Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 127 Capture Li Yongfang Alive!Nurhachi: It's too much to humiliate my own Khan!

Chapter 127 Capture Li Yongfang Alive!Nurhachi: It's too much to humiliate my own Khan!

When meeting Nurhachi and Li Yongfang in Xudu, outside the back door of the Li Mansion, Liu Zongmin, dressed as a businessman, learned three bird calls after seeing no one around, and then looked at the back door.

Not long after, a beautiful girl's head poked out from the back door of Li's residence.

"Don't be nervous! Just do as before."

Liu Zongmin nodded.


The little girl nodded.

Liu Zongmin then asked: "Why are there so many soldiers outside?"

"I heard that the Khan who built slaves came to the mansion."

Xiao'e replied.


Liu Zongmin secretly sighed that something was wrong, but he still tried to remain calm and asked Xiao'e, "Are you afraid?"

Xiao'e shook her head and said resolutely: "Don't be afraid! They killed my parents, I am willing to kill him for you, even if I have to die because of it!"

As she said that, Xiao'e smiled and said, "This way I can see my parents sooner."

"You are poor too."

As Liu Zongmin spoke, he took out the small steel cylinder first, opened the gold valve on the small steel cylinder, threw it in the direction of the air outlet, and said to Xiao'e: "I will demonstrate it again, as I did just now. Open it and throw it out, you know?"

Xiao'e nodded: "I've already remembered it!"

"Then I still have to demonstrate it again, lest you forget it in a hurry!"

Then, Liu Zongmin took out a transparent glass mask from the bag, and said to Xiao'e: "Come here, I'll put this on for you, and then you take the bottles I gave you, open them and throw them in the front yard." Go inside, don't worry about their guards taking you down, as soon as the gas in the bottle comes out, they will lose their mobility within a short time."

"I remember!"

Xiao'e agreed.

Liu Zongmin put the glass mask on Xiao'e's head, and after hearing the sweet scent of acacia coming from Xiao'e's body, he instructed: "If the glass mask is taken away, first cover your mouth and nose, In a place with water, wet your clothes and cover your mouth and nose."


Xiao'e agreed, and then went back to the mansion.

And Liu Zongmin also put on a glazed mask and ran directly to the front yard, and threw a steel cylinder over while a guard guarding the front yard was not paying attention.

A personal guard saw that the steel cylinder thrown in front of him was emitting yellow-green gas, he felt strange, picked it up, and said to his companion: "The mouth of this bottle is golden, it must be painted with gold powder, this bottle is undoubtedly a treasure, is it Who dropped it here suddenly?! What is the green gas?"

Immediately afterwards, the guard coughed violently, and he suddenly realized that the yellow-green gas was very pungent.

Not long after, the guard felt his eyes were extremely uncomfortable and his skin was burning. Then, he fell to the ground and howled.

His companion heard that the baby was looking over, and was also irritated by the gas. One after another, they grabbed their chests and supported the wall and coughed. Unclear people are coming here, and they are still throwing something, which makes the yellow-green gas here more and more, as if the whole world is dyed yellow-green.

Xiao'e took a shortcut here and came to the front yard, opened the valve of the steel cylinder given by Liu Zongmin and threw one in the front yard.

"There are assassins!"

Seeing him, Nurhachi's personal guard yelled in a hurry, drew his knife, and ran towards Xiao'e. He felt as if his lungs were going to explode, and coughed violently.

Seeing this, Xiao'e hurriedly opened more steel cylinders and threw them into the front yard. For a while, the yellow-green gas became thicker and thicker in the relatively closed front yard. The people brought by Nurhachi and the people around Li Yongfang were all in the yard. Li coughed and screamed.


The words are divided into two parts.

Before Liu Zongmin met Xiao'e, Xu Du had just met Nurhachi and Li Yongfang, and after giving the gift, Li Yongfang looked at Li Sutai and said, "What is the box you are holding?"

Li Sutai replied, "It's a gift from Xu Qianhu to his father."


Nurhachi asked first.

Xu Du pretended to be indifferent and said: "That's right! This is an industrial product produced by the Xishan Industrial Division of the Chinese Army's Governor's Mansion in the Ming Dynasty. It is called Immortal Qi. It can invigorate people when they smell it, and it can help boost the morale of soldiers when they fight. "

Nurhachi felt strange after hearing this: "Is there anything that can boost morale?"

Xu Du nodded: "Just like smelling a woman's body fragrance, my heart is surging. Their industrial division also got inspiration from this and developed this fragrance."

"Department of Industry, you even came up with spices to boost morale. This Xishan is really amazing. Your emperor and the students from the Armed Forces School were able to beat my three Baylor banner soldiers in Xishan last time. Could it be because of these miracles?" Skillful?"

Nurhachi asked.

Xu Du replied: "Of course it is related."

