Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 133 After using newspapers to expose the scandal of officials and gentry, the ruling and opp

Chapter 133 After using newspapers to expose the scandal of officials and gentry, the ruling and opposition parties were shaken!
Wei Zhongxian wasn't necessarily shocked, he thought to himself: "The "Hanlin Daily" mentioned my godson Sun Yunhe?"

Zhang Gui said at this time: "Your Majesty, I also read this newspaper."

"Moreover, what I'm about to report to His Majesty is that what he reported in this newspaper is not rigorous!"

"When this newspaper mentioned something, it only said that the factory guard did it, but did not specify whether it was the East Factory or the West Factory. Wouldn't this mislead the East Factory and the West Factory to do things that harmed the people?"

"I don't know about Wei Gonggong's East Factory, but I will never do anything that harms the people in the West Factory. Even if the people under the West Factory did it, I will have already solved it and kicked them out of the West Factory!"

"Therefore, this newspaper's report undoubtedly intends to frame our Xichang, please learn from your Majesty!"

"Decree to the Hanlin Academy that the "Hanlin Daily" they run must indicate whether the offender's factory guards are from the East Factory or the West Factory! Otherwise, they will not be able to do it again! In addition, let them reprint this issue and take back the original newspaper. "

Apocalypse therefore proclaimed.

Then, Tianqi pointed to the "Hanlin Daily" in front of him and said: "Now this one, you can identify for yourself. Among the factory guards mentioned above, which ones are from your west factory and which ones are from your east factory."


Zhang Gui and Wei Zhongxian agreed and looked carefully.

Soon, Wei Zhongxian discovered that it was full of people from his own East Factory.

Wei Zhongxian was furious because of this: "What does the Imperial Academy want to do?! Our Dongchang didn't invite them to mess with them!"

At this time, Tian Qi also looked at Wei Zhongxian and said, "Wei Zhongxian, it's time for you to rectify the East Factory!"

"What the emperor said is that the servants will be strictly rectified."

Wei Zhongxian agreed.

And next, because this matter has been heard by the heavens, Wei Zhongxian still had to dismiss Sun Yunhe and other Dongchang officials mentioned in the "Hanlin Daily" as an explanation to Tianqi.

However, at this point, Wei Zhongxian also deeply hated the "Hanlin Daily" and the civil servants behind it.

"This incident had nothing to do with us in Dongchang. It was because the civil officials from the foreign court were jealous of their talents and were unwilling to recognize the achievements of Xichang. However, the "Daming Daily" who saw Xichang reported a lot about the capture of Nurhachi and Li Yongfang in Xichang. After the deeds, the "Hanlin Daily" deliberately published such a "Hanlin Daily" to discredit the West Factory, but because they couldn't find any dirty stories about the West Factory, so they reported on our East Factory's dirty stories, and only reported these In the name of factory guards, Shian intentionally misled the people of the world, making them think that no matter whether it's east or west, they are not good people."

After Xu Xianchun reported the reason for this incident to Wei Zhongxian, Wei Zhongxian put a cup of tea in his hand heavily on the table and said:

"To smear the West Factory is to smear the West Factory, but you still want to ruin my East Factory! Do you really think that I, the East Factory, are easy to bully?!"

As Xu Xianchun said that, he took out a copy of "Daming Daily" and handed it to Wei Zhongxian: "Godfather, don't be angry, although our Dongchang was the one who suffered this time, the West Factory didn't intend to let the people who run the "Hanlin Daily" go. , look at this "Daming Daily", which was published today, and it is full of scandals of civil servants and scholar-bureaucrats, even the Hanlin scandal that the head of the Imperial Academy, Yang Xueshi, insulted Feng Quan with Zhou Yanru and Miao Changqi at the Imperial Academy in the past. Come out, and it was written by Hanlin official Wen Zhenmeng himself!"

Wei Zhongxian read it quickly, and couldn't help but be overjoyed: "Okay! Okay! This time, let them clean up the face of these Qingliu civil servants, and our family will present the newspaper to His Majesty!"

After speaking, Wei Zhongxian asked Xu Xianchun again: "Is there a lot of "Da Ming Daily" in the market?"

"There are so many, they are distributed everywhere, and almost everyone has a copy."

Xu Xianchun replied.

Wei Zhongxian said: "We, Dongchang, have to help with this matter! You pass on my words, and send all the scandals about Qingliu civil servants that Dongchang has found and archived to the people who run the "Daming Daily"! In addition, let The Supervisor of Rituals is helping to print "Daming Daily", the more you print, the better, the money is paid by our family!"



"This, this, this... This is simply hateful, very hateful, extremely hateful!"

