Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 149 Don't want to die again?Then I will help you hit the wall!Hit me!

Chapter 149 Don't want to die again?Then I will help you hit the wall!Hit me!
Everyone didn't expect that Gui Yingzhuo would be so persistent that he would not hesitate to stop the emperor's southern tour with death remonstrance.

However, Gui Yingzhuo's behavior also moved many ministers who opposed Tianqi's southern tour. They all felt that Gui Yingzhuo's uprightness could be called the reincarnation of Haigangfeng, not that people like himself could compare.

These people also hope to rely on Gui Yingzhuo's actions to stop Tianqi's southern tour.

After all, everyone knows that the emperor is still affectionate.

In fact, Gui Yingzhuo had no choice but to remonstrate.

Because his Gui family in Yongcheng relied on the trust of Wu Xing, the county magistrate, to annex many fields, and now he is the largest landlord in Yongcheng.

And if Wu Xing is found out to be tricky, then his Gui family will also be unlucky.

As a result, his father, Gui Guangzu, had sent a letter telling him to speak up for Wu Xing, and to keep Wu Xing was to keep his Gui family.

Therefore, even if Gui Yingzhuo has no personal relationship with Wu Xing, he now has no hesitation in coming out to stop Tianqi's southern tour by means of deadly remonstrance.

After all, what is involved behind this is the interests of his entire Gui clan!

Sun Chengzong was also very touched at this time: "Your Majesty! There are still many ministers in Ming Dynasty! It can be seen that there is hope for the rejuvenation of the country! In the future, if Your Majesty takes Wu Xing as his assistant minister, then he, Gui Yingzhuo, will be in charge of the Metropolitan Procuratorate! But now the key Yes, we must stop him from remonstrating!"

"Ge Lao doesn't need to persuade Gui!"

Seeing that Sun Chengzong wanted to persuade him, Gui Yingzhuo hurriedly stopped drinking, then looked at Tianqi, and said, "Today I would rather die for Sheji admonishing your father, than Gui will never live in an ignoble way!"

"As Elder Sun Ge said, Duke Gui is really an admonishing minister! It has been a long time since there has been such an admonishing minister in this dynasty!"

Zhu Guozuo also sighed at this time.

Only, Zhang Gui said at this time: "If you really bump into it, you will be an admonishing minister. What if you pretend to be a straight name and actually have the truth of deceiving the emperor?"

"Uncle Guo, you are always full of malice towards my scholar-officials!"

Sun Chengzong couldn't help but say something, and said: "Your Majesty, I dare to ask Your Majesty to retain talents for the country today!"

Zhang Gui said: "Your Majesty, his value is to be the most admonishing minister in the ages, and how can Your Majesty, as a benevolent monarch, not fulfill him."

Tian Qi didn't speak, but kept looking at Gui Yingzhuo.

Gui Yingzhuo continued to shout: "Your Majesty! I really want to die, unless your Majesty can take back the intention of the southern tour!"

Apocalypse did not answer.

Gui Yingzhuo simply walked quickly towards the golden pillars in the palace, but stopped after walking a few steps, and looked back at Tianqi and the courtiers: "Your Majesty! I am really admonishing you!"

But at this time, Sun Chengzong became more and more anxious, and hurriedly bowed to Tianqi on the ground: "Your Majesty! Please leave talents for the country!"

Zhu Guozuo also burst into tears with excitement: "Yes! Your Majesty, he is going to die! Your Majesty, you are the wise master. You can't ruin your benevolent name just because you granted his real name! Your Majesty!"

Tian Qi was still silent and did not speak.

Seeing this, Gui Yingzhuo gritted his teeth and said: "Since Your Majesty refuses to accept the advice, then I will have to hit the pillar and die, bleeding on this hall!"

With that said, Gui Yingzhuo ran towards Liang Zhu.

Seeing this, all the ministers turned pale with fright.

Sun Chengzong was even more distressed, and shouted: "Your Majesty! Please order Jin Yiwei to stop him!"

Even Yuan Keli stood up quite out of composure, and shouted: "Gui Yingzhuo, where will you put the king if you do this?!"

Gui Yingzhuo stopped, and looked back at the courtier again: "You don't need to persuade XX!"

"We didn't persuade you!"

Zhang Gui replied with a smile at this moment.

Gui Yingzhuo took a look at Zhang Gui: "Uncle Zhang Guo! You are so crazy! I want you to see what makes me a scholar-bureaucrat today!"