After hearing this, Nurhachi hurriedly said: "Open the gift!"


Li Soltai hurriedly opened the gift box.

Then, Nurhachi and Li Yongfang saw a delicate steel cylinder lying in a brocade box.

Li Yongfang quickly picked it up and handed it to Nurhachi.

Nurha Chidao: "It's a waste of money to use this fine steel to make bottles."

As he spoke, Nurhachi asked, "Where is the fragrance?"

Xu Du cupped his hands and said: "Please give it to me, let me demonstrate for Da Khan."

Nurhachi was also not worried that Xu Du could use the cylinder to deal with him in front of him, so he handed the cylinder to Xu Du.

Xu Du knocked on the valve directly.

When a gust of yellow-green gas rushed out, Xu Du immediately pointed the cylinder at Nurhachi.

Nurhachi coughed violently.

When Li Yongfang and Li Sutai were still in a daze, Xu Du hurriedly covered his mouth and nose, and pointed the mouth of the cylinder at Li Yongfang, Li Sutai and other people in the room.

These people all coughed, and Nurhachi was panting even more.

Xu Du hastily poured tea on his sleeves, and then covered his mouth and nose with his wet sleeves. At this time, a personal guard from outside also rushed in upon seeing this, but he was also choked upon entering.

Xu Du took advantage of this to snatch the sword from one of his personal guards, and was ready to kill Nurhachi and Li Yongfang at any time.

But at this time, there was movement outside, and this movement was caused by Xiao'e.

Therefore, Xu Du simply killed the other guards and Li Sutai with a knife, and ran out to open the gate.

As soon as the door was opened, Liu Zongmin threw a glazed mask to Xu Du, while he rushed in with other anti-rape team members and killed the other guards in the courtyard.

Xu Du then followed, brought Liu Zongmin to Li Yongfang and Nurhachi, pointed to a fat old man who was still screaming, and said, "This person is Li Yongfang."

Therefore, Liu Zongmin hurriedly ordered someone to carry Li Yongfang away.

Then, Xu Du pointed to a thin black old man and said, "He is Nurhachi, take him away too!"

Nurhachi's physical function has declined this year, and he is much thinner than before. According to the original historical development, he will die suddenly after conquering Mongolia in the second half of the sixth year of Tianqi. Therefore, his current body is not as good as Li Yongfang.

Now Nurhachi only felt severe pain like a tear in his chest, difficulty in breathing, and fatigue all over, so he could only let these people take them away.


Soon, Nurhachi and Li Yongfang were helped to the city, and rushed to the outside of Shenyang.

The city gate they came to has been taken down by other members of the anti-rape team, and poison gas was also used.

After Zhang Gui established the Industrial Division in Xishan, he asked Song Yingxing and others to actually research and prepare the "three acids and two alkalis" that symbolize the foundation of the chemical industry. Hydrochloric acid, which should have appeared eight years later in history, also appeared in the Under his influence, it appeared in advance, and thus poisonous gas such as chlorine can be prepared in Xishan through the natural mineral pyrolusite.

Originally, the preparation of chlorine gas from pyrolusite and hydrochloric acid did not appear until the eighteenth century, but now Zhang Gui made him appear in Xishan in advance.

After Zhang Gui asked the Xishan Industrial Division to prepare chlorine gas, the first thing he thought of was to use it against the enemy, so as to shorten the difficulty of dealing with the enemy.

This time, the Xichang anti-rape team also used the chlorine gas prepared by the Industrial Division to capture Li Yongfang alive.

As for the glass mirror mask, it is a gas mask developed by Nishiyama Industrial Division, which contains charcoal particles boiled with soda ash.

Of course, these things are very expensive to manufacture, and the cost of chlorine gas preparation alone is not comparable to the electrolysis process of later generations.

Even the liner and mouth of the chlorine bottle are coated with a layer of gold.

Therefore, at present, it can only be used when Xichang takes special operations, and it cannot be used for large-scale military operations.

Less gossip.

After Xu Du and Liu Zongmin escorted Nurhachi and Li Yongfang out of the city, they immediately drove to southern Liaoning in a new-style carriage with rolling bearings.

The members of their anti-rape team had already contacted Zhou Yuji in advance to send cavalry to meet them.

But now, what they need to ensure is that Li Yongfang and Nurhachi will not die directly from inhaling too much chlorine gas.

Because it is too cheap for these two people to die directly.

After all, both of them owed blood debts to the Han people in Liao.

"Xu Qianhu, will you give them breath, or should I go first?"

Liu Zongmin asked embarrassingly.

"Uncle Guo said that this is the only way to save them, there is no other way, so, one for each! Follow up in turn!"


Xu Du had already slapped Nurhachi's mouth without hesitation.

Nurhachi's eyes widened: "It's too much to humiliate my own Khan!"

(End of this chapter)

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