After Yang Jingchen saw that the latest issue of "Da Ming Daily" published a large number of ugly things about their scholar-officials, he was so angry that he couldn't speak clearly on the spot, and he felt extremely tight in his chest.

Gong Dinghe hurriedly said: "Let them take back this newspaper at a high price! It's important to take it back quickly!"

Liu Dong replied: "My lord, let me tell you! I can't take it back now. They have printed and distributed too much. Now people are buying this newspaper every ten steps all over the capital, and many of them have already shipped to the south. We can't accept it at all." Come, because the small ones have already raised money first, and they can’t get it. And the price is twice as low as our "Hanlin Daily". Our "Hanlin Daily" can’t beat them in terms of printing volume and price.”

"What?! Could it be that the scandal about me in Hanlin mentioned above is really going to spread all over the world?!"

Yang Jingchen passed out after speaking.

"Duke Yang!"

Gong Dinghe hurriedly supported Yang Jingchen, and strangled him awake.

Yang Jingchen still cared about this matter after waking up, and said: "Masters, think of a way, this matter is related to our Qingliu's reputation! We must not let it continue to spread!"

"You're right, it's about our reputation as a clean stream. We can't let these scholarly scandals continue to be spread by the "Da Ming Daily". For the current plan, we only have Fu Que to see His Majesty! I beg Your Majesty to order all government offices to stop publishing newspapers. And take back the things that have been sent, and return the world to innocence!"

Gong Dinghe replied.

"Your Majesty won't agree. Why don't you just ask Uncle Zhang Guo directly? Chen Zizhuang proposed to publish a newspaper in the past to open the way. He must have been instigated behind the scenes. It is precisely because of this that I am waiting for the "Da Ming" written by him today. The Daily has slandered and smeared so much."

Yang Jingchen replied at this time.

"Begging for mercy from my relatives! This loses my character as a civil servant!"

Gong Dinghe objected to this.

"That's right! How can we beg for mercy from a relative from a humble background!"

"It has always been the only reason for our relatives to bow to us."


The other Qingliu civil officials said the same.

"Strength of character and reputation of scholars, which is more important, my lords!"

Yang Jingchen sighed.

"Never mind!"

Gong Dinghe sighed and had no choice but to compromise, and he and Yang Jingchen and other civil officials really came to the Marquis of Suizhou.

It didn't take long for Zhang Gui to know that many Qingliu civil officials came to him.

Zhang Gui, who was discussing with Chen Zizhuang, Wen Zhenmeng and several civil servants who supported the reform, the direction of "Da Ming Daily" in the future, just smiled and said, "They are begging for mercy."

Wen Zhenmeng therefore said: "The following officials guess that they must have asked Uncle Guo to agree to play His Majesty together, stop running the official newspaper, and take back the newspapers that were sent out before."

Chen Zizhuang also nodded: "When the content of the official newspaper spreads in a direction that is unfavorable to them, they will do everything possible to prevent the continued publication of the official newspaper and prevent the emergence of public opinion that is unfavorable to them! Public opinion can only be used by him to threaten court, but cannot be used to threaten them."

"It's hard to turn back when you start a bow. Once this war on public opinion starts, it's up to them when it ends."

Zhang Gui replied.

"What does Uncle Guo mean by this?"

Wen Zhenmeng asked.

Zhang Gui smiled and said: "The printing volume of "Daming Daily" far exceeds that of "Hanlin Daily", and it can even meet the daily needs of most people in the capital. The reason why we can read "Daming Daily" is because we employ tens of thousands of people to participate. In this matter, most of the people here finally have a stable job, how can some people's reputation be preserved, and let them live a life of hunger and cold again?"

"Of course it's impossible!"

Chen Zizhuang replied without hesitation.

Zhang Gui picked up the tea, took a sip and said, "That's why Ben Hou said that it's up to them when this matter ends, and even said that it can't end anymore. Once the newspaper appears, he can't just because some people want to stop him from appearing. He won't show up! The tide is unstoppable!"

Chen Zizhuang nodded: "Let's not talk about them, even if His Majesty orders not to publish official newspapers, I will not agree! After all, it is the livelihood of tens of thousands of people. If newspapers are published in the two capitals and thirteen provinces of Ming Dynasty, it will not only solve the problem of The livelihood of thousands of people!"

"Lord Hou, the Secretary of the General Administration, Gong Tongzheng, and the Imperial Academy Yang Zhangyuan, and many other high-level civil servants are clamoring to see you outside."

At this time, a family member came in and reported to Zhang Gui.

Zhang Gui got up and said to Chen Zizhuang, Wen Zhenmeng and others: "Go, let's go meet them."

(End of this chapter)

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