high-ranking officials who need to hire more staff due to their heavy business affairs."

Zhang Gui replied.

After hearing this, Tianqi said: "This will undoubtedly increase the imperial court's expenditure by a large amount."

"Your Majesty, there is no way around this. If Da Ming wants to change the bad governance that has accumulated over the years, more people need to participate."

"If you don't mobilize it with money first, but advocate it with the way of a sage, it may be difficult to succeed. We can only use this method first, at least to make people who are not willing to be greedy more willing to choose not to be greedy."

Zhang Gui replied.

Tian Qi nodded and said: "Fortunately, there is still a lot of surplus in the national treasury, so we can still do this. It's just that the number of soldiers and craftsmen supported by the imperial court is increasing. Sooner or later, the state will fall into the state of insufficient funds again."

"By that time, the imperial court has opened up more financial resources, and this phenomenon will be avoided."

Zhang Gui replied.

Therefore, Tian Qi said: "Then you will bring it up in the Planning Department and let Yuan Keli and the others formulate it."

"The minister obeys the order."

Then, Tian Qi smiled at Zhang Gui: "Fortunately this time, because you laid out plans on Jian Nu in advance and kept an eye on their meticulous work, Jian Nu's anti-insidious plan did not succeed."

"Your Majesty speaks seriously."

Tian Qi said: "You don't have to be cautious, I really praise you in my heart."

Then, Tian Qi lowered his face and said: "But I thought that Li Yongfang had already been so vicious in his intentions, scouting information for Jiannu, and even plotting to separate me from the emperor and ministers of the Ming Dynasty, and ruining my side affairs, and he spared no effort to do it. The presence of my son-in-law really makes me feel more and more hateful about this person!"

"Why on earth would he work so hard for Jiannu? Even if he is dissatisfied with me and the court, it shouldn't be like this!"

"I think it is due to insufficient national awareness and too much ambition for fame."

Zhang Gui replied.

"What's the meaning of this statement?"

Apocalypse asked.

Zhang Guidao: "Returning to Your Majesty, there are not a few people who do not hesitate to accept aliens as their masters in order to be able to be the founding minister and maintain wealth forever!"

"It's like Xining in the orthodox years."

"People like Li Yongfang are not a special case."

"In my opinion, it all lies in the current orthodox learning, which is more than enough for the teaching of loyalty and filial piety, but not enough for the education of the nation."

"Everyone knows loyalty to the emperor and filial piety, but filial piety can be clearly defined here. It is nothing more than filial piety to parents, but what about loyalty to the emperor?"

"The key is who is recognized as the king? Li Yongfang and others are seeking wealth and honor, and they do not hesitate to let the slave chieftain be the king, so this situation occurs!"

"However, if national education is strengthened so that everyone knows that only the king of their own clan can be recognized as the king, then even if they are dissatisfied with the court and His Majesty, they will definitely not abandon the king and the country."

"Even if there is a person like Li Yongfang, if he still recognizes a barbarian as the king for his own wealth, then the people of the world can conclude that Li Yongfang is not a real loyal king, because his loyal king is not the king of his own nation at all! More people deny him morally!"

"But now, people in the world don't have this kind of national consciousness. Therefore, if Li Yongfang says that he has recognized the slave chieftain as the king, and he is loyal to the slave chieftain Nurhachi, it will not violate the loyalty, and the people in the world may not think it is wrong. There may even be I sympathize with Li Yongfang, and feel that the imperial court is sorry for him first!"


After pondering for a while, Tian Qi stood up suddenly, looked at Zhang Gui, and asked with a serious face: "According to what you mean, if you don't pay attention, there will be many people like Li Yongfang?"

Zhang Gui nodded: "Especially when the country is in decline. Your Majesty, when the two Song Dynasties perished, there were not many people who invested gold and yuan, especially the Han people who destroyed the Southern Song Dynasty."

"It can be seen that those who only have the idea of ​​loyalty to the king and the consciousness of the nation will easily feel that their loyalty to the king of a foreign race is also loyal to the king, and they are also following the righteous way."

"In that case, is it true that every Han Chinese can choose a monarch for their own interests, and then betray their own nation?"

"This is really a terrible thing, and it needs to be brought to the attention of the planning department."

Tianqi said.

Zhang Guidao: "Your Majesty is wise! If you have the consciousness of a nation, you will have the consciousness of your compatriots. This will also make the people of your own clan less infighting and more sincere and united. .Then the country will be stronger!"

Fortunately, Tian Qi was not an emperor of a different race, so he agreed with Zhang Gui's words, and said: "That is to say, Li Yongfang not only betrayed the emperor, but also betrayed the nation! Therefore, he has committed the crime of traitor!"

"Your Majesty Shengming."

"Then, according to this, Qin Liangyu is not from my Han family, but he is loyal to the imperial court. How do you think about it? Is it possible that we should be wary of them?"

Apocalypse draws inferences from one instance.

Zhang Guidao: "Your Majesty, nation is a cultural concept. It is not based on blood lineage to judge the similarities and differences. Those who accept our Chinese culture are considered to be of the same family. Those who, like Li Yongfang's generation, shaved their hair and changed their clothes easily and abandoned Han culture, are Han people. However, they are not Han Chinese."

Tian Qi nodded after hearing this: "That's right! Now it seems that Li Yongfang is really hateful. If he can be captured alive one day, he must be severely punished!"


Li Yongfang didn't know that under Zhang Gui's influence, the Emperor of Heaven already regarded him as the most hated person.

And he just now learned that his countermeasure against Sun Chuanting and Zhou Yuji failed.

"Apocalypse really didn't do anything to Sun Chuanting and Zhou Yuji because of this, but killed the gossip officer who impeached them?"

Li Yongfang even asked Li Soltai who brought back the news in disbelief.

Li Shuitai is his son, and after Li Yongfang asked, he continued to reply: "Yes! Father! The latest news came from Liaodong. Not only did Tianqi not deal with Sun Chuanting and Zhou Yuji, but now he let Sun Chuanting do Liaodong. Straightforward!"

(End of this chapter)

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