After Gui Yingzhuo finished speaking, he continued to run towards Liangzhu.

Many courtiers were terrified because of this, and even began to blame Tianqi even more in their hearts.

"Your Majesty is really stupid. I would rather watch such admonishing officials crash to death than accept advice!"

"That's right, there is no such thing as a stream of advice from ancient sages!"

"Tyrant! What a tyrant! I'd rather watch my ministers crash to death than benevolent government!"

Because of this, some courtiers who were even more dissatisfied with Tianqi were scolding Tianqi in their hearts, but they also looked at Gui Yingzhuo who was about to die.

As a result, seeing that Gui Yingzhuo was about to hit the beam, everyone's hearts tightened, but Gui Yingzhuo stopped again, turned around and knelt down to Tianqi, crying, "Your Majesty, please accept my advice!"

Zhang Gui asked, "Why didn't you bump into it?"

"Yeah! Why didn't you hit it?"

"Don't you want to remonstrate to death?!"

Other ministers also talked about it.

Some ministers even suddenly gave birth to a hint of disappointment because of this.

At this moment, Tian Qi showed contempt in his eyes, and asked Sun Chengzong: "Sir, why didn't he bump into it?"

Sun Chengzong himself was also very confused.

He was in tears because of this just now, but in the end, he didn't expect that Gui Yingzhuo didn't hit him.

"How could Gui be wronged by your father! If your majesty refuses to accept the advice, there is nothing you can do about it."

Gui Yingzhuo said something at this time.

In fact, he was still unwilling to end his life at the last moment, but what he said on the surface should be more dignified.

But Zhang Gui felt even more disgusted when he heard it.

He had to admit that these civil servants were really shameless. They were obviously afraid of death, but they beat them up, saying that they were for the sake of the emperor.

Therefore, Zhang Gui couldn't help but said at this time: "Your Majesty's southern tour is not a foolish move, but a decision made after all the ministers discussed and listened to the opinions of all parties."

"Gui Yingzhuo still stubbornly wants to stop His Majesty's southern tour, intending to forcibly believe that His Majesty's southern tour is a matter of foolishness, even at the risk of death! Now he refuses to die because he does not want to injure the king's father. Didn't you think that His Majesty's southern tour is just an act of a wise king!"

"It can be seen that this person only knows how to pretend to be a loyal minister who loves his father, but he still wants to know whether His Majesty Nanxun is a stupid king, or he wants to make His Majesty bear the name of a stupid king for no reason! It's his heart!"

After speaking, Zhang Gui said to Tian Qi: "Your Majesty, this kind of traitor who tries to play with the emperor must be severely punished!"

Tian Qi also felt disgusted.

After hearing what Zhang Gui said, Tian Qi also said: "Zhang Qing is right, since you think that the southern tour is wrong, and you threatened to die for it, then really go to die, so that you can be decent! Needless to say It's to frame me unrighteously, your own remonstrance has nothing to do with me!"

Gui Yingzhuo didn't expect Tianqi to take the initiative to ask him to die.

For a while, Gui Yingzhuo stood there, not knowing what to do.

"Since you don't want to give yourself a decent remonstrance, then I will help you to give a decent remonstrance!"

Then, Tianqi ordered again: "Come here, drag Gui Yingzhuo, the Shaoqing of Taichang Temple, out of the hall, go to the Qianbu Corridor, find a pillar, and bump him to death, so that he can complete the task of hitting the pillar and admonishing him to death." Promise! My courtiers of Ming Dynasty must keep their promises, and since they want to remonstrate to death, they must really remonstrate to death!"

Gui Yingzhuo was taken aback in his stomach, but after hearing what Tianqi said, and seeing that Jin Yiwei had already walked up to the hall and began to drag him out, he couldn't help but shouted, regretfully saying:
"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! I'm afraid of pain, I'm afraid of pain! I don't want to die! Your Majesty is a wise king. It's because I'm unconscious that I want to die! I really don't want to die! Your Majesty!"

"My lords, save me!"

Not long after, Gui Yingzhuo was dragged by Jin Yiwei and forcibly bumped into a pillar, his head burst and he died.

And in the main hall, the courtiers didn't know what to say after witnessing the scene where Gui Yingzhuo yelled that he didn't want to die.

Sun Chengzong was also very surprised.

At this time, Tian Qi asked Sun Chengzong in his spare time: "Sir, what do you think of Gui Yingzhuo's sudden refusal to die?"

(End of this chapter)

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